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Bride's Diary

An American Bride, an Irish Groom and a Wedding in Ireland�

When I was younger� I, as any avid dreamer and young girl would do - dreamt of how my wedding day would be someday - where it would be - and to whom it would be to. I never thought about the details that actually go into planning a wedding though. I guess I wasn't as detail oriented back then as I am now. Oh, how young and na�ve I was and how I wish it were that simple now!

The only vivid childhood wedding fantasy I have is of my "Dream Groom." My other wedding memories are all pretty much vague these days. I do know I envisioned 'him' with the manners of a prince, the looks of my favorite teen idol and I imagined him to look at me as if I were the only girl in the whole wide world he would want to love for the rest of his life. Little did I know way back then - that I would find my 'Dream Groom' and he would far exceed what I had ever hoped for.

And thankfully - Mike looks nothing like any of my idols from the 1980's!

Since the engagement, friends and family have asked me if my plans now resemble anything of what I had imagined in my childhood. Other than finding the dream guy - did I dream I would wed in Ireland? No - the thought never occurred to me. My father is first generation American and maintains a very strong relationship with our family in Ireland to this day and even then - I still would have never guessed I would marry in Ireland - let alone find my own Irishman to marry!

So where did it all start? How did we meet? And how does a bride to be plan a wedding in Ireland while living in the states you ask? Well just kick back and read if you want� the fun is just beginning!

The first sighting�

I made my way from Arizona to Seattle in June of '99.

Mike moved over to the states from Dublin in July of '99 landing in Seattle too.

We were introduced for the very first time through a mutual friend at a bar in February of 2000. I at the time was still dating my ex-boyfriend - I do remember finding Mike's accent, looks and conversation endearing though. He says he thought I was attractive and friendly - but once he found out my significant other was there - I then became off limits to him. Understandably so - no sparks were made and we ended our casual acquaintance and didn't think much about it again for a few good months.

Fast forward to July 4, 2000�. I having recently split up with my ex-boyfriend - went out with my new roommate to truly celebrate both the American Independence Day and my new found freedom at a party with friends. Guess who was there? Yep - my friendly fellow Irish guy - and when I saw him - I remembered him immediately. He on the other hand, had to be reminded by a friend who I was. Then it all came back to him, and he asked - so she has a boyfriend right� and the reply was - well she HAD a boyfriend, but they split up recently. With his brow raised and a smile - Mike said his now familiar phrase - Ohhhh�. right so.

So from that point, I spent the evening talking with Mike and his sister Mair�ad. I gave him my number and we began dating a week after and the rest is - as they say - History.

The first trip to Ireland - one I will never forget!

In our dating days - we took all sorts of trips, had our share of roller coaster rides in our relationship and really grew to know and love each other. But not until our trip to Ireland in April of 2002 - did we take one of the most memorable trips of all of our lives together.

Mike, well let's just say - made quite a few more preparations for the trip than I. My preparations were stuffing all my clothes into one large bag� ok, ok� TWO large bags for a short trip and going to get my hair done. He however, had been planning things for a good month before our trip. His planning consisted of conspiring with 2 good friends of ours (Colleen and Karen - both now 2 of my bridesmaids) to find out what type of engagement ring I would want. They all thought this was going to be a difficult task - yet to their surprise I unknowingly made it quite easy for them. Looking back now - I can't imagine how I never had a clue and I laugh at how easy I made it all for them!

Then - knowing what size, cut and color - he called his jeweler Shay - John's (one of his best men) dad in Dublin to see if he could make and prepare an engagement ring to pick up when we arrived on holidays.

His last preparation before flying to Dublin - was to talk with my father before the trip and ask his permission for my hand in marriage. Say it with me now�Awwwww. So he did - and of course my dad was delighted. So Mike began to feel a little less nervous about asking me - right? You'd think, at this point - with the knowledge of what Colleen and Karen had exposed to him that he would feel pretty confident about my answer. But that didn't make an ounce of difference. He was still extremely nervous and he hid it well - I still had NO CLUE of his intentions. Now my friends in Seattle, Mike's sister Mair�ad, Shay who made the ring, my Father and practically all my family on his side knew along with Mike that he was going to ask me. I can't believe they all knew and I never caught on one bit! Good thing I said yes I suppose!

So - we fly to Dublin, arrive and rest the first day. The next morning Mike had a 'haircut' appointment at his local barber - which lasted over an hour. I remember so well sitting on the couch with his sister Maura that morning - joking about how long it was taking for Mike to get his haircut. Little did either of us know at this point that he was picking up the ring from Shay.

Mike had intentions of waiting till later that week when we drove out into the country to propose. But he says that once he had the ring - he became increasingly more nervous. Afraid that someone would find it - afraid that he would lose it and he said the very presence of it made him feel as if he couldn't think about anything else. He said it felt like it was getting heavier and heavier in his pocket by the moment.

That same afternoon on April 20, we drove out to Howth - an area outside of Dublin that hold special meaning to Mike. It's 'his place' and he's done quite a bit of soul searching and thinking about life at this spot. He had never brought anyone there before - so I felt very honored that day that he wanted to take me there. It was a wild and windy day - and we walked out by the lighthouse to experience the coastal waters and the view of his 'home' and just take it all in. I remember feeling so special and content in those moments that followed while we stood, talked and hugged while looking out at Dublin bay. We kept walking and at one point decided we needed to turn back - it was getting a little too chilly. So as we turned around� we were in a grassy patch overlooking the water and the bay and he pulls out a box and says, "I picked you up something while I was out this morning." I didn't notice the box at first and said "A-ha - that's why you took so long at the barber!" - When I saw the ring box - I still didn't have any idea. I thought it was a Claddagh ring - which he said we'd get on this trip as my birthday gift from a couple of weeks prior. So I thought it was my birthday gift - NOT a diamond ring.

He opened it and said - "Terra Morgan - will you marry me?" I looked at it, I looked at him, and with a big eyes and in shock replied� "Are you serious?!?!" He was a little surprised by my response and said - "Well YES�I did buy a ring and all�" and I just kept looking at him and the ring and then I just started hugging him and saying - 'wow I can't believe this' or something like - 'Oh My�' before I realized I hadn't said yes. So I looked at him again - said � "Oh yeah - Yes Yes YES" and continued hugging him. Everyone asks� did he get down on his knee? Well the answer is no� but to be honest, it was so muddy out there I couldn't blame him. In hindsight - he says he was so nervous that he actually forgot to get down on his knee. My knees however could barely hold up the rest of my body after he asked me - so I guess it all evens out eventually.

It was then on our walk back from 'the spot' in Howth - that I learned all about his scheming. I was still so shocked and had a hard time believing it was all happening that all of it didn't sink in till later. I to this day though - can remember all the butterflies, lack of blood flow to the brain and extreme amount of joy I felt. All of which were not new emotions to me.

But this time - it was different.

Not knowing what to do next - we decided to go to the Marine Hotel (where Mike's parents had their wedding reception by the way�) and have a pint of Guinness to celebrate.

A perfect end to a perfect beginning if you ask me!

So how does one plan a wedding in a country over 4000 miles away? I'll save some of those details and stresses for my next diary entry.

Ta Ta For Now!



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