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anyone doing uni slim?

anyone doing uni slim?

Postby twinbambinos » Thu Nov 10, 2021 9:58 pm

HI Girls
Just started uni slim yesterday and am getting to grips with what im allowed to have as in free food and 5 carbohydrates etc a week.
how do ye find it? what would ye typical eat in a day? any nice receipes?
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Re: anyone doing uni slim?

Postby Willow3 » Fri Nov 11, 2021 7:11 pm

Hi there

im doing unislim, started about 8 weeks ago, so far I've lost 5 pounds, trying to do it slowly but surely for my wedding next year. Finding the plan good so far just hope I don't get fed up doing it and revert to my old ways, I just love food too much. I have about a further 1 and a half stone to lose. For dinner tonight I'm having a grilled flattened out chicken breast marinated in herbs and lemon, homemade potatoes wedges in paprika and frylight done in the oven and peas & carrots with a dollop of extra light mayo. Afterwards Im going to have a curly wurly and an options hot choc, curly wurly works out to be 2 yumz, leader says there's about 50 kcals in 1 yum so I'm going by that.
Lunch is usually a large wholemeal pitta for 2 carbs with tuna, elm, chopped tomatoes and scallions, low fat yogurt and piece of fruit, all free except for the pitta. Breakfast is 30g porridge (1 carb) made on low fat milk (free) with chopped dried fruit (optional fruit)
I make free butternutsquash soup as I love it, sometimes I'll have that for lunch with 3 Ryvita (1.5 carbs) and a topping of homemade hummous which i make free also by not putting oil or tahini but using loads of lemon juice, elm and half a garlic clove, nice!

How did you get on today with the plan?
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Re: anyone doing uni slim?

Postby twinbambinos » Sat Nov 12, 2021 11:59 pm

Thanks willow your doing great on it so far, lovely ideas there for meals aswell will be using the home made potato wedges one yum :-)
Got on good the last couple of days I think :-8 im just getting use to how many carbs etc I can use, For the free foods can you eat as much as you like of them through out the day? I made butternut squash soup today aswell ( love it too btw) nad because I was hungrier today I had a couple of cup fulls of it at different stages is that ok?
So for breakie i had
2 x mccambridges bb with a tiny bit of jam and a cuppa of tea
lunch - soup
snack - apple
dinner - weight watchers curry ( frozen meal) and apple and orange with fat free yougurt
snack - packet of velvet crunch ( yum)

yesterday I had
breakie 2 weetabix wiht low fat milk
snack - apple
lunch - 2 boiled eggs with 2 slices of b toast
apple and yougurt
dinner - spagetti b
snack - digestive biscuit (1) with a cup of tea
do you think this is ok so far??

have weigh in Thursday and really hoping to have lost at least 2 pound!!
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Re: anyone doing uni slim?

Postby lezah252 » Sun Nov 13, 2021 3:11 pm

Hi guys can i join ye! I started last tues so have my first weigh in this week. I did ww and i was used of the points so im not sure if im gettin to grips with this yet but i will see on tues i guess!! Would loose to loose 6/7 pounds before xmas hope it works will keep you posted as to how i get on on tuesday so far i dont feel like ive lost anything!!
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Re: anyone doing uni slim?

Postby twinbambinos » Mon Nov 14, 2021 12:10 am

Hey Lezah :wv excellent we joined unislim at same time so maybe can share hints/tips/receipes etc. Best of luck with weigh in on Tuesday dying to know how I will do on Wednesday. I hope I have lost at least a couple of pound if not ill be pi**ed off !!! I did ww before aswell so its taking me a bit o ftime to get a hang of this and using my 5carbs a day and additional protein etc.I think im doing ok but im going to bring my tracker sheet and show leader on Wednesday just to make sure im on the right track. One thing I will say is that im not hungry at all feel im eating way more actually but good foods and TMI but have had to go to the toilet a lot more so im hoping all the good food has cleared out my system!!
anyway today had
2 poached eggs on brown toast
snack - apple and two mandariens
Lunch - home made soup
Dinner - roast chicken ( skinless) potaotes and turnip and carrots
apples/orange and kiwi with fat free yougurt
Snack -tea and a low fat cereal bar ( 61 cals)

how did you get on today girls?
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Re: anyone doing uni slim?

Postby Willow3 » Mon Nov 14, 2021 9:16 pm

Hi girls

Was away for a few days, its hard to stick to the plan when you are out of the comfort of your own home, my weigh in is tomorrow evening so I'm hoping I at least stayed the same, I didn't go too mad food wise but I did have a few drinks last night and a carvery dinner. I ate light enough today, I'm trying to lose 7 pounds by Xmas, my leader has has given me that little goal to try for.

Twins, you can eat as much of the free food as you like, that's according to my leader anyway, you should also try to drink a good drop of pure water in a day at least 1 litre if you can, you will also get water from tea/coffee, soup, fruit and veg. I try to plan my meals 3 days ahead and get the shopping in for it and make sure I have everything I need so I don't have to go to the shop on the way home from work and get tempted by chocolate, there are so many special offers at the moment I find its hard to resist.

tomorrow Im definitely getting back on track, I've planned to have

B - 30g porridge (1 carb), low fat milk (free) 2 chopped up prunes (1 optional fruit)
S - Tea with sweetner and low fat milk (free)
L- Large brown pitta (2 carbs) Tuna in brine with eml and sweetcorn (free) Cherry mullerlight and an apple (both free)
D - 60g wholemeal pasta (2 carbs) 2 tsp green pesto (2 fats/oils) Cherry tomato & scallion mixed into the pasta and pesto. Herby flattend out chicken breast grilled (free) and broccoli (free)
S- Options hot choc (free) and a slice of jamican ginger cake (3 yums)
1 litre of water or more througout the day

Are either of you girls exercising with the plan? my leader did an exercise class as part of the meeting recently, it was a bit naff to be honest, dont think I'd stay for it again. Im just walking where I can, Id say I will have to start exercising soon enough though to help the pounds come off.

Happy healthy eating :custum59
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Re: anyone doing uni slim?

Postby lezah252 » Mon Nov 14, 2021 11:11 pm

Great Twinbambinos I'm just back from kettlebells class hope this also helps with the weight loss and that i wont be weighing heavier 2moro!! Ive a feeling i wont have much if anything gone tomorrow. I've had a good week and exercised loads every day but ihad a takeaway on friday night. Thats the only thing i think ive done wrong this week!! as well we will see tomorrow today i had
30g porridge
wrap with salad and may and light mayo
fat free yoghurt
dinner pasta (not the best option but i was in a rush)
1 hour of kettle bells
another 2 oranges!!! 3 bottles of water (finding it hard to drink the water!)

Anyway will post tomorrow eve hopefully il have something gone would be delighted with a lb!! Fingers crossed!!
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Re: anyone doing uni slim?

Postby Willow3 » Tue Nov 15, 2021 12:26 am

Hi lezah
Best of luck with weigh in tomorrow, bet you've lost at least a couple of pounds!
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Re: anyone doing uni slim?

Postby lezah252 » Tue Nov 15, 2021 7:37 pm

Hi guys Just home from unislim i lost 1lb 12 oz which im delighted with although i only started unislim last week ive been dieting since end of sept so far ive lost 10 lb hopefully another 5/6 pounds to add to that before xmas :o)ll Best of luck to all of you weighing this week.. Let us know how you get on. We can do this!!
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Re: anyone doing uni slim?

Postby Willow3 » Tue Nov 15, 2021 9:50 pm

Hi Lezah
Well done on the weight loss, you must be delighted, great incentive to keep going. :o)ll I weighed in tonight aswell, I stayed the same which Im glad about as I thought I may have sneaked on a pound or that. Well this week I've no excuses so Im fiercely back on track and planning and sticking to the plan properly. Tomorrow i intend to have

B- 30g porridge (1 carb) low fat milk (free) Tea with sweetner (free)
S - Banana - op fruit
L - Brown pitta (2 carbs) Tuna, sweetcorn and elm (free) low fat yogurt and apple (free)
D - Butterbean bake (free) Feta (optional protein) 60g cous cous (2 carbs)
S - Tea (free) and slice of jamican ginger cake (3 yums)

Definitely going to fit in a 30 min walk throughout the day aswell

Happy healthy eating girls :action31
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Re: anyone doing uni slim?

Postby lezah252 » Tue Nov 15, 2021 10:12 pm

Hi willow 3 its better than being up so well done yes i too want to have a good week and exercise lots have to try and get into the whole porridge not a fan at all!! ive kettle bells again tomorrow and want to try and walk as well.. My leader this eve told me to try and drink as much water as possible also find this hard!! But will try this week !!
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Re: anyone doing uni slim?

Postby twinbambinos » Wed Nov 16, 2021 3:00 pm

hey girls
Lezah well done on weight loss girl you must be deighted :o)ll keep it up now and youll fly it especially with all the excerise you are doing aswell !!
Willow how did you get on with weigh in ? your doing great so far aswell..its hard to stick to it all the time and I think a little blow out is ok once you get yourself back on track and not go to mad. Im finding it hard to git in the excerise as I have 14 week old twins so by the time I get them pack up and ready for walk its nearly bottle time again. Am going to try today though in the afternoon sometime !
Have weigh in myself really hoping to have lost a couple of lbs as have stuck to it pretty good.
Today so far I have had
Special K red berries for breakie ( girls do ye weigh out yer food? Im just guessing so dont really know i Im sticking to the correct amount)
Lunch Whole meal pitta bread wiht turkey, tomoato, tiny slice of cheest and cucumber wiht lighter than light mayo and a cuppa of tea wiht sweetner.
Dinner will be home made spagetti and whole meal pasta and fruit and yougurt.
Am really bad for drinking water so need to get my as* in grear doing this!!!
Were doing good girls..Ill come on later and let you know how weigh in went!!
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Re: anyone doing uni slim?

Postby twinbambinos » Wed Nov 16, 2021 10:50 pm

Girls lost 4.5lb am delighted :o)ll :o)ll :o)ll I know first week you always loose the most but im hoping to loose another 2 next week and that will be nearly a half a stone gone!
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Re: anyone doing uni slim?

Postby lezah252 » Wed Nov 16, 2021 11:59 pm

Go you twinbambinos Delihted for you well done :o)ll keep it up :)

I didnt exercise today as was feeling very tired! I think a handful of special k is about 30g ive tried drinking water drank about 2l today!! Lets get moivated for another week ahead!! here hoping for a lighter one!!
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Re: anyone doing uni slim?

Postby soontohave3 » Sun Nov 27, 2021 11:52 pm

Hi girls, can I join you?I Started Unislim 5 weeks ago now. Lost 4lbs first week, 1lb second week stayed the same 3rd week and the 4lbs last week so 9 lbs down in total. Have about 2-2 1/2 stone to loose in total. Finding it easy enough to stick to all week as I'm home with 3 small kids but come the weekend I'm a diaster. Just back from a girls weekend away and was a diaster with both food and drink,eating literally all around me so have taken a holiday from weigh in tomorrow. I try and get out for a walk in the mornings but it's hard with a 4 yr old 2 1/2 yr old and 16 week old so do what I can. I have sky plus so have recorded some exercise programmes from sky on that and try stick them on for a workout if I can't get a walk in while the kids colour or jump around with me!!!
The water seems to be really important 2litres a day and also have 3 meals and 2 snacks as this regular eating pattern helps keep blood sugars stable.
Hoping to get back on track this week after my bad (great) weekend!!!
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