by AudreyJ » Wed Feb 25, 2022 11:02 am
I haven't logged on in a while to WOL but I have been quietly lurking! Congrats to all the recent BFPs, wishing you all a healthy and happy nine months ahead.
I just thought it might be good to start a thread for us "elder lemons" on the ttc board. There probably aren't that many of us, but I know I'm one of the oldest ttc'ers around here at 39, turning 40 in 3 months time, ttc #1. I find it a lonely road to be on at times. I think if I read another "boo hoo I'm about to turn 30 and I'm still not pregnant" post, my head will explode! No offense to anyone in that situation, but it's a hell of a lot worse when you're ten years older and time is running out rapidly.
My story is that we started ttc when we were a year married, almost three years ago. In Oct 06 I got a BFP, had a missed miscarriage diagnosed at 7.5 weeks, D&C a week later. Got second BFP in March 07, lost it within days. Got pregnant again the following month, and had another missed miscarriage at 9 weeks in May 07.  We weren't allowed to try again until the following October, and then I got my fourth BFP straight away again. Sadly, I lost this one at 5.5 weeks.
After that I went to Napro in Galway, and was put on HCG injections and clomid. We weren't allowed to ttc again until my hormones were at the levels they were happy with - Prog 60-100, oestr 400-800. It took us a year to get the bloods right before we were allowed to try again. This was extremely frustrating to say the least. We are now on our third month actively ttc with Napro, and I am due to test at the weekend. I am praying I will get a BFP before I turn 40, but the way things have gone in the past I am not pinning all my hopes on it, since we have had so much heartache and disappointment on this journey so far.
So that's my story. So all you "older" ttc'ers out there, please join me on this thread so that we can give each other extra support and encouragement. I keep telling myself that life begins at 40
- Royal Wolly
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by Hello09 » Wed Feb 25, 2022 11:30 am
Hello Audrey J - can i join you please ? i'll be 35 in 6 mts ..... we have been TCC for the 1.5 yrs ... my peroid stopped for 4 mts and then i got a peroid that lasted 2 mts so now i'm on glucophage and waiting for an appointment for the Clinic in Galway ...
I really know where you are coming from because i have friends that have got pregnant and they tell me that they hadn't even been trying  - how i wish it was me
- Mini Wolly
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by Roxanne » Wed Feb 25, 2022 12:11 pm
Good idea Audrey - I'm not far behind you, 37 turning 38 this year! The ticking clock is so loud at this stage that it nearly keeps me awake at night...
We're trying just three years, one year without treatment, two years with. Seven rounds of Clomid, lap & dye, SA, no apparent cause for our problem. I'm now on my third round of Ovulation Induction with Puregon injections and Ovitrelle, and we'll be starting IVF in April if this doesn't work.
Everyone, literally everyone I know is pregnant. Friend who got married after me have two or more babies. And I know this sounds sick, and I hope it doesn't offend anyone, but I heard recently that an acquaintance had a miscarriage and I ENVIED HER.
I know I can't possibly understand the heartache of losing a baby like that, especially after trying for so long, but part of me just wants to know there actually is something going on inside of me, not just a huge void. Does that make any sense? I hope that won't be taken the wrong way, but it's just something I wanted to express...
Anyway, best of luck to all my fellow Antiquarians. Hopefully, we'll discover that wonderful things are worth the wait...
We are all in the gutter... but some of us are looking at the stars. [url=]  [/url]
- Woloholic
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by essey » Wed Feb 25, 2022 1:23 pm
Hi girls can I join you, I am about to start TTC getting married in 3 weeks and at the age of 37 i cant afford to wait. I am so afraid I wont ever get my little one I have waited so long to find the right man.
My sister just gave birth to twins after trying for 10 years, I really hope this wont happen to me.
So good luck girls and thanks for starting this tread I didnt want to join the 20 somethings who have years left. but good luck to them all as well
- New Wolly
- Posts: 130
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by essey » Wed Feb 25, 2022 1:23 pm
Hi girls can I join you, I am about to start TTC getting married in 3 weeks and at the age of 37 i cant afford to wait. I am so afraid I wont ever get my little one I have waited so long to find the right man.
My sister just gave birth to twins after trying for 10 years, I really hope this wont happen to me.
So good luck girls and thanks for starting this tread I didnt want to join the 20 somethings who have years left. but good luck to them all as well
- New Wolly
- Posts: 130
- Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2022 12:22 pm
by Betsy May » Wed Feb 25, 2022 1:32 pm
I'm in...34, will be 35 in a few months.
It's our first time trying, been ttc-ing for 5 months but this is the first month being proactive with temps and SMEPing etc.
TBH, if I we were both a few years younger I probably wouldn't be ttc-ing. I hope this won't annoy some but I've never experienced longing for a child (biological clock still hasn't begun ticking loudly I guess), but we've decided it's now or never as DH is nearly 40 so we're both at the narrow end of the wedge.
Somethings it seems everyone on WOL is 25 so it's nice to know there are others who are in the same boat.
Betsy May
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by Babystar » Wed Feb 25, 2022 1:53 pm
Last edited by Babystar on Wed Jul 29, 2022 11:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Mini Wolly
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by Hello09 » Wed Feb 25, 2022 1:55 pm
Babystar - we are the same once a day would be even pushing it ..
- Mini Wolly
- Posts: 253
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by keelyn » Wed Feb 25, 2022 2:10 pm
I’m another 35+. Turned 36 last month!
Our story so far:
After 14 months TTC we got our first BFP in Sept last year, unfortunately it was ectopic, but thankfully both my tubes are still intact. Got another BFP on 4th Jan, but it was a chemical pregnancy. Consoled myself with the fact that the fertilized egg didn’t get stuck in my tube, so I’m hoping for 3rd time lucky which hopefully will be very soon.
During all the years of trying not to get pregnant and worrying about ‘getting caught out’ as my mother used to put it, I never imagined that I’ll have trouble TTC. Ah well we just have to battle on.
Roxanne wrote: Everyone, literally everyone I know is pregnant.”
Oh I can relate to that. So many of our friends and family are pregnant at the moment, or have little babies. Sometimes I find it very hard to put on the brave face and smile politely when they’re talking about their pregnancies or their little ones. I always manage it while they’re around, but I often have a secret little cry when I’m on my own.
And it’s not just friends and family, I notice pregnant women everywhere – it’s like they crawl out of the woodwork just to show me their bumps.
On my more positive days when I see them I say ‘ well if they can do it so can I’, in fact today while walking back from lunch I saw a lady with a bump, and I smiled to myself and said ‘that will be me soon’.
Girls, we’ve got to believe it will happen.
- Royal Wolly
- Posts: 1194
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by keelyn » Wed Feb 25, 2022 2:10 pm
I’m another 35+. Turned 36 last month!
Our story so far:
After 14 months TTC we got our first BFP in Sept last year, unfortunately it was ectopic, but thankfully both my tubes are still intact. Got another BFP on 4th Jan, but it was a chemical pregnancy. Consoled myself with the fact that the fertilized egg didn’t get stuck in my tube, so I’m hoping for 3rd time lucky which hopefully will be very soon.
During all the years of trying not to get pregnant and worrying about ‘getting caught out’ as my mother used to put it, I never imagined that I’ll have trouble TTC. Ah well we just have to battle on.
Roxanne wrote: Everyone, literally everyone I know is pregnant.”
Oh I can relate to that. So many of our friends and family are pregnant at the moment, or have little babies. Sometimes I find it very hard to put on the brave face and smile politely when they’re talking about their pregnancies or their little ones. I always manage it while they’re around, but I often have a secret little cry when I’m on my own.
And it’s not just friends and family, I notice pregnant women everywhere – it’s like they crawl out of the woodwork just to show me their bumps.
On my more positive days when I see them I say ‘ well if they can do it so can I’, in fact today while walking back from lunch I saw a lady with a bump, and I smiled to myself and said ‘that will be me soon’.
Girls, we’ve got to believe it will happen.
- Royal Wolly
- Posts: 1194
- Joined: Fri Nov 30, 2021 2:31 pm
by pinkmarshmallow » Wed Feb 25, 2022 2:28 pm
hi girls can i join too?
I'll be 35 next week
we've been ttc since july 07 - SA ok, all my bloods ok, had lap & dye last march and they found small bit of endo at the neck of womb but nothing the could stop me getting pregnant (ya right).
We have out 1st appt with cork fertility centre in April, i'm anxious, scared and a little bit excited.
- Mini Wolly
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by shellrex » Wed Feb 25, 2022 6:54 pm
Essey wrote:I am so afraid I wont ever get my little one I have waited so long to find the right man.
Essey you took the words right out of my mouth!
I'm living proof that it can happen girls. I got married 7 weeks ago aged 37-will be 38 next month. Have been lurking on this site (agree with you Betsy May everyone is about 25 & under  ) & we decided that time was kindof against us so we started trying straight away.
Girls we got a BFP on our 1st month  I'm still in shock
My FIL died 9 days after our wedding and I believe he lives on in our bean. You know the saying for every death there's a birth. I really feel he's looking after us.
Having read your stories and struggles I know TTC is a extremely difficult time for lots of people and I don't want to appear insensitive by "bragging" about our 1st attempt BFP. I just want to say keep up the positivity girls. It can happen. (I also have a friend aged 42 who had her 1st baby recently with no complications)
And Babystar I agree with you totally regarding BDing  Before we decided to try we were down to weekends only  and maybe only once at that!
Hoping that you all get your much deserved BFP soon

- Major Wolly
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by theoracle » Wed Feb 25, 2022 7:04 pm
HI audreyj, I remember you from reading other threads and just wanted to offer few words of encouragement. My DH's aunt had trouble conceiving same as you, and had received tretament with a combination of drugs, just like you. She has conceived at 39 and her and hubby now have, not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5 but 6 kids alltogether - one baby every january/february for the past 5 years! They are a lovely bunch and we love seeing them all.
I hope all goes well following the treatment, wishing you a BFP sticky as well as for the rest of the girls here on TTC!

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by Tan » Wed Feb 25, 2022 8:51 pm
Count me in, Im 35 nearly 36, being trying for 4 months so early days yet. Bit nervous about the whole thing to be honest, bit like Betsy May wish I was younger and my clock wasnt ticking.
- Mini Wolly
- Posts: 186
- Joined: Sun Feb 25, 2022 9:09 pm
by feather » Wed Feb 25, 2022 8:59 pm
Im in too...
I turned 35 this month ...
We're ttc 2 years, attending Hari, next move Lap...
I liked the story of the 6 kids! I always wanted a big family, and am constantly thinking of the fact that the older i get, the smaller my family can realistically be and that is just a lovely positive story...
I can totally relate to you Keeyln, almost everyone i know or their wife is pg at the mo...  two of them on their second since we've been trying for our first , tis soul destroying... but im feeling positive at the mo that my luck is about to change...
 and  to you all
TTC since Jan 07 Unexplained infertility IUI x 4 - '09 - BFN IVF #1 - Oct '09 - BFN IVF #2 - Mar'10 - BFP!!! - Baby Boy :) FET cancelled Feb'12. Natural BFP due October'12
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