Since late 2009 I seemed to have piled on a serious amount of weight - there were a lot of emotional things happening in my life and the obviously kept me in denial about things until early last year. I have been sticking to a pretty rigid fitness plan since April of last year - gym at least twice a week, sometimes more, and I see a personal trainer at least once a week. At times I did a two week Paleo diet - meat, green veg and nuts pretty much, and it was great! I even had a dexascan done in October - where is takes ultrasound type images of your bone, muscle and fat make-up and the specialist can show you where your areas of improvement are, what weight to target and anything else. My muscle mass is apparently above average - thanks to all the gym session, but it's buried under a load of fat that doesn't seem to be going anywhere! I need to loose about 8-10kg.
Initially the goal was the BM dress for my BF's wedding last Aug. On the day the dress (14) was a teeny weeny bit loose and I felt great, although all the weight had not fully gone - so goal one achieved per se! Goal two - my wedding this Dec!! Since the wedding in August I have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that affects my thyroid and my hormone levels, so doc said a lot of the weight gain is most likely due to that. I've been on meds since November last that are supposed to help start to shift the excess weight, along with my gym sessions. But it's like I've hit a rut. The weight around my mid-rift and thighs is not budging!! I'm getting very disheartened, especially when you consider the money you spend on gym and trainers, etc.

So I'm thinking of trying one or two alternative options over the next month to see if I can't kick this belly into action. Option A is colonic irrigation and Option B is hypoxi (you don a space-suit and run on a treadmill! Robbie Williams swears by it, so too does a girl at work!) Has anyone here (a) tried, (b) heard, or (c) know anything about these two treatments that they can give me some feedback!? Diet and exercise are in check, and apart from the medical stuff which we're still working on, if I don't get these last few kilos sorted soon so that I can get to a point where I'm maintaining weight, fitness and working on toning in the lead up to the wedding, rather than still chasing down this muffin top, I'm gonna be seriously depressed!!