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just condoms...

Postby MrsHappy* » Wed May 24, 2022 12:43 pm

Hey Septbride07,
I forgot to mention when I came off the pill last year, that I got a major break out in spots. It was worse than anything I ever had growing up, they did last a few months. But to be honest, they probably wouldn't be as bad if I didn't pick them, but there is no talking to me.
It took my period months to get back on track, but my timing was always a bit wonky anyway, so I can't really help you there.
It great to hear there are so many people not on it, I sorta presumed everyone was!!!

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Postby Sunshine B » Wed May 24, 2022 1:16 pm

Girls am getting married in 15 months and like a previous poster am terrified of getting pregnant as we are just not ready.

Wish condoms were the easy option but H2B is as afraid or if not more so than me.

Anyway after all hte advice I might just consider coming off it myself.



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Postby kerry10 » Wed May 24, 2022 8:45 pm

I just love this website, ye answer all the questions that I'm afraid to ask anyone else.

Thanks girls
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Postby strawberry shortcake » Thu May 25, 2022 11:00 am

like everything no contraception is 100% effective. we had a few accidents while usign a condom it can burst so easily. im on the pill now again and have to agree have no sex drive. i supposed just be careful when your around your fertile time.


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Postby KKranberry » Thu May 25, 2022 11:26 am

like everything no contraception is 100% effective. we had a few accidents while usign a condom it can burst so easily

I have to say have been using condoms very regularly for over 10 years and I've never once had a condom burst. I know it happens but I don't think its happens very easily or very often if you use them properly And if it does burst its usually because you've nicked it on something first, like nails or jewellry. Anyway, the good thing about using condoms is, that if they do burst you know, and can go get the morning after pill. With the pill you don't know it hasn't worked untill you're actually pregnant.

Postby DB » Sun May 28, 2022 9:21 am

Girls - great subject!.. I have to ask... is anyone using or ever used any form of contraception other than pill or condoms??.

I've been on and off the pill for years, decide to go off it then within 3 months I'm usually back on it, the main reason being both h2b and myself hate hate hate condoms, we both agree sex is much nicer without them (although its also because as soon as I go off it, my boobs shrink back down to absolutely nothing!!... drives me insane ) that aside though I've been thinking for ages of trying something else - any suggestions? Anyone use a diaphragm or get the injections?

Do you know if the other types also affect sex drive like the pill?

Sorry for all the questions...
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Postby number1cat » Sun May 28, 2022 11:11 pm

Condoms have been our method for nearly six years with only one or two times when we had scares but nothing more than that. Maybe it's true about fertility declining after 30 (though I think late 30s-early 40s might be true). A friend of mine used one of the injectables but she couldn't get it out of her system fast enough - it caused her to become so depressed she was suicidal but that was only her experience of it. Maybe the composition of the product didn't suit her. I used the Pill myself for about 18 months up to eight years ago but I'm glad to be gone from it now. It didn't help my weight and certainly didn't bring any increase in bust size that piling on weight wouldn't have done (36B - hardly competition for Pamela Anderson et al).
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Postby AislinnS » Mon May 29, 2022 12:09 pm

I have an implant, and I find it fantastic. No lack of sex drive, no pms, no huge weight gain like I had on the pill. Best bit is that you can't forget to take it. We don't use condoms at all - the only exception would be if I was on antibiotics or the like.

I have the best part of a year left on this one, and I'll be going again when the time comes around.

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Postby bride may » Tue May 30, 2022 10:51 am

I came of the pill over a year ago and have used condoms. No problems so far. Since we got married (4 weeks this saturday) we only used condoms during the middle of my cycle and still ok. We are less worried now if I do get pregnant but have said we would like to wait 6 months and then try. But you get the best of both worlds, no pill ..raging hormones, no condoms for 2 weeks of cycle and just have to be careful for a couple of weeks. I was worried when I first came of pill and spent a fortune every month for the first 6 months on pregnacy tests if I was a day late I was convinced but then I learned to relax and we never had a problem.

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Postby WifeZilla » Tue May 30, 2022 1:59 pm

I came off the pill last November after using it non-stop for 8 yrs. It was great being off it and made me feel "cleaner" if you know what i mean. So we used condoms and thought the boots brand would be grand..BIG MISTAKE!! Be very careful with these as the ordinary ones have a smaller girth of something like 54mm or something (if you know what i mean!) :o
So H2B thought they were quite "snug" but after breaking them for the 3rd time and having to rush out for the morning after pill, we decided for me to go back on the pill and are using durex extra sensitive aswell. Just to be safe. I really want to start a family someday, just not now! Not until we're married.
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Postby KKranberry » Tue May 30, 2022 2:12 pm

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So we used condoms and thought the boots brand would be grand..BIG MISTAKE!! Be very careful with these

Yeah, Boots own brand is the only time we've ever had any problems. Burst once, and another time I had a weird allergic reaction to them. :?
Best to stick with Durex i think . Don't trust boots brand anything, got their Soltan suncream and got totally burnt on hols last year despite lashing it on every 30mins.

Postby workingmom » Thu Jun 01, 2022 4:20 pm

I know this is not really on topic, but anyone who is likely to become pregnant, should really take folic acid, in case any lovely little "accident" happens, at least you know your baby will get the best start possible.
Contraception is a personal choice, none are 100% effective and if getting pregnant scares the bejaysus out of you, then condoms are probably one of the most unreliable forms, other people's experiences are not the best thing to guauge what is the best form for you, others may have underlying fertility issues that they don't even know about and so condoms are more than effective for them, for others the pill causes hormonal imbalances and weight gain, for others it doesn't. Why don't you speak to your GP about it, there are so many options to choose from, don't limit yourself to condoms, and remember that even the best of us can get carried away in the moment.
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Postby Mama Dora » Wed Jun 07, 2022 10:10 am

We are the same using them years,im off the pill about 4 years now.
Sometimes you freak yourself out about things its only natural.
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Postby Sparklymum » Wed Jun 07, 2022 10:53 am

I took Deprovera Injections for 2 1/2 yrs. It took me nearly a full year to have my cycle return after it. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone in their 30's because of the time delay factor after using it if you want to TTC. I then opted for the implant, also had it in 2 years. Period back 28 days later, we delayed TTC for a few months as I had to have tests done so we used condoms for a number of months, no problem. We didn't really get TTC until after Christmas but here I am 12 weeks pregnant so the implant didn't affect my fertility at all.

The other disadvantage of the injection is, you have to go to the Dr. every six months for it. Once the implant is in thats it until your getting it removed and I didn't have a problem with it being put in or taken out, quite a simple procedure.

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Postby Billyjack Bride » Wed Jun 07, 2022 5:02 pm

i think if you get pregnant when you think you don't want to then you just don't want to not be pregnant enough; some people are naturally more fertile than others. i came off the depo injection about 4 years ago (now there's a horror story) it took a year for my periods to return. we used condoms... nine montha later, my son was born, now 2 years old and the light of my life, yes didn't want to not get pregnant enough! we were never aware of a condom bursting or splitting but had a baby all the same. My son was conceived during my second 'normal' cycle! with a condom. contrary to my H2Bs belief that he has invincible soldiers, when you are destined to be pregnant you will be and all the condoms, pills etc in the world won't prevent it if that is the plan for you :D
my sister has a 'Jelly Baby' too. maybe we are more fertile than others- our doc certainly thinks so, but now i have a coil and still use condoms! you should know that condoms need to be used with a spermicidal jelly to be the 99% effective that they claim. anyway, if i was waiting for the 'right time' to have my baby i would still be waiting now and instead i'm off home to sing Balamory in the paddling pool :) !
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