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Wedding Consultation

Take this opportunity to talk with an experienced planner. Whether early or late in your wedding planning, a consultation can save you time, cost and hassle. Here is an opportunity to verify your own ideas, dreams and plans. We will provide you with inspiration, focus, lots of ideas, recommendations and peace of mind.

We offer a tailor made wedding planning session in the comfort of your own home. A standard consultation lasts for a minimum of 3 hours and will include�

A Tailor made consultation:

Prior to the consultation you will fill out a detailed questionaire about your plans. We do our homework for your consultation and prepare to discuss...

  • advice
  • costings
  • guidance
  • tips
  • techniques
  • trends

...and more importantly we give you the opportunity to reality check your existing plans. You will also receive...

  • Detailed Budgeting and Planning Questionaire
  • A Wedding Planning Note book


A wedding Consultation including, comprehensive preparation, travel and consultation costs �355 plus vat.

Where To Start

Step 1

Contact us and our Planner will call you to discuss your options. Fill in the form or give us a call at +353 (0)1 8085592

Step 2

Once you choose to book a consultation, you will complete our questionnaire which provides us with details of what you have in mind.

Step 3

We do our homework and prepare for the consultation.

Step 4

We meet at your home for the consultation.

Our WOL Planner

Karen Dodson is principal coordinator for Wed in Ireland for the past 6 Years. Users of the site will know her from our 'Ask the Experts' section.

Weddingsonline is thrilled that she has partnered with us to bring her vast experience of all aspects of wedding planning to our brides and grooms.

What brides are saying...

"it helped bring the fun back into planning"

"she obviously has a passion for wedding co-ordination"

"My mum and dad came with me as they had questions also and there was plenty off time for us all"

"It was perfect, I never once felt rushed"

Contact us and our Planner will call you to discuss your options.
Fill in the form or give us a call at +353 (0)1 8085592


WOL Consultation Request Form

Home Telephone:  
Work Telephone:  
Wedding Date (or nearest guess):  
Reception Venue: