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Bride's Diary

Time Well Spent.

April fool. Maybe that is exactly what I am to imagine that we would be able to get our names on a pre-marriage course this side of summer. I contacted Accord (www.dublin.accord.ie) to find out when the next course that has availability is to be run. I was told September! On top of that nugget of information, I was told that they don’t run courses during July and August. My question is why ever not? I can’t understand when the demand for these courses is so high that they get booked out 5 months in advance (and some in September are already booked out) why they are not run throughout the entire year???? It beggars belief. I contacted another pre-marriage course (www.fatherpat.com) that is run from Mount Argus and have been able to book onto the first available course in May. I tell you, there is quite a demand for these courses!!! I will post back on the outcome of this course, and after reading about the dodgy soup and sandwiches, will try and steer clear of them. In the meantime there are other things wedding related that we can do to pass the time.

Since my last diary entry, my wedding dress has been bought. I took a day off work and went back down to McElhinney’s in Athboy during the week with my mother (who had offered to buy my dress, and I gratefully accepted her kind offer) and my one and only maid of honour. We used the time spent travelling down for my maid of honour (moh) to get to know me better. Before we set off, she said “I really don’t know you that well” so the question and answer session began. It was time well spent. Before we knew where we were, Athboy was just around the corner. We parked the car and went into the store. We were the only people in the store for over an hour. I got personal attention from the two ladies who work there and believe me, it was wonderful. It adds to the feeling that you are going to get married and you do start to feel like a princess!! Corny, I know, but true.

5 gowns later, we had “the one”. It was one that I had tried on before and although I’m biased, I have to say I look pretty fine in it too!!! As I was trying it on again (just to be 100% sure) I suggested to my moh that she try on a few dresses, if only to rule out colours and styles that wouldn’t suit her. 15 minutes later she too had her dress. I can’t believe that we had managed possibly two usually time consuming tasks so quickly and without hassle and effort. I’d highly recommend McElhinney’s for their advice, service and variety of stock. Well worth the trip.

I was given the option of buying the dress that was on the rail or ordering in a fresh gown. I chose the fresh gown as the one on the rail was showing signs of normal wear and tear (around the zip at the back) and I really only want to be the one person who has worn ‘my’ dress. Some bridal retailers in Dublin said that the only reason why gowns cost less in McElhinney’s than their Dublin counterparts for the exact same dress is because they sell you the one on the rails. The outcome of my trip puts that theory well and truly to bed!

August is when my dress is due to arrive in McElhinney’s. I honestly can’t wait for another day trip to the Athboy. Another few trips down, fittings to be had and time well spent on the road to getting married.

TTFN, Lynne