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Weightwatchers Propoints system

Weightwatchers Propoints system

Postby Trixy3 » Wed Jan 05, 2022 11:50 am


Joined WW last night and started the new propoints system. I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread and we can list foods that we have pointed that would not be in the book.

This morning I pointed:
A bag of Tayto snax (from a 6 pack) - 1 point
WW coronation tuna - 2 points
A snack pack of Jacobs Mediteranean Tomato & Basil crackers - 1 point

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Re: Weightwatchers Propoints system

Postby sugarkk » Wed Jan 05, 2022 12:28 pm

Hey there, that sounds like a brilliant idea!

I'm heading back to WW at lunchtime today (really not looking forward to it - will be very, very bad news I'm afraid!). I'm a gold member and have been over 10 years with WW - am a bit apprehensive about the new system but will give it a chance. If it doesn't work for me, I'll revert back.

How are you finding it so far on day 1?
Royal Wolly
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Re: Weightwatchers Propoints system

Postby Trixy3 » Wed Jan 05, 2022 12:34 pm

Hey Sugarkk

I am finding it ok so far, its a bonus that the fruit is free as I mixed a banana in with my cereal and yogurt this morning and I had a bowl of grapes there a while ago.

I am raging that I didnt buy the pro points calculator yesterday will def buy it next week as you will see the wheel they give you is very had to manage.

I think this system will be good but it will take a while to get into it.

Good luck with the weigh in, as our leader said last night everyone is starting a new slate.

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Re: Weightwatchers Propoints system

Postby sugarkk » Wed Jan 05, 2022 12:54 pm

If you have an iPhone, there's an app you can download to work out the propoints - am hoping that it works right and saves me the bother of having to fork out 10 euro. That said, it's a cheap enough price for the calculator (although I'd say they are flying out the door).

Fruit being free is brilliant news - I don't eat enough of it but this will definitely encourage me. It will be so strange not looking at the calories but checking out the protein, fibre, carbs and fat instead - I guess that's why the wheel is so complicated.

It'll be mad having to un-learn everything after so long being able to point food at a glance - it's rare these days that I have to look things up. But I've put up 13lb since the wedding (for shame!) so I really want that gone in the next few months. Maybe a new system like this will be the kick in the backside I need!
Royal Wolly
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Re: Weightwatchers Propoints system

Postby Trixy3 » Wed Jan 05, 2022 12:56 pm

Yes I relaxed after the wedding as well so was only too happy to rejoin yesterday.

The app does work as my hubbie downloaded it to his phone last night but I dont have an IPhone. Hubbie joined with me as well so there is a pair of us in it :o0
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Re: Weightwatchers Propoints system

Postby sugarkk » Wed Jan 05, 2022 1:21 pm

Fair play to your hubbie for joining with you - my hubs just has to skip dessert for a few days and he'll lose 10lbs! It's so unfair, he's a great metabolism whereas mine is rotten - I often tease him that he just needs to blink harder to burn a few extra calories!

Am off now, will let you know how I get on. Might stop to buy some fruit on the way, so have something to munch on during the class. I'm STARVING!!
Royal Wolly
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Re: Weightwatchers Propoints system

Postby missh2011 » Wed Jan 05, 2022 1:26 pm

Kit Kat senses - 5 ppts

Also, I have also used iwatcher (79c) from itunes on my iphone. I can point food, store the value and track my points. I was raging with propoints but I mailed the fella who made the app and he linked me to here and I was able to change my calculator on my phone to propoints, and you can track the 49 bonus points too. It is a great app.

Am working my way through the mc donalds menu at the mo!!!;23;6/st/20110604/e/Our+Wedding%21%21%21/dt/5/k/4fc2/event.png
New Wolly
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Re: Weightwatchers Propoints system

Postby musicmental85 » Wed Jan 05, 2022 1:48 pm

In case anyone is interested I'm following ww online from the .com website. I hated meetings. I used to follow the uk version but when they released the official iphone app it wasn't put in the irish store and because the website is flash based I can't access my account on my phone.
The american has a mobile website where I can track/point everything. The community boards, challenges and groups are great for motivation too. It worked out at 39 euro for three months which is so much less than the meetings (which I get so nervous about). I can't understand why we haven't got an irish online version yet.
New Wolly
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Re: Weightwatchers Propoints system

Postby Trixy3 » Wed Jan 05, 2022 1:58 pm

A bag of Tayto snax (from a 6 pack) - 1 point
WW coronation tuna - 2 points
A snack pack of Jacobs Mediteranean Tomato & Basil crackers - 1 point
Kit Kat senses - 5 points
A bag of velvet crunch - 1 point
A normal bag of tayto snacks - 2 points

Thanks for the tips for the apps girls.
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Re: Weightwatchers Propoints system

Postby sugarkk » Wed Jan 05, 2022 3:48 pm

Just back from first meeting - god, the queues were out the door. Lots of enthusiastic people there. Got all my books (apart from the eating out guide - it was sold out). Would reccommend the shop guide (which is €7) as it has a lot more info on basic foods than the little pocket guide.

missh2011 wrote:Kit Kat senses - 5 ppts

Also, I have also used iwatcher (79c) from itunes on my iphone. I can point food, store the value and track my points. I was raging with propoints but I mailed the fella who made the app and he linked me to here and I was able to change my calculator on my phone to propoints, and you can track the 49 bonus points too. It is a great app.

Missh2011, that's the app I went for too - very handy. Got the conversions sorted and ready to go. It's fantastic.

On first glance, it's a really interesting plan. I'm especially intrigued to see that they count the points of potatoes differently depending on if they are boiled or baked. There is a lot of sciencey bits like that in the programme. As I had been on the old one, this is really a welcome change for me as I was getting very bored on the old one.

Other pluses for me is that there's no carrying over points every day - the 49 extra points that we get over the week seems like a really good system. Also, fruit being free is fantastic - have just bought my own body weight in apples, bananas and oranges.

Anyhoo, here's what I've pointed so far -

Plain bagel - 3
30g smoked salmon - 1
30g low fat (less than 5%) soft cheese - 1
All Bran 40g bowl - 3
Skimmed milk (140ml) - 2

Dinner is a beef casserole that I've worked out at only 5pts per portion, but was shocked to see that 60g of dried rice is 6 points! Wish I hadn't had my lunch now but it was fab (Mark and Spencer risotto with crab - 10 delicious points worth!). Maybe I'll have spuds as have had rice already today... Am off to investigate the points of spuds without the usual load of butter I put in them...
Royal Wolly
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Re: Weightwatchers Propoints system

Postby Trixy3 » Wed Jan 05, 2022 3:53 pm

A bag of Tayto snax (from a 6 pack) - 1 point
WW coronation tuna - 2 points
A snack pack of Jacobs Mediteranean Tomato & Basil crackers - 1 point
Kit Kat senses - 5 points
A bag of velvet crunch - 1 point
A normal bag of tayto snacks - 2 points
Plain bagel - 3
30g smoked salmon - 1
30g low fat (less than 5%) soft cheese - 1
All Bran 40g bowl - 3
Skimmed milk (140ml) - 2
McDonalds medium fries - 10
McDonalds quarter pounder with cheese - 13
McDonalds cheeseburger - 7
McDonalds big mac - 14
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Re: Weightwatchers Propoints system

Postby grazia » Wed Jan 05, 2022 3:56 pm

Just back too - my god the qs!! Seem interesting alough the pointer is way too finicky. I will be using my ITracker app too.

On the bad front i put on 6POUNDS over christmas - my god i knew i enjoyed my self but not that much!!! Still I have 7 months to lose 1 and half stone so not too overwhelming.

stuff Ive pointed:

The WW wholemeal pittas are 3 points
Avonmore LF med veg soup 400ml carten 2

Major Wolly
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Re: Weightwatchers Propoints system

Postby Trixy3 » Wed Jan 05, 2022 3:59 pm

Sugarkk your dinner sounds yummy. I am going to make a chicken stir fry its 4 points for the chicken breast and I will pile it high with onions mushooms and peppers. I just have to point the blue dragon sauce and the blue dragon wholemeal noodles when I go home.

I had a tomato wrap for my lunch which I pointed at 7 points, 3 for the wrap, 2 for tuna, 2 for mayo and then I had peppers, onions, tomato and cucumber on it as well which really bulked it up. I hope I am pointing it right.
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Re: Weightwatchers Propoints system

Postby Trixy3 » Wed Jan 05, 2022 4:55 pm

Grazia I ate my way through Christmas I don't know what was wrong with me but anyhow I am back on track now so will forget about that huge blip :eek You have given yourself plenty of time to lose the stone and a half fair play.

The class I went to last night was really busy as well and there was a few men there as well which I was thrilled about as I didnt want hubby to run a mile when he saw all the women :o0
Last edited by Trixy3 on Wed Jan 05, 2022 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Weightwatchers Propoints system

Postby grazia » Wed Jan 05, 2022 5:48 pm

thanks trixy!

Mind you ive just realised there are 6 not 7 months to my wedding! hmm better get cracking on a lot of things!

O ya i think a bagal is 6 points in the new systm not 3 :eek

Major Wolly
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