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Operation Transformation January 2012

Operation Transformation January 2012

Postby eefc » Thu Nov 24, 2021 10:32 am

Hello ladies :wv

In an effort to try and shed at least 20 pounds within the next 6 months (not quite sure if this is do-able) I would love to follow RTE's operation transformation that is starting in January.

Is anyone interested in doing it? We can post on this thread re progress, advice, recepies (sp) etc..

I know there is loads of WW and SW threads up here and I have gone to weightwatchers before and shed 30 pounds ( I have since put back on 15 O:| ) but it doesnt fit in with lifestyle at the mo and I HATE the new points system. I find Operation Transformation has real people with jobs and kids and generally normal lives like the rest of us so it is more applicable.

Anyway- just a thought. I shall be doing it anyway :-8



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Re: Operation Transformation January 2012

Postby WackoJacko » Thu Nov 24, 2021 1:30 pm

Aoife C I may well join you with this, have until January to find my motivation wherever it is i lost it!
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Re: Operation Transformation January 2012

Postby eefc » Thu Nov 24, 2021 3:03 pm

Good stuff-

I am still trying to be good at the moment. Shed 6 pounds last week but that was purely due to being in hospital for two days and then my nana passing away suddenly- all the racing and rushing to get the funeral arrangements sorted didnt give me much time to mull over eating delicious things.

Hopefully it will stay off- just 14 more pounds to go!! GOD- that is a lot!! (If I was to go with BMI- i should actually lose 4 stone but if i did I wouldnt look like me because as thin as i was in my teens, I never weighed less than 12 stone so I refuse to go down to 11st 2 which is apparently my healthy weight!) If I got to 13st 10 by May next year I would be one happy camper!) (I am 5ft10 btw)



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Re: Operation Transformation January 2012

Postby MrsWalsh2BeMay2013 » Mon Nov 28, 2021 12:00 pm

Holy crap thats tall Aoife :eek
I am 5ft 3 but apparently my BMI says I need to get to at least 11st 4 to get outta the obesity bracket. At the moment I am 214 lbs ( 15st 2lbs ) O:|
We will get there though ladies, I am pushing myself at the moment to get into this Couchto5km thing and I am feeling the effects already and I am only after doing it 3 times. I feel so much fresher from exercising and I find you sleep better too so I am gonna stick with this.
In the past I would either concentrate on the healthy eating or the exercise but never both together, I am gonna do it this time though :o)ll
I think if I could get down to bout 170 lbs it would b bloody fantastic ! And that would be enough for me. O:o)



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Re: Operation Transformation January 2012

Postby eefc » Mon Nov 28, 2021 12:50 pm

Ah its not that tall! Dead height to H2B so its quite funny when I wear heels (which is a lot because I just love shoes!)
You know that expression "Aren't you a fine girl" which equates to - jesus you are tall and fat? Hate that expression- drives me nuts. Heard it continually at my nana's funeral. And you know the ad on the radio about waist size and "big boned is an excuse" also drives me nuts! At my skinnest I still had the shoulders of a rugby player- cant help it!

Yeah I am the same- if I got to 190 as Goal I would be thrilled although if I got under 200 I would be thrilled (222 at the moment)

Starting as I mean to go on and walked to work this morning (20 min walk and medium pace) and brought a turkey salad (went with turkey to get into the spirit of things) Have downed a litre of water so far so only 1 to go and its midday- there is hope!

Have to say though- my rumbling tummy (had porridge for breakfast and banana for snack) is getting more embarrassing by the second- its deprived of bad snacks and it actually gives out!! Not good!



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Re: Operation Transformation January 2012

Postby MrsWalsh2BeMay2013 » Mon Nov 28, 2021 1:00 pm

Yea I was the same. I ave kinda gotten used to it now
I cut out crisps, chocolate and sweets and my treat is a bag of manhattan popcorn (30g size....not the kiddies 15g one) :-8 :-8
along with a can of Diet Coke
I ave also gotten myself out of my soaps habit. I would religiously sit down in the evenings to watch the soaps but if I wanna watch em now I have gotten into making myself watch at least 1 of them while on the threadmill so by the time I am finished and showered the rest of them are over O:o) That way I dont sit down to watch tv and eat in a trance. My biggest problem is that I boredom eat and also am an emotional eater. I was hungover yesterday and I ate a full bag of the Haribo jellies (the large bags) and I had a Supermac meal Sat night in my drunken state but I must say I am v good and I have cut out having a drink after work in the evenings, I am only drinking of an occasion now :o)ll :o)ll which happens to be every Saturday this side of xmas O:| O:|
But we will get there my dear :lvs



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Re: Operation Transformation January 2012

Postby eefc » Mon Nov 28, 2021 1:28 pm

MrsWalsh2BeMay2013 wrote: I was hungover yesterday and I ate a full bag of the Haribo jellies (the large bags) and I had a Supermac meal Sat night in my drunken state but I must say I am v good and I have cut out having a drink after work in the evenings, I am only drinking of an occasion now :o)ll :o)ll which happens to be every Saturday this side of xmas O:| O:|
But we will get there my dear :lvs

:yelrotflmaosmilie: :yelrotflmaosmilie: :yelrotflmaosmilie: :yelrotflmaosmilie: Hilarious! That's what H2B said to me this morning when I said "We're not having any drinks now this weekend love, we need to stay off it til Xmas" He duly pointed out that I am away to Dublin for the weekend this weekend for a course which will entail socialable drinks with the class, next weekend we have a dinner to go to and the weekend after that is my xmas party and then its xmas. So much for that!
But like you said, we will get there! I drink white wine (REALLY COLD!) so in an effort to try and minimise the amount I am consuming I throw 2 or 3 cubes of ice into it and let it melt a bit and it fills the glass back up! Not everyones cup of tea (or wine! :o0 ) but it works for me. :-8



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Re: Operation Transformation January 2012

Postby MrsWalsh2BeMay2013 » Mon Dec 05, 2021 10:09 pm

Where in the country are you located AoifeC ???
I am in Kilkenny/Waterford area but in the country which means that once the night time hits I cannot go walking and I work 9-5 so once I finish work my only option out here is threadmill that I have at home. I could do that option of maybe going to a gym in Waterford after work for a swim or that but with the cold weather coming in I think its best to get home ASAP to avoid the icy roads



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Re: Operation Transformation January 2012

Postby eefc » Tue Dec 06, 2021 9:50 am

Living in Cork City and work the same hours but I try and walk home from work as its lit up and main roads the whole way to my door.

Not too icy down here yet thank God.

Both my sisters had babies in the last 5 days so have been wetting the babies heads.... its really not helping things before xmas! O:|



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Re: Operation Transformation January 2012

Postby MrsWalsh2BeMay2013 » Tue Dec 13, 2021 6:34 pm

Aww wow congrats !!!
Lovely early christmas bundles :)
I am doing ok with the threadmill workouts here in the evenings. I am doing every 2nd evening at the moment.
I cant see the loss on the scales but definate change in my body, can see the loss on belly and bits on my legs so happy days. Muscle must be building up too as i am getting toned :o)ll :o)ll :o)ll :o)ll
I am having a few drinks this friday with girlie work xmas night out but then off again until xmas and even at that I dnt think i will be drinking much, not when I see the results you can get when its cut out. O:o) O:o) O:o)



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Re: Operation Transformation January 2012

Postby eefc » Tue Jan 03, 2022 11:05 am

Can't wait for it to start- Lost 18 pounds following it a couple of years ago..... It does work and this is the year of the wedding for me so I have no choice!!



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Re: Operation Transformation January 2012

Postby eefc » Thu Jan 05, 2022 1:12 pm

Well ladies- it started last night!

Day 1 today- I am following Natalie. Nearest to my weight.

Not really looking forward to the veggie lasgane tonight but sure it has to be done. H2B also doing it so we are both super focused.

Loved the fact that there is an app for smart phones this year- it would help if I didnt drop my phone down the loo there about 10 mins ago.... eugh. O:| O:| O:|

Who else is doing it with me?!!



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Re: Operation Transformation January 2012

Postby 2013bride13 » Thu Jan 05, 2022 10:09 pm

Hey ladies, I am on the bandwagon too, was at the gym for an hour today had a salad for my lunch and a sw spag bol for dinner, i have bought low fat crisps (velvet ones ) and have thrown out well donated tins of roses and biscuts. I have thirteen months and i am going to get rid of my boobs if it kills me :heartbeat:

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Re: Operation Transformation January 2012

Postby eefc » Fri Jan 06, 2022 10:33 am

Veggie lasagne was surprisingly delicious! Dr Eva though didnt really make the white sauce properly but we did and it was way better! She didnt even let it come to boil so it didnt thicken- Ours was spot on!

We were very late eating though- by the time we had the food shop done and put away, gone for our walk and showered it was 9.15 when we were having dinner.

I suspect it will be easier this evening as I skipped ahead on the site and bought the ingredients for the next few days too.

I am actually not starving - just tired. It was hard fitting it all in yesterday!

I am all about this though - already feel less bloated as no real carbs have passed my lips (bar what was in the lasasgne last night) since it started.

Does anyone know if the RTE 1 show that covers it between 9am and 10am does podcasts- I will never get to listen to it at the time its on.



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Re: Operation Transformation January 2012

Postby highbeam » Fri Jan 06, 2022 10:44 am

eefc wrote:
Does anyone know if the RTE 1 show that covers it between 9am and 10am does podcasts- I will never get to listen to it at the time its on.

They have a listen back player. Not sure if you get can it on a smart phone I know the today fm one you can. But if you click here you should be able to listen to that days show and just skip to the OT bit

I have no sound in work so havent actually checked it works
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