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How have you eventually lost the weight?

How have you eventually lost the weight?

Postby WackoJacko » Mon Dec 05, 2021 3:03 pm

As the biggest serial dieter out there i have decided that once and for all i am going to lose the bl**dy weight and stop moaning about it!
I have tried nearly everything, WW, lipotrim, tony ferguson, slimming tablets, joined the gym to not see the inside of it after a week...
Im just wondering how you eventually had the power & motivation to lose the weight in the end? What did you find worked? Is it worth it going to a class for motivation or did you do it at home? Im also looking at the motivation clinic and wondering if its any good?

Ive a good bit to lose & to be honest i'm even embarrassed posting my weight... ive always been big but could always carry it iykwim... now its just got to a stage where i am like an elephant and i cant actually believe its me in photos when i look at them!

Thanks & i appreciate all your replies x
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Re: How have you eventually lost the weight?

Postby hunnimonster » Mon Dec 05, 2021 3:32 pm

Hiya, I'm same boat as you. Need motivation.

I did lose 2 stone a few years ago doing weight watchers. But when I look back on it I was eating very little, was at the gym 4 times a week. And if I wasn't at the gym I was out walking. I had no social life cos I was afraid of putting back on the weight.

Then I met my future hubbie and it didn't take long to pile it all back on... and some!

Now we just got engaged and really want to get back into the swing of eating right and exercising but don't wan't it taking over my life again. Would love to find the healthy balance.
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Re: How have you eventually lost the weight?

Postby C13 » Mon Dec 05, 2021 3:42 pm

Oh Wackojacko I could have written your post myself! I've been there done that bought the tshirt with so many diets and fads! I tried lipotrim alright about 3 years ago now and christ i must have lost 2and a half stone but god was I miserable.

I woke up to myself recently enough and thought i don't want to waddle down the aisle i want to walk!

I got myself joined to a gym, i go there 3 times a week and in the meantime i had thrown my name down to try get a place on a weightloss programme in a leisure complex.......and lo and behold i was accepted onto the programme! This was the best choice i ever made, i met like minded ladies and men all with the same goal, to lose weight and be healthy.

I tried ww numerous times in my life and i couldnt hack it every week being told i was up or stayed the same even though i'd have put the effort in. I'm quite short in stature and well going by all those charts out there i should be half the size i am weight wise but that's just downright scary so i'm taking it a 1lb at a time and going from there.

The gym has helped me tone up hugely but by doing so its muscle i'm building and i found this disheartening at first as i couldnt understand why the scales wasnt going down when i was putting in the effort but the unbelieveably helpful and lovely trainers in the leisure complex helped all of us in the class focus on the fitness side of things and aim not to hop on the scales but to focus moreso on inch loss at the start....and well going by my own measurements so far i'm down about 3-4 inches on my thigh and thats in just over 2 months of classes 2 nights a week plus my own gym thrown in for good measure. I'm only now really seeing a weight loss aswell as building muscle, so it does take time :) Alas though the class is only a pilot project and is up on the 17th dec next but i still intend going as i know now that i've got it in me to do this, i just need to keep telling myself i can do it :)

It is by no means easy but depending on where you are based, i'm based in Cork so if you are then pm me if you want any info :) Go for it believe that you can do it, because you can, and don't be afraid to ask for help, get rid of the scales in the bathroom get yourself a measuring tape instead! Keeping a food diary is also helpful, getting a little diet scales is also handy as far as helping with portion sizes, drink plenty of water, plenty of green tea, cut out caffeine or at least restrict it some bit, and stay away from those blasted fizzy drinks! they were my own personal vice!

Good luck with your health kick and as i said believe that you can do it and praise yourself when you do well! let yourself have some treats, don't deprive yourself, think more about the choices you make, and maybe take in an episode of Man -v- Food on tv and you'll never look at junk foods or burgers etc the same again! :wv
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Re: How have you eventually lost the weight?

Postby abfabcon » Tue Dec 06, 2021 7:22 pm


Not long engaged and thinking about losing a few pounds ( about 30!!!! ),any suggestions for long term results?????
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Re: How have you eventually lost the weight?

Postby Finicky Fi » Tue Dec 06, 2021 7:23 pm

2 words - weight watchers!
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Re: How have you eventually lost the weight?

Postby Swampy » Wed Dec 07, 2021 9:49 am

I did lose 2 stone a few years ago doing weight watchers. But when I look back on it I was eating very little, was at the gym 4 times a week. And if I wasn't at the gym I was out walking. I had no social life cos I was afraid of putting back on the weight.

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Re: How have you eventually lost the weight?

Postby LastRolo » Wed Dec 07, 2021 12:50 pm

Finicky Fi wrote:2 words - weight watchers!

2 Words - Slimming World

I've found the Slimming World diet brilliant. I've lost 1 stone in 6 weeks and it was effortless. Mr.LastRolo would have a lot more to lose and I'd say he's lost almost 2 stone in the same amount of time.

We've never eaten better - beautiful home cooked meals.

What Slimming World has done is change the way I think about food - and the different types. I can still have my treats - like a bar of chocolate or a chinese or a night out.

Slimming World is different to Weight Watchers in the way that you don't have to weigh and measure and count everything you eat. There are endless amounts of "Free" foods that you can eat (as much as you want!). And then for the treats Slimming World has "Syns" which your given an allowance of each day.
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Re: How have you eventually lost the weight?

Postby WackoJacko » Wed Dec 07, 2021 1:05 pm

Thank you for all your replies!
You sound like you are doing brilliantly Cah5 - go you! You should definitly keep it up when your class ends as your doing so well!!

Last Rolo - ive actually been looking at Slimming World and was thinking of going - i think after your post i may well i've it a try, there's a class on near me tonight I think.

Did anyone see the Hypno-band deal on Citydeal today? I wonder would it be worth the €400?
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Re: How have you eventually lost the weight?

Postby dymo2 » Thu Dec 08, 2021 3:19 pm

I Lost 5 stone about 5 years ago have about a stone and half back up so working on that now.

I have always found that i have put on weight and WW dont ask me how.So now i just do my own thing as i know i can do it. For me i just have brekfast,Lunch and dinner nothing in between.Will have a bar of choclate once a week and either a takeaway on a firday.I have cut the takeaway down to once a month.
If i what someone thing i will have it within reason as i find if i say no i what it more.I love chip so now i would do the homemade oven one once a week and that does me now.I am back starting to run so do that 3 times a week.When i orginaly lost the weight i would go to the gym 4 days and walk 5 miles the rest but i found this too hard to keep up.

One thing that i found was to have something to work towards and if you have a bad week just start again on the monday.If we go on hoildays i will forget my diet for that week and start back again when i get home.I am never going to be thin but once i can fit into my size 12 jeans with ease i am happy.

What i would say is take every day as it come and you will do it and dont compare yourself to someone elss everyone looks diffrent and has diffrent body shape just find what you are happy with yourself not what someone tell you that you should be.
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Re: How have you eventually lost the weight?

Postby Crystal Gal » Sat Dec 10, 2021 1:15 pm

I am the very same as the above posters teied everything, I did lighterlife last year and lost 4 stone, I would reccommend it if you have a lot to lose it is tough, but I needed a bulk gone like yesterday!! every other diet I put all the weight back up, I put a stone back up in a year which is an achievement in my books :) I'm now in slimming world too and find it much more easier to follow then weight watchers, you're not weighing and measuring and there's loads of free foods you can eat definitely recommend slimming world :lvs

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Re: How have you eventually lost the weight?

Postby mrssunflower » Fri Dec 30, 2021 3:35 am

I lost 2 stone on slimming world nearly 2 years ago now and I've kept it off. I joined them at 11st 10 and left when I was 9 10, it only took 6 months. I lost another 10lbs on my own but can put this amount back on if I'm not careful. (like now after xmas!)

With slimming world it educated me how to eat well, I learned to cook new meals, learned how to snack and learned how to enjoy myself.

I would advise anyone who has weight to lose to give them a go.
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Re: How have you eventually lost the weight?

Postby septgal » Mon Jan 02, 2022 2:52 pm

Mrssunflower, thats is brill weighloss, would have about te same to lose, did join SW for brief while, didnt stick it but mite consider joining again, couldnt understand how much you could eat & stil lose weight!!!serial dieter here and want something that is sustainable, found low carb great but not sure if could manage long term, new yr calling for desperate measures :eek
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Re: How have you eventually lost the weight?

Postby HippyChic » Mon Jan 02, 2022 3:27 pm

-Let's eat Grandpa
-Let's eat, Grandpa

Correct punctuation can save lives...
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Re: How have you eventually lost the weight?

Postby Peaches and Cream » Tue Jan 10, 2022 4:54 pm

Hi Girls.
If you find you are exercising and eating well and not losing weight ask you doctor to do some blood tests diabetes and thyroid.
If these are clear check your diet. You may have some food intolerances. I did all the right things but couldnt lose weight. My doctor kept telling me I was stressed etc which i wasnt. I was eating a healthy diet and exercising and I was still about a stone overweight.

I got bloods taken for a food intolerance test as I was having trouble with some. And I gave up the problem foods for three months and the weight fell off. So I thought I was eating healthily when milk was not healthy for me.

I went to a kinesiologist after and she said that my candida was high in my intestines which I worked on with supplements and diet to lower it. She said you will find it had to lose weight if thats high. My body was bombarded with problem foods so I didnt have a chance at the start.

I feel so much better and am glad i tried the alternatives instead of just the doctors fobbing you off. I regret not coming to this realisation before my wedding and I feel annoyed at the doctors for telling me milk was good and to keep drinking it for calcium when it was ruining me!!

Try it and you may find that milk or wheat is causing you misery!!

Good Luck,

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Re: How have you eventually lost the weight?

Postby LastRolo » Wed Jan 11, 2022 11:47 am

septgal wrote:Mrssunflower, thats is brill weighloss, would have about te same to lose, did join SW for brief while, didnt stick it but mite consider joining again, couldnt understand how much you could eat & stil lose weight!!!serial dieter here and want something that is sustainable, found low carb great but not sure if could manage long term, new yr calling for desperate measures :eek

Most people when the start the Slimming World diet can't figure out how you can eat so much and still lose weight and they forget that its what your eating - when you start introducing fatty foods into the mix thats where the pounds piles on.

Try Slimming World again, and stick to the plan. There are hundreds of recipes on the Slimming World members site - that are easy and delicious. And theres a great thread at the top of this forum that'll give you support.
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