OK, so anyone who has seen a post from me know that I keep repeating myself going on and on and on about Napro and I'm sure ye are so sick of me! So to get it all out of my system I just thought I'd post this as I really do think more people should consider them!!! I looked at some peoples signatures where ye have Endo, PCOS, unexplained infertility - bloods fine, DHs fine no explaination. I'm sure most of ye TTC for a number of months are possibly considering Fertility treatment, so I'm posting this so you are aware there is another option for you that is probably one of the cheaper ones.
There is one thing that is controversial about Napro and that is they will only treat married couples. If you are engaged they will teach you how to chart etc but won't encourage you to TTC. They basically look at it as helping you for when you ARE married and are TTC! They have been brought to court for this reason. Now, they don't ask for a marriage cert so it might be possible to trick them!
First off - here is a link to the Napro clinics. If you are interested you need to ring the nearest one to you and get you added to a waiting list. For example the clinic in Galway has a 3 month waiting list. Don't let this put you off thou because you can ring and get a cancellation and they do keep you busy doing charting and getting your bloods done. I found the time flew anyway!
If you don't see a clinic near you don't let that stop you either. They can do the chart training over the phone and the visit with the consultant is once every 14 weeks or so and the session lasts approx an hour.
Here's a breakdown of the cost:
They sent me this list when we joined:
Consultation inital - €220
Consultation review - €200
Single Ultrasound scan - €100
Ultrasound Follice Tracking - €60 per scan
Pregnancy Test - €15
Monthly Telephone Advice - no charge
Renewal of lost/duplicate perscription - €20
Materials - Manual, chartbook, stamps etc - €45
Seminal Fluid Collecting Device - €10
Missed appointment or less than 48 hours notice of cancellation - €80
They base a lot of their judgement on charting and blood test results. You basically meet with a charting Trainer and are given charts and stickers which you use to track your cycle. Red stickers for AF, baby stickers for fertile days etc! As for the charting my trainer charges €40 but some charge €50 to €60. I'm not sure why there would be a difference in price. Anyways charting is optional but I do recommend going to at least 2 or 3 sessions just to get the hang of it. DH doesn't have to come but they do recommend it. I think some men find it a bit overwhelming as they show pictures of the different cervical mucus so you get used to what each one looks like for the charting! To be honest my DH was fine but I felt a bit sick looking at them ha ha!
You need to get day 3 bloods done once and day 21 bloods (progesterone and oestrogen) every month on ov + 7 (or peak + 7 as they call it). You get this done with your own GP and ring Napro then with your results. Mine costs €45.
Regarding the medicine they might put you on -
Femara x 5 (they might put you on more than 5 or less than 5. They put me on 5 first and then reduced it to 3, but I do know of one girl who was put on 16) - €32 approx a month
HCG trigger x 2 boxes (brand name is Pregnyl and you should get the needles etc for free) - €18 approx a month
Progesterone x 10 (brand name Cyclogest) - €32 approx a month
LDN capsules x 30 (brand is Naltroexone and it can only be ordered over the phone from one parmacy in Gort in Galway. Its for treating PMS, brown bleeding, Endo. They also seem to put those that have had a MC on it as they believe it will prevent MC. One of the girls on another thread is taking it all through her pregnancy so its a natural substance I think!) - €34 approx a month
Vitamins - they recommend NH Fertility plus for men for DH and NH Fertility plus for woman for you obviously

The are big into indentifying possible allergies to food also. I haven't done my allergy test yet but you send off blood to a clinic in the UK and I think it costs about €200 and depending on how bad it is you might need to cut out milk, eggs, wheat etc!
Regarding the follie tracking, they will likely ask you to book 2 scans around ov time on your first or second month of femara just to make sure you're ovulating. Also, we had our first consultation in August and our follow up was in November so they do one every 14 weeks or something like that.
Some of the cost of the meds can be claimed under the drug refund scheme. Napro isn't covered by VHI but your trips for the blood tests might be so keep your receipts anyways if you have VHI or whatever medical insurance your on.
The one thing that is very encouraging about Napro is when you walk into the office. Their walls are covered with baby pictures sent to them by woman who have been successful. The don't look at MC as being normal also - they don't think its ok for a woman to have one MC (anyone who has had a MC knows that doctors won't investigate unless you have 3 as they consider it ok to have 2!) So if you come to them having one or multiple you will be treated for it.
I hope some of ye will consider it. I know it took me a while to come round to it but I then found out a girl who worked with me who has PCOS and 2 MCs when to Napro and was pregnant after being on meds for 3 months. She now has 2 beautiful twin boys.
PHEW! I'm glad I got that off my chest

Libramoon x