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Postby » Wed Dec 15, 2021 12:05 am

Have a delicious recipe you would like to share with others? Whether it's for party snacks or a 4 course meal :shock: Let us know!
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Postby SJo » Fri Dec 17, 2021 9:20 pm

I'll get the ball rolling on this seeing as it was me who wanted this post in the first place (I love my food!!!) :lol:

Here's a recipe given to me by one of the February 2005 brides; I haven't seen her on this forum yet??? Anyway, it's given me the confidence to try out all sorts of goodies; cheese scones, brown bread and I even made a carrot cake for H2B's birthday!


Try these out; they're yummy for lunch..!


Makes roughly 10

5oz self raising flour
4oz margarine
4oz caster sugar
2 eggs
A teaspoon of milk
A couple of drops of vanilla essence

Bung the whole lot in a bowl together and mix until creamy.

Bake in the oven at 200C (slightly less if it's a fan oven) for 15-20 minutes.

I usually decorate them with a small bit of icing sugar (make a paste of icing sugar and water and spoon over the top).


Chocolate buns

Simply replace half an ounce of the flour with cocoa powder (not drinking chocolate!)

So it would be:

4.5oz self raising flour
0.5oz cocoa
Rest of ingredients as above.
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Postby SJo » Fri Dec 17, 2021 9:27 pm

There are lovely recipes on:
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Postby mad woman » Thu Jun 09, 2022 1:41 pm

check this website, its got receipes for anything (including beauty!!)
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Simple but Gorgoues Pasta

Postby lilyjune » Mon Aug 15, 2022 4:39 pm

My Mum gave me the bones of this recipe at the weekend. I messed it around a bit and made it last night for four people. Really gorgeous.
Very quick and simple - maybe not a skinny dish but hey, you only live once!

Not great with the quanities but just judge for yourself...
You need:
2 gloves of garlic finely chopped
Mushrooms cut into quarters - whatever quantity you want.
Smoked salmon cut into inch long pieces
Pack of Boursin cheese - I used the whole lot but you could use half and I think it would be fine.
Half a pint of Double Cream
Taligatelle, fettucine or similar
Tablespoon of Oil

Cook pasta as you would normally. When the pasta is about 3-5 minutes away from being ready...

Cook the garlic in the oil on a medium heat until you get a good strong garlicky smell going.
Add mushrooms and keep moving around the pan until start go go brown around the edges.
Add the cream and the cheese. Stir the cheese in well until it dissolves. The sauce will start to thicken up nicely, just before it starts to boil - add in the smoked salmon to heat through.
Drain your pasta and then stir in the sauce.
Serve with green salad and garlic bread... Hmmmmm Yummy !!
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Chicken with Stuffed Basil and Mozerella

Postby WifeZilla » Tue Jul 04, 2022 3:56 pm

Here's a really easy chicken recipie i came up with that's great with salad or pasta...

4 chicken breasts (serves 4)
4 large back rashers or streaky if prefered
Handful of fresh basil leaves
1 block of buffalo mozeralla sliced
Taglietelle pasta for 4

1 large onion
3/4 cloves garlic
Tin tomatoes or 1 jar of sieved tomatoes
Whatever veg you want to throw in (Eg peppers, mushrooms, courgettes..)

Slice the chicken breasts along the side and put 2 slices of mozeralla and 2/3 basil leaves in.
Wrap the rasher around the breasts and place on baking sheet with some olive oil (drizzle)
Bake in oven for about 40 minutes till chicken is cooked

For the sauce, fry the garlic, add the chopped onion and sautee. Then add veg (if wanted) and season with salt/pepper.
Add teh fresh/tinned/sieved tomatoes and simmer. Add a drop of red wine to flavour some more.
Throw in some fresh basil near end of cooking time. Cook sauce for 1 hour and allow to reduce.

cook the pasta, drain and rinse and add to sauce and stir. Heap saucy pasta onto pasta bowls and serve the chicken breast on top.

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Postby lin » Mon Jul 17, 2022 11:19 am

This is a low fat recipe thats gorgeous!

Pasta & Mussels in White Wine Sauce

Ingredients (serves 4)
2 lbs mussels, uncooked
1 cup Chardonnay wine
6 garlic cloves (smashed)
1 small onion, thinly sliced
2 teaspoons olive oil
2 tablespoons parsley, chopped fine
1 teaspoon chili powder/red pepper flakes(optional)
1/2 lb spaghetti /whole wheat pasta

1. Begin by boiling the water for the pasta.
2. As soon as you put the water on to boil, clean mussels under cold water, removing all beards.
3. Sauté the chili, onions and garlic in the oil until translucent.
4. When translucent, add the wine and bring to a boil.
5. By this time the water for the pasta will be ready, so just add the pasta to the water.
6. When the wine comes to a boil, lower the heat to a simmer, add the mussels and cover. Cook about 10 minutes until the shells open.
7. Drain the pasta and place in a serving bowl.
8. Pour the mussels and the juice over the pasta.
9. Garnish with parsley.
10. Serve with a chilled bottle of white wine.
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Postby TwoTimes2006 » Thu Nov 09, 2021 11:06 pm

Hi Ladies,

I haven't posted in months but here's a very yummy alternative recipe for roast beef that I've made a few times now. Its perfect for cold weather. Enjoy !

Pepper Crusted Beef

1 kg beef (I used topside, but use any cut you prefer)

Marinade for Beef

1/3 cup port
1/3 cup soy sauce
1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
2 sprigs fresh thyme
3 drops tabasco sauce
1 large clove of garlic, crushed with the back of a knife
1 bay leaf, crushed
2 tbsp black peppercorns
5 tbsp olive oil

Vegetables, to roast, of your choice (I used onions, carrots &
parboiled potatoes)

For gravy:
1/4 cup port
3/4 cup water
a few tbsp flour

1. Combine port, bay leaf, garlic, soy sauce, Tabasco sauce, thyme and ground black pepper in a shallow dish or a large heavy-duty zip-top plastic bag. Place beef in marinade. Marinate for 8 hours, turning occasionally.

2. Preheat oven to 240 degrees C. Remove beef from marinade, reserving marinade. Rub 2 tbsp olive oil and some salt all over the beef. Lightly crush the peppercorns with a mortar and pestle (or use a rolling pin). Press the crushed peppercorns into the beef.

3. Heat the roasting pan over a low heat on the stove. Drizzle the 3 tbsp olive oil into the heated roasting pan. Place the beef inside the pan, and sear all sides of the beef till browned.

4. Whilst the beef is being browned, strain the reserved marinade into a small saucepan and bring to a gentle simmer. Remove from heat.

5. Remove the roasting pan from heat. Put the vegies in the pan, and place the seared beef on top of the vegies. Pour a few tbsp of the reserved marinade over the beef.

6. Roast the beef for 15 minutes at 240 degrees C, then baste again with the reserved marinade. Reduce the oven temperature to 175 degrees C, pour the remainder of the reserved marinade over the meat, and roast for another hour (the guide I used said 30 minutes for each 500g of meat). Cooking it for this amount of time yields a medium rare beef (I used a meat thermometer, the inner temperature of the meat was about 70 degrees C).

7. Remove the meat from the oven, and let the meat stand (wrapped in a double layer of foil) for 30 minutes. I covered with some dishcloth over the foil as well, just to be sure the meat is kept warm. (The vegies could probably stay in the turned off oven, but up to you).

8. Just before you’re ready to carve the meat, remove all the vegies from the roasting pan (but keep them warm). Skim the excess oil from the pan. To make gravy, add port and water to the pan, scrape the pan of all the meat juices and crunchy bits. When the gravy sauce is just starting to simmer, gradually add flour – a little at a time, stir and mix evenly with each addition. The port makes for a really dark and rich gravy.
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Postby Dreamster » Sun May 13, 2022 3:58 pm

Bump - keep adding girlies
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Postby TwoTimes2006 » Wed May 30, 2022 6:18 am

Tried and tested chicken risotto that you DONT have to stand over and stir

60g butter
1 leek, thinly sliced
2 chicken breast fillets, cut into 2cm cubes
2 cups arborio rice (uncooked)
1/4 cup dry white wine
1.25l chicken stock
1/3 cup grated Parmesan
2 tabs fresh thyme
Extra fresh thyme and shaved Parmesan to garnish

Preheat oven to 150C and place a 5l oven proof dish with alid in the oven to warm
Heat the butter in saucepan over medium heat, add the leek and cook until soft
Add the chicken and cook, stirring, until lightly golden.
Add the ride and stir so it is well coated with butter. Cook for 1 minute
Add the wine and stock and bring to the boil
Pour the mixture into the warm ovenproof dish and cover
Place in oven and cook about 30 minutes, stirring halfway through
Remove from the oven and stir through the Parmesan and thyme leaves
Season to taste
Sprinkle with extra thyme leaves and shaved Parmesan & serve
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Postby clucky » Fri Jun 22, 2022 9:06 am

chicken with ginger and spring onion sauce

Cut about 3 chicken breasts into cubes. Marinade the meat (i.e. coat it in this mixture) for half an hour in a mixture of:
1 egg white
1.5 tablespoons cornflour
0.5 teaspoons of salt
Put on a plate

2 tablespoons chopped fresh ginger
3 spring onions
Mix in another bowl:

3 desert spoons of sugar
0.5 teaspoons salt
3 desert spoons of tomato ketchup
4 teaspoons vinegar
4 teaspoons wine
2 teaspoons soy sauce
Have ready also 2 teaspoons cornflour in a little cool water. You'll need peanut oil too.

Put peanut oil in a wok/pan, cook the chicken, and then remove the chicken to a bowl or plate, leaving the oil in the pan.
Cook the spring onions and ginger in the pan for 30 seconds
Add the soy sauce mix, and heat the total mixture through
Add the cornflour mix, and cook it to thicken the sauce while stirring.
Return the chicken to the pan. Mix it around the sauce and heat the whole lot. Then serve.
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Postby Playful » Fri Aug 17, 2022 11:31 am

Pork with Peaches

This fruit and meat combo is great. Give it a bash as it makes a really good change to plain old roast pork.

1 (3 1/2 pound) (1 1/2 kilogram) pork loin, boned
1 bunch fresh thyme, leaves picked
1 bulb garlic
7 ounces (200 grams) butter
2 tins (cans) peaches in natural juice, drained
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Around 15 slices of pancetta, streaky bacon, or Parma ham
1 glass (about 6 ounces) white wine
A little flour
1 glass (about 6 ounces) water

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C/gas 7).
Score the skin of the pork through the fat, the incisions should be about 1 centimeter apart. Turn over. Make a pocket for the stuffing by cutting an incision at an angle, about 3 inches (7.5 centimeters) deep in the center of the streaky part of the loin, working away from the eye meat. Starting slightly in from the side of the meat, slowly slice along the loin not quite to the end, this will ensure your stuffing won't fall out.

Chop half the thyme with 1 clove of garlic and scrunch together with the butter, 1 tin of peaches, and a good pinch of salt and pepper. Push the butter into the pocket and pat back into shape. Lay the pancetta, bacon or Parma ham over the pork, leaving the skin side uncovered, and tie up firmly with 3 to 4 pieces of string.

Place skin-side up in a roasting tray with the remaining peaches, the garlic cloves, thyme, and half of the white wine. Roast for around 1 hour until the skin is crisp and golden.

When ready, remove the pork and peaches to a plate and leave to rest for 15 minutes whilst you finish the sauce. To do this, remove most of the fat from the roasting tray, then place the tray over a high heat. Squash the cooked garlic and add 1 tablespoon of flour. Stir and add the rest of the wine with a glass of water or stock. Simmer and leave to reduce for a few minutes. Strain and add any extra juices from the rested pork. Check the seasoning and consistency and serve drizzled over the sliced pork.

I have made this alot and it really is yummy
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Postby BellaBee » Fri Sep 21, 2022 11:19 am

Anyone looking to improve kitchen techniques, this is excellent!

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Postby sun flowers » Wed Nov 14, 2021 11:32 am

I thought I'd post this after posting about it in OT... Its The River Cottage multi bird roast... fab and M&S are doing a toned down version. ... 95&cid=152
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Bailey's & Toberlone Cheesecake

Postby ConfusedBride2Be » Tue May 06, 2022 3:36 pm

Baileys & Toblerone Cheesecake:

Packet of Digestive biscuits (crushed)

3-4 oz Butter (melted)

1lb Cream Cheese (Philadelphia)

6 fl oz Baileys

6 oz Caster Sugar

1 sachet Gelatine (dissolved in ½ cup of boiling water and slightly cooled)

6 oz Toblerone (Grated)

1 pt cream (whipped)

Add butter to biscuits, mix well and press into tin.

Cream the cheese, baileys and sugar together, add the gelatine and mix through, fold in the toblerone and cream.

Place cream mixture in tin and spread evenly over biscuits.

Allow to set in fridge overnight.
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