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Dukan Diet?

Re: Dukan Diet?

Postby nini83 » Mon Jan 02, 2022 11:26 pm

Hi Luckyladee :wv I'll join back in the thread with you if that's ok??
I have never tried the Dukan diet but girls in work do it and they love it. I lost over 3 stone in ww after having my daughter to get to my goal of 10 st 7 lb (i'm 5'5') i then prob lost a further half stone in the run up to the wedding with nerves and running around etc , I totally relaxed after the wedding and over christmas and weighed myself this morning I was 10st 11lb actually was pleasantly surprised as have been pigging out and was at a wedding nye and ate and drank all around me.!! Iwas good today as wanted to start back today but will start the dukan tomo and let you know my progress , I need to read the thread to see the "rules" of the diet more clearly but i get the jist. We are heading to singapore and australia on a big holiday in 6 weeks so plenty of time to lose a stone would love to be 9 stone 11 going and then ttc no 2 when we get back :o)ll :o)ll :o)ll
You were very good today well done and keep posting to give me inspiration and motivation!!whats the most important thing/tip for the first week??
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Re: Dukan Diet?

Postby luckyladee » Tue Jan 03, 2022 9:11 am

Hi nini!
Glad to have a buddy while I'm starting out.

Well - good news first - in 24 hours I've lost 2.4lbs. I know there's a million reasons but regardless of why - that's a motivator if ever I saw one.

Tip for the attack phase nini - apparently it's don't go hungry. Stick to the allowed list only but eat as much of it as you need in order not to be hungry.

I just had my scrambled egg and smoked salmon for brekkie and am having my cup of tea now.

Good luck today.

Me 30, DH 33
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April 2011 - Started TTC
August 2011 - False Positive / Chemical Pregnancy
September 2011 - Started Acupuncture
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Jan 2012 - Day 3 bloods : LH 3.0 FSH 5.2 Prolactin 229
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Re: Dukan Diet?

Postby YoMammaSo » Tue Jan 03, 2022 9:29 am

I started before the x mas went from 10 7 to 10 2 on my scales, actually saw 913 on my mothers scales, the battery was dead on my own so I dont know if it was acurate or not. .

Well battery back in my scales now and was disgusted to see im 10 10 this morning, massive attack phase for next few days and must actually do some exercise this time.

Theres a few of us in it together now!

I was actually starting it yesterday but wasnt prepared fridge wise and DH was very bold and i ended up ordering in taco fries and chicken nuggets!! >:o)

Im seriously (tmi) constipated, i reckon theres gonna be a few lbs gone when i finally go, i drank 2 big glasses of prune juice yesterday to try get me kick started.

Roll on the scrambled eggs!

Good luck girlies!
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Re: Dukan Diet?

Postby elle81 » Tue Jan 03, 2022 10:05 am

hi all
I fell off the dukan wagon over xmas but startin back today so attack phase for all this week. i have alot of weight (4 stone+) to loose so will really need some motivation
My SIL got engaged over xmas and has asked me to be marton of honor so goal to work to (oh and shes a sz 6 so no pressure) :eek
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Re: Dukan Diet?

Postby nini83 » Tue Jan 03, 2022 9:41 pm

Well girls was very good today had egg for brekkie . prawns and fat free yoghurt for lunch and chicken fillet and egg for dinner ...this will sound silly but i'm going on what i read here and the girls in work does anyone have the full list of foods you can eat in the attack phase??

yo momma we are similar sizes so will be interested to see your progress.

Elle welcome back and congrats on being asked to be moh thats lovely...nothing like an event to keep you focused and motivated mine is the hols in a few weeks just keep picturing my belly in a bikini :o0

Lucky ladee you legend great weight loss well done :o)ll :o)ll :o)ll
I will weigh myself in the morning and be on to report :wv
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Re: Dukan Diet?

Postby luckyladee » Tue Jan 03, 2022 9:52 pm

Well done girls - we're going well so far.....

Here's today's food list:
Brekkie - slice of ham, 2 scrambled eggs with smoked salmon, cup of tea
Lunch - tin of tuna with a poached egg
Snack - 3 slices of turkey
Dinner - 2 chicken breasts stir-fried in smoked paprika, muller light yogurt with 2 spoons of oat bran.
Overall - 1.6 litres of water

I'm not finding it too bad at all so far. But hubby already says its making him tired, irritable and grumpy.

Me 30, DH 33
March 2011 - Diagnosed with PCOS
April 2011 - Started TTC
August 2011 - False Positive / Chemical Pregnancy
September 2011 - Started Acupuncture
Dec 2011 / Jan 2012 - First EVER 28 day cycle
Jan 2012 - Day 3 bloods : LH 3.0 FSH 5.2 Prolactin 229
Feb 2012 - started Metformin
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- SA results normal / scan shows increased numbers of ovarian cysts
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Re: Dukan Diet?

Postby YoMammaSo » Tue Jan 03, 2022 9:55 pm

Good woman, I had 2poached eggs with turkey brest slices for breakie, turkey and beef omlete for lunch and dukan easy chicken curry for dinner, it was only middelin u had to add mcdonalds curry to it .
What height are u Ninni? I'm 5'6/7

If u google, atack phase ul find the 72things u can eat, otherwise ill post tomor when not on my phone
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Re: Dukan Diet?

Postby YoMammaSo » Wed Jan 04, 2022 9:50 am

Now for the 72 Protein Foods List -
These are 72 Foods safe to eat in unlimited quantities on every phase of the diet.
Meat and Offal
Beef Steak
Filet of beef
Sirloin Steak
Roast Beef
Rump Steak
Bresaola (air dried beef)
Veal escalope
Calf's liver
Veal Chop
Cooked ham slices (no fat, no rind)
Cooked chicken and turkey slices (no fat, no rind)
Fat reduced bacon
Game - Venison, pheasant, partridge, grouse
Dab/Lemon sole
Dover sole
Fish roe - Cod, Salmon, Herring, Mullet
Grey Mullet
Rainbow Trout/Salmon Trout
Red Mullet
Sea Bass
Sea bream
Smoked Salmon
Dublin Bay prawns
Mediterranean prawns/ Gambas
Seafood sticks - surimi
Chicken livers
Guinea Fowl
Hen's eggs
Quail's eggs
Virtually Fat-Free Dairy Products
Skim milk
Virtually fat-free quark
Virtually fat-free fromage frais
Virtually fat-free cottage cheese
Fat-free greek yogurt
Fat Free natural yoghurt (plain or no-sugar sweetener only)
Vegetable Protein

I'm 10 6.6 This morning!
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Re: Dukan Diet?

Postby luckyladee » Wed Jan 04, 2022 11:12 am

YoMamma So

Fair play for posting the list and on the weight loss. Feels so good to be on the right path doesn't it?

I was 172.6 this morning - that's 4 lbs in 2 days!!!

I'll be back on later to put up my food diary for the day - good luck girls.

Me 30, DH 33
March 2011 - Diagnosed with PCOS
April 2011 - Started TTC
August 2011 - False Positive / Chemical Pregnancy
September 2011 - Started Acupuncture
Dec 2011 / Jan 2012 - First EVER 28 day cycle
Jan 2012 - Day 3 bloods : LH 3.0 FSH 5.2 Prolactin 229
Feb 2012 - started Metformin
Mar 2012 - Progesterone 22.2 and Testosterone within normal range
- SA results normal / scan shows increased numbers of ovarian cysts
- on low dose of Eltroxin
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Re: Dukan Diet?

Postby luckyladee » Wed Jan 04, 2022 10:21 pm

Ok, so here's today's food diary:

Brekkie - 2 eggs scrambled with smoked salmon and a cup of tea
11am - another cup of tea
Lunch - tin of mackeral with 2 slices of turkey
Afternoon - 1.5 litres of water and a glass of diet coke.
Dinner - meatballs made from minced beef (less than 5% fat variety), oat bran, parsley, smoked paprika, salt, pepper and combined with an egg. They were YUM!
Evening snack - muller light yogurt

Still in great form and not all that bored yet - 3 more attack days to go.

Me 30, DH 33
March 2011 - Diagnosed with PCOS
April 2011 - Started TTC
August 2011 - False Positive / Chemical Pregnancy
September 2011 - Started Acupuncture
Dec 2011 / Jan 2012 - First EVER 28 day cycle
Jan 2012 - Day 3 bloods : LH 3.0 FSH 5.2 Prolactin 229
Feb 2012 - started Metformin
Mar 2012 - Progesterone 22.2 and Testosterone within normal range
- SA results normal / scan shows increased numbers of ovarian cysts
- on low dose of Eltroxin
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Re: Dukan Diet?

Postby nini83 » Wed Jan 04, 2022 11:15 pm

Hi girls couldnt log in this morning sorry but good news i was down 3 pounds :o)ll was 10 st 8 this morning.
Yo momma so - i'm 5'5 and thanks a mill for posting the food list
was really good again today egg for brekkie and cup of tea
yummy prawns from marks with chilli and some chicken breast for lunch
tea and fat free yoghurt for snack
dinner chicken breast and salmon flakes and fat free yoghurt for dessert.
Keep up the good work ladies i'll be on tomo with my weigh in!! i feel better all ready xx
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Re: Dukan Diet?

Postby YoMammaSo » Thu Jan 05, 2022 8:55 am

good girl nini keep up the good work.

Luckyladee i like the sound of those meatballs i might just try them this eve. Im at an advantage as my dh is a butcher so i could have any meat i want in the evening, but im unimaginative really . . i was going to ask him to make up super lean mince but to add smoked bacon to the mince, i could still do your meat balls out of it.
how is your weight lose going ?

Im 10 5.6 this morning. Im not getting to do any excercise I think if i did the weight would come off faster. . .

millions of cups of tea- skimmed milk and hermesetas
breakie boiled egg lean rashers
lunch honey and mustard kippers with cottage cheese
dinner vietnamese shaking beef -dukan recipe
Lean thinlly sliced sirlion beef
2 tblsp of soya sauce
1 tblsp of oyster/fish sauce
grated/ ground ginger
cracked black pepper
pinch of salt
some dried garlic
marinated all the ingredients with the beef for half hour or more, heat up a pan add a few drops of oil and wipe with kitchen towel put in either sliced or crushed garlic (i used garlic paste) and when the garlic gets fragrant ( 10-15 seconds) and the beef, the pan must be very hot, stir fry for about 1 minute and your ready.
The meat should be slightly rare!!

I actually fried some onion off before all of this and added to the pan in last few seconds and have a teaspoon of garlic and herb philly light on the side.
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Re: Dukan Diet?

Postby nini83 » Thu Jan 05, 2022 10:41 am

yo momma you're making me hungry that recipe sounds delish *)
Well I was same weight this morning but tmi alert- bowel movements have been a bit slow ahem :-8 so didnt mind too much and will stick at it again today just had fat free yoghurt for brekkie , nothing else in house!!will go shopping later. How many days are you doing the attack phase for? i'm going to do it till sat that will be 5 days we are having friends for dinner on sat night so will be having some carbs then and a glass of wine we will only be having pasta with roasted veg and the like as they are strict vegetarians i think by that stage tho i will deserve it!! keep up the good work girlos and lucky you yo momma with the butcher hubby perfect for the diet!! :wv
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Re: Dukan Diet?

Postby YoMammaSo » Thu Jan 05, 2022 11:03 am

nini83 wrote:yo momma you're making me hungry that recipe sounds delish *)
Well I was same weight this morning but tmi alert- bowel movements have been a bit slow ahem :-8

it wasnt that fantastic- he had it in a big crusty roll the fu*ker
im the same nothing moving really here either, i swear new years day dinner is still in there :o0
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Re: Dukan Diet?

Postby luckyladee » Thu Jan 05, 2022 11:11 am

That beef dish does sound YUM!!!

Well, this morning my scales showed no change at all. Disappointing but I guess after losing 4lbs in 2 days I had to expect it to slow down at some point. Hopefully we'll see more movement tomorrow.

Good luck today ladies.

Me 30, DH 33
March 2011 - Diagnosed with PCOS
April 2011 - Started TTC
August 2011 - False Positive / Chemical Pregnancy
September 2011 - Started Acupuncture
Dec 2011 / Jan 2012 - First EVER 28 day cycle
Jan 2012 - Day 3 bloods : LH 3.0 FSH 5.2 Prolactin 229
Feb 2012 - started Metformin
Mar 2012 - Progesterone 22.2 and Testosterone within normal range
- SA results normal / scan shows increased numbers of ovarian cysts
- on low dose of Eltroxin
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