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Running thread

Running thread

Postby wildone » Wed May 18, 2022 1:42 pm


Just wondering if anyone would like to partake in a running thread? I type this as I sit in half my running gear and didnt quite make it out the door this morning (tea and rashers won over- so annoyed at myself :duh: !!!) so I need some motivation & to hear how much running other people are doing and just to chat about it in general!!

Im hoping to lose about 2stone :eek and just get fit in general!! I have done a few 10kms and I think my best time was about 58mins. I have been doing it on and off for years and definitely think that once you establish a certain level of fitness, regardless of taking a few months it is never as difficult as the first time you start back. I only started back a few weeks ago and on the whole am loving it (it's strange but I have a love hate relationship with running). Am hoping to sign up for a 10km soon and beat my personal best time! I am an all or nothing person so fear I will have to cut booze O-O out as it wrecks my eating and dehydration:(

So the past few weeks I have more or less been going every second day ( I definitely think the rest day helps even though in the past I would be determined and getting out every day but the stiffness does be unreal)! I more or less alternate between 2 routes and according to trusty gmappedometor, one of the routes is 3.7miles and the other is 4! So when I started I was doing the 3.7 in 39mins and am now down to just under 37mins and with the 4 my first run was 45.45 and I did it on Sun in 40.30 so am moving in the right direction. . . . I don't have a fancy garmin watch so rely on either the car or gmap pedometer for the distances and have a stop watch for the time! on the shorter runs im trying to incorporate the lamppost to lampost sprints and am finding that good too.

So it would be great to hear from all the other runners (or in my case jogger/waddler!!) out there and hear how you are getting on and ideas/tips etc!
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Re: Running thread

Postby peacockgirl » Wed May 18, 2022 2:52 pm

Hi wildone,

I am with you!

I have a total love/hate relationship with running... It takes a huge amount of effort and motivation for me to actually get out the door but once I'm out there doing it - I love it.

I started by running 3km back in October and I did my first 10km race in April. I managed it in 53 mins 41 seconds and I was chuffed with myself. I would really like to do another one but I really haven't trained much since then O:| . I am going for a run in half an hour and I would really like to do 6km.

Do you have a smart phone by any chance? I have a samsung galaxy s and I downloaded an app called Cardiotrainer - it's free and it maps the route you run, your speed and your average number of calories burned. It's really good coz a little voice tells me ever 1.5km how far I've run, my average speed and my calories burned. Plus you can listen away to your music at the same time.

Going every second day is plenty as rest periods are very important for your body. Also doing sprinting at intervals is a really good way of upping your fitness levels.

Keep us posted and I will too :wv

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Re: Running thread

Postby 28-sept-10 » Wed May 18, 2022 2:54 pm

i would love to join ye :o)ll :o)ll i only took up running a few months ago and have only done 1 10km race finished in just under an hour so was happy enough, like you i find it hard to motivate myself and only ran once last week for the first time in over 2 weeks.

ive promised myself that im not giving into excuses anymore ive a holiday in spain in 6 weeks to keep me going :-8 and ive signed up for the 8km docklands race on june 21st :o)ll :o)ll

ive done 7.5km monday night and im doing the same again tonight, rain or snow :o0

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Re: Running thread

Postby ShutterBug » Wed May 18, 2022 3:15 pm

Oh Id like to join too Im not quite as good as the rest of you. I only started running (slow jogging) in January and finished the couch to 5k programme a while ago. Im still only doing 5k twice a week but at the minute its enough. Did a 4 mile race in April and Im on the look out for a 5k for June. Have had a bad two weeks but determined to get back on track now. Last nights jog was a bit of a struggle but trying to soldier on!

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Re: Running thread

Postby peacockgirl » Wed May 18, 2022 3:52 pm

Welcome Miss Ted... :wv

28-sept-10, I didn't know about that Docklands run... so gonna sign up for it now :o)ll :o)ll :o)ll

Right I'm off to do my 6km - wish me luck girls O:o)

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Re: Running thread

Postby wildone » Thu May 19, 2022 11:52 am

Hi girls!

Glad to hear there are others just like me with the motivation issues!! So yesterday, I kept my running gear on me and procrastinated for a ridiculous amount of time and even cleaned out my fridge!! Then I went and after half a mile really got into it and went fairly slow and steady but did my usual 3.7mile in 36.41 so was happy enough.

Peacock, 53 was so impressive for a first time 10km, you must have had a good level of fitness beforehand? That Smart phone app sounds brilliant but I have a tendency to drop phones a lot so have reverted back to the older solid non fancy types!! How did your 6k go last night?

Sep 28, Im under major pressure as am going to a wedding in 6wks- running is fab for dropping the weight quickly and will also get the skipping rope out if I have to! Did you get going last night?

Miss Ted, You have done the hardest part in getting up to 4miles, you should look out for a 10km, id say you'd be well able! I definitely feel already that the little sprint intervals are helping me open up my stride and quicken my pace so give them a go! Also as my house is on a hill, most runs I do involve hills and its also a great way for building fitness.

Funny coincidence how I feel so motivated today and it's my rest day!!! Tomorrow will be another story :o0
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Re: Running thread

Postby peacockgirl » Thu May 19, 2022 12:26 pm

wildone wrote:Peacock, 53 was so impressive for a first time 10km, you must have had a good level of fitness beforehand? That Smart phone app sounds brilliant but I have a tendency to drop phones a lot so have reverted back to the older solid non fancy types!! How did your 6k go last night?

Thanks wildone! I have been playing hockey for the last 20 years or so... so I did have some level of fitness before I started this running lark - but nothing like I have now it has to be said. I was more of a run when I absolutely have to kind of sports person rather than a run because I like it and I'm good at it kind of sports person! :o0

I ended up running 7km last night and it felt great! I did it in 38:30 mins so I was pretty chuffed at that.

[/quote]Funny coincidence how I feel so motivated today and it's my rest day!!! Tomorrow will be another story :o0[/quote]

I know the feeling... I said I'd give myself a rest today too but I'm feeling v motivated after yesterday so I think I'll have the rest tomo and go for a run today instead.

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Re: Running thread

Postby 1978 » Thu May 19, 2022 2:19 pm

Hi guys, I'm a newbie runner and am just getting started. I'm up to about 4kms now where I have to walk the last couple of minutes!! Then I fall into the house into a pile on the couch from exhaustion!. I'm sure I'll get better though! Am going again tonight so hopefully I'll be able to finish it now without stopping.
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Re: Running thread

Postby 28-sept-10 » Thu May 19, 2022 5:20 pm

well girls i did my 7km last night and feel great after it, i was planning all the excuses in my head not to go :o0 then the sun came out i had none :-8 so happy once i started its great for clearing your head, i mind kids in my house during the day so i get a little stressed :o0

i have downloaded cardiotrainer which one of you advised and it was perfect, great app!!! :o)ll :o)ll

oh i love this thread great to keep me going now, ill be dying to see everybodys progression and tell mine :o)ll :o)ll

saturday morning im aiming to do 9-10km... I CAN DO IT!!!!! bikini in 6 weeks :eek :eek

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Re: Running thread

Postby peacockgirl » Fri May 20, 2022 9:04 am

Welcome 1978... don't worry you'll soon get to the stage where 4km will be a doddle :wv

28-sept-10, well done on your 7km! Glad you like the cardiotrainer... it's great. I love the way it gives you different coloured medals that appear in the the top left hand bar of your phone depending on how many calories you've burned in the last 7 days i.e. bronze medal for 1000-1400 calories, silver medal for 1500-1900 calories and gold for anything over 2000 calories. It's a really good way of keeping track on the amount of exercise you do per week.

If you keep going like that you will definitely be bikini ready in 6 weeks.

I didn't end up doing anything yesterday as I called to me sisters and ate rings around myself instead O:| but I'll be going today, I will, I will, I will!

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Re: Running thread

Postby ShutterBug » Fri May 20, 2022 9:10 am

Well done girls, great thread for keeping the motivation. Im doing a weights/fitness class on a Thursday evening and running two other days so hoping the balance will be good for toning and weightloss. Weighed myself this morning and was down 2lb's this week. Next run isnt till Sunday as Im going on a hen on Saturday night, so hope the hangover isnt too bad!

I use the Nike+ app on my iphone and find it great!

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Re: Running thread

Postby 1978 » Fri May 20, 2022 9:31 am

Hi ladies, did the full 4km last night, was thrilled with myself!!! yippeee!!! :o)ll
do ye think running is that good for weight loss?
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Re: Running thread

Postby peacockgirl » Fri May 20, 2022 9:47 am

1978 wrote:Hi ladies, did the full 4km last night, was thrilled with myself!!! yippeee!!! :o)ll
do ye think running is that good for weight loss?


I've lost 20 pounds since last October through a combination of changing a few things in my diet and running :wv And I love how it has shaped my body too... I'm certainly not the lightest I have ever been but I am definitely the most toned I have been since I was about 18 :o)ll

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Re: Running thread

Postby ShutterBug » Fri May 20, 2022 10:35 am

1978 wrote:Hi ladies, did the full 4km last night, was thrilled with myself!!! yippeee!!! :o)ll
do ye think running is that good for weight loss?

Well done 1978!
Now Im not sure if shes on some magical diet too but have a look at Kourtney K ... nancy.html

I lost half a stone pretty much just from running (i havent been great at the diet part) in the first few months. I only have another 5 or 6lbs to go till Im where I want to be. So really need to work on the diet part and not get lazy. good start this week tho!
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Re: Running thread

Postby Sposa » Fri May 20, 2022 10:09 pm

Yeah a running thread. Great to see one.

So finally got back running in Jan after having our LO in Feb last year. And it's great to see the baby kilos finally falling off. Have about 1.5 to go before am back to original weight but am already feeling great. Go out about 3 to 4 times a week and you know what has really helped - going with a friend. Thought I was better as a sole runner but it's great having her as my motivator.

Anyway what are your running goals girls? To get in form for wedding, to do a 10km, to feel better in yourselves?

Anyone up for a marathon? >:o)


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