by gemini chica » Wed Jul 07, 2022 2:02 pm
Ok girls there are a good few twim mammies at this stage, lets get a thread going and kept it going, its been so long lets remind each other...... Twin Boys: Jac 3lb 8oz & Kayden 4lb 2oz Identicial with shared placenta & amniotic sac each Born at 32+2 by emergency c-section NICU for 4 weeks with no major problems No twin family history Now they are 8 months old and the light of my life I absolutely LOVE being a twin mammy and would never change it, I have been very lucky as they are good babies, now they have their moments & days but generally they are very good. They have a good routine, eat & sleep well. Welcome also to all you twim mammies expecting, come on and join us!

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by soon2bmomof3&4 » Wed Jul 07, 2022 8:03 pm
Hi Gemini Great thread to start! I'm expecting twins in December so it will be great to have somebody to talk to about/annoy with loads of questions  This is my third pregnancy so i thought i knew it all at this stage but nope its all new to me with a twin pregnancy!!! I have 2 beautiful little girls  (3&1) so this is a shock to the system! Identicial with shared placenta & amniotic sac each Dont know the sex (yet!!) family history of twins (but stopped a couple of generations ago!)
________________________ Mom to 4 Beautiful Girls XX
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by gemini chica » Wed Jul 07, 2022 8:34 pm
Guess you need to change your username!
How many weeks are you? When did you find out it was twins? Any suspicions before? Will you find out the sex beforehand? Sorry I am so nosey, wow you will have your hands full but its brilliant don't let anyone tell you different and the good thing is because you have 2 already you know lots of things already, mine were my first so a complete learning experience!
Ask me as many questions as you like, I could talk about twins all day!
Someone might point this out to me that I said no history in the family and I know that with identical twins its not genetic, but fraternal twins is, through the maternal side, but I never knew this fact until I was having twins!! When I found out I was having twins I hoped for Identical ones, don't know why!!!

gemini chica
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by Mammy2twins » Wed Jul 07, 2022 8:50 pm
Hi ladies gemini, your two boys are just adorable! I think we may have chatted before on a previous twin thread. This is a great idea! Hi soontobemomof3 - how exciting! You will be one very busy lady! Big congrats to you  Well I have a boy and girl born at 28+4 weeks, my waters broke at 27... Spent 7 weeks in the Nic unit and now home with us 12 weeks Reflux is wrecking my head!! but otherwise they are doing well...... Still looking for the perfect twin buggy though, I have the icandy pear which is fantastic when out with the car seats but is quite heavy. We are thinking of buying a light weight buggy but don't know what to get. None of the side by sides will fit in our front or internal doors which causes a bit of a problem......
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by gemini chica » Wed Jul 07, 2022 8:57 pm
Lily+2, we probably have but would be nice to have one thread were we get to know each other, and can share stuff. Wow would love to hear your birth story sometime, mine was an eventful end to pregnancy too, going into labour at 27 weeks and then was hospitalised until they arrived.
We have the Easywalker Duo and I love it, but its a side by side, I think only 76cms wide though, doesn't come in our front door opened up but we have patio doors it can come in through. Its such a hard choice, to be honest now they are bigger I would be tempted to just go for a Maclaren double but they are also side by side. God so many babies suffer with reflex and that must make it so hard esp with two, do they both suffer? Have they started on solids? How are they after the prematurity any long term problems? Mine thank god are fine, small still at 8 months and weigh less than 14lbs but to be honest I love this, I love that I have had them little for ages as tbh I can't believe how quick the 8 mths has gone by!


gemini chica
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by Mammy2twins » Wed Jul 07, 2022 9:07 pm
I know Gemini, I love having them small for so long of the nice things about them coming so early. My waters broke at 27 weeks, was hospitalised and then went into labour at 28+4, so lasted 10 days! They are both doing really well, we are so lucky, my ds may have to have some surgery in a while, but only minor. I found it really hard that the pregnancy ended so suddenly etc. but alls well now! The time is just disappearing  Yes both have bad reflux, but we seem to have a good combination of formula and meds now and are beginning to see some improvements. No we haven't started on solid yet, they are 19 weeks actual age so will have to think about that soon. When did you start?
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by gemini chica » Wed Jul 07, 2022 9:12 pm
I started at 18 weeks actual age which was very early but they just refused their 11am bottle one day and that was it and I was so worried about their intake of milk (now I wonder why I stressed so much) that I introduced rice to get another ounce or two of milk into them, but tbh stayed with just rice for over a month and then moved on, they are flying now, eat all the Annabel Karmel receipes they are yummy, the eat chicken and beef but not fish yet!
Oh I was the same I was so bitter that my pregnancy ended so early and that I had to be in the hospital not allowed out of bed, was so sad I couldn't wear my pregnancy clothes and show off my bump but tbh I had always prepared myself that there was a chance they could come early, now I am just so glad I kept them in another 5 weeks! So glad yours are doing well, its such a relief and fingers crossed the reflux continues to improve!

gemini chica
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by zarazia » Wed Jul 07, 2022 11:23 pm
Hi twin mammies..oh its exciting to have our own thread. Great idea Identical twin boys: Tadhg 7lb 1oz and Calum 6lb 12oz Identical with shared placenta and amniotic sac each (mcda) Born at 38+3 wks by elective section (first baby breech) No nicu No real family history Well my boys are 10 weeks old today. Im enjoying being a twin mam so much. It can be very hard at times and its just terrible when they both cry at the same time and you have to decide who to pick up first but other then things like that its great. Well as you can see its pretty late and the boys are in bed around 40mins so i better head up and get a few hours. Thankfully the usually sleep from around 11.30 till 5.30. Looking forward to getting to know you all
- Mini Wolly
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by soon2bmomof3&4 » Thu Jul 08, 2022 7:06 am
Gemini Chica wrote:Guess you need to change your username!
How many weeks are you? When did you find out it was twins? Any suspicions before? Will you find out the sex beforehand? Sorry I am so nosey, wow you will have your hands full but its brilliant don't let anyone tell you different and the good thing is because you have 2 already you know lots of things already, mine were my first so a complete learning experience!
Ask me as many questions as you like, I could talk about twins all day!
Someone might point this out to me that I said no history in the family and I know that with identical twins its not genetic, but fraternal twins is, through the maternal side, but I never knew this fact until I was having twins!! When I found out I was having twins I hoped for Identical ones, don't know why!!!
ask away! its great to be able to talk about it to someone. By my dates i'm 16 weeks but by the scan they say babies are a week behind, so i'm going with their dates! We found out at our first scan (12wk) and my god I couldn't believe it when the doctor said it was twins and the face on DH was priceless  we will hopefully find out the sex at a scan next week, we never did on both DD's but we have a lot of organising to do and thought that if we knew the sex it would be easier (i say girls going by my morning sickness!) how are your boys now? (so cute and love the names!) are they good feeders? do they STTN for you? Lily +2  wow 27 weeks, that was early! were you scared? i hope your DS op goes well, will say a prayer for him! zarazia love your boys names! 38+3 thats great length to go but i'd say you were fed up at that stage! i've been reading up on Identical twins and tbh it doesnt make good reading  everything is so negative about it, things that go wrong etc its stressing me out, i'm terrifed of premature labour and the babies being very very small, oh i know i shouldnt read a lot of it but i cant help myself! But having said that any of the forums i've been on all twin stories are very positive ones so that calms me down a bit!
________________________ Mom to 4 Beautiful Girls XX
- Mini Wolly
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by hipbaby » Thu Jul 08, 2022 9:29 am
Girls sorry to hijack but if you are not already aware here is a website for multiple births in Ireland I got an e-mail from them last week they are having a conference on 25th sept I am writing to you on behalf of the Irish Multiple Births Association (IMBA) to thank you for your wonderful discount to our members and to inform you that we are holding the IMBA Multiple Parenting Conference on the 25th of September 2010 at The Clarion Hotel, Liffey Valley, Dublin 20. The event will focus on parents expecting multiples, parents of multiple babies and toddlers and then parents of older multiples. We are expecting over 200 attendees. Our confirmed speakers include ‘twin guru’ Dr Carol Cooper, GP and author of “Twins and Multiple Births, The Essential Parenting Guide >From Pregnancy To Adulthood”, John Sharry, author and parenting expert, Dr. Chris Fitzpatrick, Master of the Coombe and many more multiple and childcare experts. In case any of you are interested!
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by gemini chica » Thu Jul 08, 2022 12:57 pm
i've been reading up on Identical twins and tbh it doesnt make good reading  everything is so negative about it, things that go wrong etc its stressing me out, i'm terrifed of premature labour and the babies being very very small, oh i know i shouldnt read a lot of it but i cant help myself! But having said that any of the forums i've been on all twin stories are very positive ones so that calms me down a bit!
Ok well my babies were premature and very small and yes I had a hard time (now thats more me feeling sorry for myself than any actual medical emergencies) but TBH the pregnancy was a doddle until week 27 (a bleed at 6.5 weeks was how I found out it was twins) by then its not ideal if they are born but they will survive and they have a really high chance of being healthy. The best thing you can do is be prepared for if you do go early (cos guaranteed then you won't). And be prepared for things like if they are in NICU you will not get to hold them when born or even for maybe a few days, but as much as this is nice and we all WANT it, its not that important once your babies are safe. I had looked at pictures of premmies etc so as I wouldnt be shocked etc. And I feel I coped very well with them being in NICU and it was definately because I had mentally prepared myself. I think we can all be bitter about the way things go for us and how we missed out on the above things but other mammies that get to have these special moments miss out on a whole lifetime of special moments that as a twim mammy you have, so although I had some bitterness I had to get a hold of myself and realise how lucky I really was. Have you ever been on MM forum they have a multiple thread and one of the threads within it was peoples stats like what I did at the start here on this thread and I was amazed at the fact the the vast majority of twins (inc ID) where not born before 35 weeks and were born naturally. So really I think its good to be informed but rest assured most have no problems at all. I had read so much my optimum goal in the hospital was 34 weeks as was the docs, after this stage I don't think they worry at all really (obviously fullterm is best but you know what I mean. Sure at my first scan through the public system (had been going private) the doc scanned me and I said "is everything ok" and she shrugged and said "well its a high-risk pregnancy" and left it at that, I was later like WTF would you say that for, I was so annoyed, and thank god it hadn't been my first scan as I would have been so upset! I have my story wrote up but its very long, but if anyone want to read it just tell me and I will pm it! So I am certainly not being negative at all to you but if you're like me ... I wanted to know the facts so as they had a place somewhere in my head but I did try put it to the back of my mind and not worry! I would have a ID twin pregnancy again in a heartbeat and the main thing I would change would be way more rest after 20 weeks!


gemini chica
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by soon2bmomof3&4 » Thu Jul 08, 2022 6:48 pm
thanks for the reassurance Gemini, i love hearing/reading positive stories! Like you i always feel like i have to be prepared and so i research everything i dont understand  I'm getting plenty of rest at the moment (even with 2 other LO's!) my DH is an absolute star, i cant say enough how brilliant a husband and father he is  and i know come 20 wks +, he'll be the same! i have had a look on MM, rollerco*ster and eumom at the twins threads, its great to see so many other twin mammies! going to go now get a cuppa and have a look at your birth story!
________________________ Mom to 4 Beautiful Girls XX
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by gemini chica » Thu Jul 08, 2022 6:52 pm
Thanks for that Hipbaby! Zarazia, ah 10 weeks brings me back, they are lovely names and wow 38+3 you're some woman, boys were great weights! Are you bf, I formula fed, expressed for about 10 days and then had to stop because of strong antiobiotic I had for my c-section infection. But tbh there's no way I could have managed to BF two of them! How are they sleeping for you, do you have any help? My parents live literally a 3 minute walk from me and have been an enormous help. DH has been good too, he had to be!! Soon2B mine are generally great sleepers, I was very strict on routine, felt with twins it was the only way to go tbh I probably would have been the same with 1 baby either. The were in a routine from NICU anyway which is a huge positive of it, they came home on 3hrly feeds and although some people say "never wake a sleeping baby" we did, as with premmies they don't always recognise they are hungry so mightn't wake up but after a week home they just were not hungry enough for 3 hr feeds and when I stretched it to 3.5 hrs wow the difference bottles were gone in minutes (god love them they were only on 2ozs at this time). So then they got feed at 7,11,3,7,11,3. By eight weeks old they had dropped the 3am feed and going from 11pm (well 12am by time back in bed) until 7am. Even at that they used to go to bed after 7pm feed and we had to wake them at 11pm feed and put back to bed. Now they sleep 7/8pm to 7am, very rarely would I go a night without getting up 1-5 times in the night to replace a dodi (sometimes I wonder why I ever gave them one, but it definately does soothe them), I am very lucky that NEVER have I been up at night with either pacing the floors or anything like it (prob jinx myself now). The latest is though jac wakes at 5.30am chatting and laughing and banging in his cot, doesn't cry if I go in just laughs at me, this is going on about 3 weeks now and I have no idea why, but now I just leave him to it and he generally nods back off or if not I feed him then about 6.30am when he starts giving out. They have never slept in our room (no space for 2) and they slept in hammocks up until a month ago when Kayden could turn over and they were too big for them, it was a sad day when I took them down, as they LOVED them and as we never ever had any sleep issues I put it down to that. To be honest they have never taken huge amounts in their bottles and have a regular cycle of taking them really well for weeks and then just going off them for a week or two and both of them do this at the same time, even now the only one of their 3 bottles I can guarantee they will drink is their morning one, they love their grub though and would eat more if I let them but I curb it so as they will drink the bottle! Ok I have droned on enough so I will shut up now and go away!


gemini chica
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by soon2bmomof3&4 » Thu Jul 08, 2022 7:08 pm
i've searched but cant find your birth story Gemini  could you tell me where i can find it thanks!
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by soon2bmomof3&4 » Thu Jul 08, 2022 7:11 pm
oh got it in my inbox thanks!!!
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