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What is WRONG with me...

What is WRONG with me...

Postby candlequeen » Thu Apr 19, 2022 9:14 pm

Right ladies. I've lost 2 stone 9 since last June - and put the 9 back on again.

I was almost 17 stone (EEK) last Jan, and was over 16 stone when I joined weightwatchers - I got down to 13 stone 9, and now I'm slowly creeping back up and am hovering around the 14st 5lbs mark. My goal for my body shape and height is between 11 and 12 stone, my goal for the wedding is 12 stone 7lbs.

Every single morning I get up, have my boiled eggs or porridge for breakfast, I drink 2 litres of water a day, I've cut down on my coffee and swapped it for green tea, I used skimmed milk, I use low-fat butter and I weigh my food. I go for a 5k walk three times a week, I have a healthy lunch, a decent filling dinner. And that should be it, right? Nope.

Come 8pm I seem to want to shovel as much food into my mouth as is humanly possible before bedtime. I don't know what I'm doing to myself, my wedding dress won't fit me if I continue on. To tell you the truth, it wasn't closing fully when I got it 6 weeks ago so I dread to think what it's like now. I have eaten so much rubbish this evening that I actually have a pain in my stomach. I need something to stop the horrible stupid boredom munchies or whatever they are from creeping in, has anyone got any suggestions? I don't even be hungry, it's like I see something - be it cheese, bread or basically anything edible... and I'm not happy until I've eaten it. What the hell is wrong with me!

I have 6 months. I need inspiration. HELP ME!!!!!!!
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Re: What is WRONG with me...

Postby morningsun » Thu Apr 19, 2022 9:34 pm

i don't have much advice for you but could you do things to keep busy in the evenings, like go for your walk at around 7.30/8 in the evening rather than earlier, make invitations, visit people etc i find that if i am sitting home watching telly i crave chocolate around 9 but if i am out of the house or doing something like 9.30 or later I don't bother eating anything.
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Re: What is WRONG with me...

Postby kittycatt24 » Thu Apr 19, 2022 9:43 pm

Can u snack on fruit/protein bars in the eve? How about drinking green tea/water when I get cravings? Can u not purchase the wrong foods yor body craves in the evening, if they are not there, you can't eat them!
Fair play to you for weighing food, I could never be that rigid with myself!
Your amount of time walking sounds great but now that uv Lost weigh can u do a more intense work out? Is it possible for you to Start jogging or get to the gym and get some cardio and weight training? It's sounds like u have plateaued, and your body is used to walking and may need more intensity. My trainer gave me two workouts to do every second session and she changes them every 3months as my body gets too used to them and she increases the challenge!

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Re: What is WRONG with me...

Postby veggie84 » Thu Apr 19, 2022 10:24 pm

The only thing that works for me is a walk for an hour at half 7 or 8. Also I buy nothing nice in the shopping, my treat has become a vanilla 0% fat yoghurt cause that's all that's there. Saying that I drove to the shop last night for a marsvicecream. But I swear by if it's not there you can't eat it.
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Re: What is WRONG with me...

Postby chaitea » Fri Apr 20, 2022 7:38 am

Candlequeen meet your sister!! the only thing i would say is get to your health shop and by a good quality suppliment of Chromium it stops all those cravings as it balances a mineral in your body

Introduce nettle tea into your diet it is great for giving your metabolism a boost,lastly dump all your junk and buy a few bars of green & blacks dark chocolate my fave is cherry flavoured it is very sweet and i can only handle a little.

also i would look at your 5k walk you need to mix that up a bit ..can you jog? if so for every 5 min you walk jog/run for 2 min it will help to increase what your excercise is doing for you.

best of luck and remember you are going to look fab on your big day..
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Re: What is WRONG with me...

Postby chaitea » Fri Apr 20, 2022 7:40 am

ps remember to ask the health shop advisor if you are suitable for chromium i think it may not work for people with hypothyroidism.
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Re: What is WRONG with me...

Postby highbeam » Fri Apr 20, 2022 8:10 am

A woman in our sw group says she eats really healthy all day. Then 10 minutes before bedtime she makes herself a cup of tea and has a chocolate bar or 2 biscuits with it. She says she needs the treat in the evenings but if she ate it at 8o'clock she would keep eating for the rest of the night. This way she still has it to look forward to at the end of the day, but she eats it and then heads off to bed so she won't eat any more.

Best of luck, you have done a fantastic job losing the weight so far and have just hit a little bump in the road.

ETA A phrase I hear a lot and repeat to myself when Im looking for a snack is "Little Pickers = Bigger Knickers" :o0 9 times out of 10 I will have a piece of fruit instead of the crisps or chocolate Id normally go for.
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Re: What is WRONG with me...

Postby stupidname2013 » Fri Apr 20, 2022 8:27 am

Hey! I think you might need to start mixing up your exercise routine. The body gets used to one thing - I'm on week 5 of the couch 2 5k - would that be something you'd be open to? I've also started the 30 day shred which seems great so far, could help you go the rest of the way. In the evenings I'm terrible too, especially if I'm bored - a few of my tricks: cleaning (takes my mind of being hungry, I'm getting some exercise and the house gets cleaned), putting away clothes/washing etc, ringing someone (by the time I get off the phone, I've usually forgotten), 50g of Glenisk low fat vanilla yogurt if I still feel hungry (it's gorgeous and takes the edge off) or a mug of hot ribena.

Good luck!
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Re: What is WRONG with me...

Postby kittycatt24 » Fri Apr 20, 2022 9:08 am

highbeam wrote:A woman in our sw group says she eats really healthy all day. Then 10 minutes before bedtime she makes herself a cup of tea and has a chocolate bar or 2 biscuits with it. She says she needs the treat in the evenings but if she ate it at 8o'clock she would keep eating for the rest of the night. This way she still has it to look forward to at the end of the day, but she eats it and then heads off to bed so she won't eat any more.


O thats awful! That's the worst time of day to eat crap! Your body isn't able to burn it off during d night! I used to love my cup o tea in d eve and always associated it with a treat! But now instead of regular tea I have green tea more often as I dont want to have junk with my healthy tea!

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Re: What is WRONG with me...

Postby highbeam » Fri Apr 20, 2022 9:24 am

kittycatt24 wrote:
highbeam wrote:A woman in our sw group says she eats really healthy all day. Then 10 minutes before bedtime she makes herself a cup of tea and has a chocolate bar or 2 biscuits with it. She says she needs the treat in the evenings but if she ate it at 8o'clock she would keep eating for the rest of the night. This way she still has it to look forward to at the end of the day, but she eats it and then heads off to bed so she won't eat any more.


O thats awful! That's the worst time of day to eat crap! Your body isn't able to burn it off during d night! I used to love my cup o tea in d eve and always associated it with a treat! But now instead of regular tea I have green tea more often as I dont want to have junk with my healthy tea!

Well she has and is losing weight every week so works for her. Better than eating junk all evening.
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Re: What is WRONG with me...

Postby Dolbert » Fri Apr 20, 2022 4:28 pm

kittycatt24 wrote:
highbeam wrote:A woman in our sw group says she eats really healthy all day. Then 10 minutes before bedtime she makes herself a cup of tea and has a chocolate bar or 2 biscuits with it. She says she needs the treat in the evenings but if she ate it at 8o'clock she would keep eating for the rest of the night. This way she still has it to look forward to at the end of the day, but she eats it and then heads off to bed so she won't eat any more.


O thats awful! That's the worst time of day to eat crap! Your body isn't able to burn it off during d night! I used to love my cup o tea in d eve and always associated it with a treat! But now instead of regular tea I have green tea more often as I dont want to have junk with my healthy tea!

That's actually a myth, it doesn't matter what time of day you eat, as long your calories are in check overall it won't make a difference. Might get a pain in your tummy though :o

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Re: What is WRONG with me...

Postby kittycatt24 » Sat Apr 21, 2022 10:07 pm

Dolbert wrote:
kittycatt24 wrote:
highbeam wrote:A woman in our sw group says she eats really healthy all day. Then 10 minutes before bedtime she makes herself a cup of tea and has a chocolate bar or 2 biscuits with it. She says she needs the treat in the evenings but if she ate it at 8o'clock she would keep eating for the rest of the night. This way she still has it to look forward to at the end of the day, but she eats it and then heads off to bed so she won't eat any more.


O thats awful! That's the worst time of day to eat crap! Your body isn't able to burn it off during d night! I used to love my cup o tea in d eve and always associated it with a treat! But now instead of regular tea I have green tea more often as I dont want to have junk with my healthy tea!

That's actually a myth, it doesn't matter what time of day you eat, as long your calories are in check overall it won't make a difference. Might get a pain in your tummy though :o

really?? iv been told this so many times by personal trainers and the motivation weight loss people

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Re: What is WRONG with me...

Postby layla14 » Mon Apr 23, 2022 9:46 am

I'm having trouble loosing weight now too - in fact, insrtead of loosing I'm putting it on. This is the biggest I've ever been and cannot motivate myself! I have a damaged big toe this past 3 years that the doctor has only just listened to me and now planned an op, but sure the waiting list for medical card holders could be a year or more. Anyway, the normal walking etc I cant do as I get shooting pains up my legs for days afterwards. We are a family of m4 living on socail and cant affoard any other excercise or to join WW or motivation clinic.
I eat faily well all day, but in the evening or by day 2 or 3 I feel I deserve a treart for doing so well - and bang it goes again.
I went off all cake, sweets, chocolate and biscuits for 4 weeks at begining of lent and lost 4lbs, but my daughters birthday was after that and because I had some cake all 4lb came back on in that ione weekend. It's soul destroying O:| , I cant even enjoy a bit of food but the weight goes on!!!

Hope you get the answer and it works for you! :xox
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Re: What is WRONG with me...

Postby The40DayMethod » Mon Apr 23, 2022 2:48 pm

Cut out carbs after 5, drink 2 litres of water, cut out junk, allow yourself one treat evening per week and you will lose weight! Make sure to have a night off every week, this will help keep you motivated and on track! And try to exercise 3-4 times per week! xx
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Re: What is WRONG with me...

Postby MrsOC2012 » Mon Apr 23, 2022 3:11 pm

Hey OP, first of all well done with the weight loss so far, it's great.

I don't have much more to add but I've been with WW for the past 10 months and have just almost 4 stone. The main things that help me have already been mentioned but just to sum up:

*) Don't have any high fat food in your house and then you won't be tempted. Have plenty of fresh fruit instead. Sounds boring now but it will just become the norm.
*) Try to get out of the mindset that you absolutely have to have a treat every evening. For me, I thought I was craving something sweet but it was really just a force of habit. Have a yoghurt or some fruit instead.
*) I stuck a photo of me at my very biggest (14½ stone) on the door of the fridge...believe me, looking at that every time I went to the fridge definitely steered my away from the goodies and over to the fruit bowl!!
*) I'd second what everyone else says about the probably need to step it up a notch. Definitely try and incorporate a bit of jogging into it and even try to change around the routes you walk. Make sure there's plenty of hills to get that extra bit of workout.

Best of luck with it!!! I'm an October bride too and I refuse to look back at photos in years to come and have any regrets. That's the biggest motivator for me :o)ll


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