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MAY 2012

Re: MAY 2012

Postby Bootleg Betty » Wed Apr 25, 2022 2:39 pm

Seems strange how all the lads have taken on the naming of the tables, must be the girls are sick of all the planning and don’t care anymore!!

This is actually the only thing H2B has taken a bit interest first he wanted to name them after planets!!! Until I asked who would be sit at uranus :o0 Had to put a stop to that one fairly quickly!

I only really have one bridesmaid (the other is my 13 year old sister) so have separate present for her.

For my bridesmaid I have paid for the usual dress, shoes, bag, jewellary etc. but I know for a fact none of these things she will want to wear again. My colour scheme is pink and it's not a colour she would wear.

Paying for us both to get shellac manicures and predicures and nice lunch the day before the wedding and have dressing gowns made up, I also have a present for her that's quite personal and took me aaages to do but it wasn't very expensive so thinking I should get her something else! She's getting married in September and I'm MOH so we both decided not to pay for eachothers hotel rooms, I don't want to pay for hers now as a suprise in case she feels like she then has to pay for mine
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Re: MAY 2012

Postby morningsun » Wed Apr 25, 2022 4:20 pm

That sound like loads BB! I would say she will really appreciate all that. Might steal the lunch idea and bring the girls out the day before the wedding if we aren’t running around too much.

I don’t think either of my BM’s will be expecting anything so am really looking forward to surprising them the night before!

What are you all getting for the flowergirls? I saw a beautiful necklace that I would love to get for OH’s niece but its €50 and he thinks it’s too much to spend. Its from a range called D for Diamond which is a kids range but each piece has a little diamond in it so that is why they are so expensive. Can’t see anything as nice and wanna get something that she will have forever even if she doesn’t appreciate it too much now. we spoil her with toys and clothes at Christmas and her birthday (which was 2 weeks ago) so don’t need to get her anything like that.
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Re: MAY 2012

Postby Bootleg Betty » Wed Apr 25, 2022 4:52 pm

I don't have any ideas for you I'm afraid, I got a bear dressed as a bride :)

The build-a-bear shop does lovely ones :)
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Re: MAY 2012

Postby ginger power » Wed Apr 25, 2022 6:41 pm

morningsun wrote:
Ginger Power wrote:A month today's date and im getting married :o)ll im nervous/stressed/freaking out and excited all rolled into one :o)ll :o)ll , finally have mass booklets ready to print, so another thing off list today, still waiting on around 30 rsvp's to arrive, some people who i know werent going,but have not bothered to reply-rudenss if ya ask me, i put stamp on them what a waste of money >:o( would it be too much to be contact people before end date on friday or will i wait?

Sorted out the number plates for car today too, and h2b wants to call tables after formula one teams, :-8 gonna let him sort that!!

Congrasts on minus one month till D-Day!! our RSVP date was last Sunday and I still haven’t heard from some people! I think some people really cannot read! The guy who sits right beside me in work hasn’t even mentioned it ffs!! People are sooo annoying. There are cousin’s of my OH’s who have gotten married in the past 2 years and haven’t RSVP’d at all, they are booked into hotel so we know they are coming but you would think they would know what it is like and just sent a Flip’ text….its beyond rude.

Anyways I wouldn’t start chasing people until after the date cos it might come across as rude. Last week I said it to my mam that if she saw anyone maybe politely mention it to them but didn’t actually start chasing myself until after the date.

Seems strange how all the lads have taken on the naming of the tables, must be the girls are sick of all the planning and don’t care anymore!! :o0 :o0

oh i know some people have booked into hotel but so crazy that they still not rsvp'd back, gets me really worked up, iv still to do the table plan back yet :-8
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Re: MAY 2012

Postby jammypaw » Wed Apr 25, 2022 9:18 pm

We are down to about 50 replies, rsvp date was last friday!

BM jewllery arrived today, love it!
Meeting florist on Friday
Have 2nd dress fitting next friday and my shoes are in too
Tan trial next week too
Meeting photographer and musician for church the BH w'end
Not doing baskets for loos
Booklets nearly ready to go
Rough table plan done but need to finalise once we have complete guest list
Got my bag last weekend
Can't find honeymoon clothes!!
Stag on this weekend, just hope himself gets back in I've piece!
trying to decide on toppers next!

Wedding is same day as eurovision so that looks like songs or winners our something like that will be the table theme

31 days to go.........eeeeeeeeeeek
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Re: MAY 2012

Postby 2012bride101 » Thu Apr 26, 2022 12:38 am

I had my first dress fitting yesterday, thankfully it zipped up no problem! However, I somehow managed to cut my wedding finger open while in the dress resulting in three drops of blood on the skirt. Aaarrggghhhh!!! The assistant swooped in with baby wipes which seemed to solve the problem but even still... O:|

*) *) *) *) *) Getting married on 19th May 2012 *) *) *) *) *)
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Re: MAY 2012

Postby CB2012 » Thu Apr 26, 2022 8:11 am

Hi girls

My wedding is 4 weeks today I'm so excited. I'm down a few rsvp's but I'm not worried about them anymore we have our numbers so I'm happy :o)ll

I got a fright yesterday when there was a missed call from the registrar on my phone I was panicking that they'd forgotten to book us in but they were just checking in!

I've my hens this wkend I can't wait it should be a good laugh.

I ended up ordering bookmarks on vista print last night they look nice I put a thank you message on them. I didn't want to spend a fortune on favors I don't think people notice them.

I can't believe I'm counting days now it's crazy :o0
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Re: MAY 2012

Postby craigsmrs » Thu Apr 26, 2022 8:55 am

ds woke me up this morning shouting "7 days mammy, 7 days!" it was so exciting!

tried the kids outfits on last nigjt & they look adorable but need a new shirt for ds. Need to find an off white/ivory shirt for a 7 yo (hes 6 but very tall) , anyone come across one? if not ill buy white!

cant believe ive a week left, feel too chilled out, not stressing at all & I feel like I should be! hows everyone doing?
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Re: MAY 2012

Postby morningsun » Thu Apr 26, 2022 9:51 am

craigsmrs wrote:ds woke me up this morning shouting "7 days mammy, 7 days!" it was so exciting!

Awww craigsmrs that is soooooooooooooooooooooooo cute! It definitely adds to the excitement for ya!

feeling a little stressed by all the stuff that is to be done! put up a thread yesterday asking for advice as I have no energy for the last 2 weeks, don't know what is wrong with me so need to do something abou that, got loads of great tips so fingers crossed something works.
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Re: MAY 2012

Postby Bootleg Betty » Thu Apr 26, 2022 10:12 am

Girls I'm freaking out about the champions league final. FREAKING out!! I thought I didn't care but I do and all the men are gonna get up half way through dinner to watch it in the bar and no1 will be there for my first dance aaaahhhhhh O:| O:|
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Re: MAY 2012

Postby morningsun » Thu Apr 26, 2022 1:58 pm

My stupid internet keeps crashing it’s driving me mad! Had a big reply written and it just disappeared. Basically I was saying that my OH reckons last night’s result was the best result there could have been, unless you have loads of Chelsea fans in your crew. Everyone thought the final would be Real Madrid v Barca which would have been way more popular so hopefully it should be ok. The match will be over by 9.30 anyways so hopefully even if you have Chelsea fans it won’t affect the day too much.

I am starting to worry over everything now. eating out 4 times this week – so paranoid about putting on weight cos not getting time to exercise either. If I am really good from Monday onwards is 19 days enough time to tone up and get rid of the bloat?
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Re: MAY 2012

Postby Bootleg Betty » Thu Apr 26, 2022 2:07 pm

I am thinking the exact same morningsun! Just posted in H&F there because I'm the same weight but feel fatter! I hope that I have enough time now to lose the bloatedness! Tried some of my honeymoon clothes on last night and they looked crap
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Re: MAY 2012

Postby morningsun » Thu Apr 26, 2022 2:14 pm

Bootleg Betty wrote:I am thinking the exact same morningsun! Just posted in H&F there because I'm the same weight but feel fatter! I hope that I have enough time now to lose the bloatedness! Tried some of my honeymoon clothes on last night and they looked crap

Maybe I amn’t putting on weight and just being paranoid but eating out waaay too much and am definitely bloated. Started eating the activia yoghurts that say if you eat them for 2 weeks it should help with bloating. Posted over in Off Topic yesterday about not having the energy for going running for last few weeks so took some of their advice on board and hoping it will help. Going to chemist this evening for a tonic and then hopefully next week will be full of energy for walking and running.

I read posts from some people and the health and fitness routine they are doing months in advance of their weddings and it just freaked me out cos I wasn’t doing any of that!
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Re: MAY 2012

Postby 2012B2B » Thu Apr 26, 2022 4:57 pm

Oh God i don't know what has happened. I had a fitting a couple of weeks ago and the lining of my dress was riding up around me. Dress maker seemed confident that fixing it would not be a problem. was supposed to have another fitting tomorrow but got a call from her earlier to say she has checked and the lining is fine the problem is i have gained weight around my hips/bum and it isn't allowing the lining to pull down properly hence the issue.
I recently changed my contraceptive pill on doctors orders and that is the only thing i can think of that would have caused this. I'm pretty small and always have been so my weight fluctuating isn't normal. Wedding is in 3 weeks and i have put my fitting off until next do i loose weight before then!?
Will obviously be hitting the gym and eating very healthily but is there something else i can do?
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Re: MAY 2012

Postby Mrs2be2012 » Thu Apr 26, 2022 5:34 pm

Hey 2012B2B,

Ok first thing don't panic. Its going to be ok!!! Its horrible when this happen. We are wedding date buddies and I feel your pain... as I read your story it sounded horribly familiar except my dress wudn't even close!!! I was in tears.. it was a bit of a disaster really.. i can tell you.. The good news is you can totally do something about it. I went extreme on it and 2 wks after trying it on and not zipping it, it was fitting perfectly. A little nervous about my next fitting cause of the drama but i'm hoping it will be ok.

Ok now back to you... other people might have other suggestions.. i am not saying this is the best way but this is what i did... i went on a mission. I had never been more determined.

For breakfast everyday, i had a 0% fat yogurt and a boiled egg. For lunch everyday, I have 2 rivitas with low fat cheesespread and ham or smoked salmon and low fat cheesespread with a cup of soup just to give me a little bit of flavour.
For dinner, I made homemade soups, the healthier the better.. every day without fail. No bread no nothing. No treats. In the evening/night if/when I got peckish.. Fruit, usually an apple or another yogurt. Lots of water.

Regarding exercise, I started the Couch to 5K.. its really tough. well i found it tough anyways as i am kind of lazy but every 2nd day i was out doing it. Every night i did 20 sit ups and weigths and the nights i wasn't running. I went for a walk with my dog and did around 2K. It really worked so could be something you could try to lose weigth.

Try not to let it get you down though easier said than done and best of luck!!!! It is really going to be ok.. take care and let us know how you get on!
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