by jibble » Mon Jan 10, 2022 5:36 pm
Girls Alot of us are going through IVF and adoption, so thought it would be nice for us to have our own forum. Ive just started the adoption process and am starting my prep course this Thursday. Excited and nervous at the same time! However Im going to go for one more IVF round I think....Im meeting with my doctors soon to decide what our next move will me. Fingers crossed!!
Started TTC Nov 2008 Omifin for 3months in August 2009 Hospitalised on side effects from Omifin with overstimulation of ovaries Diagnosed with OHSS and PCOS June/July 2010 1st ICSI...OHSS and 10days the ICU. BFP and then a m/c...:( Nov 2010: FET 3 perfect embryos...BFN Jan 2011. Starting adoption process. Nearly there!! June 2011: Getting retested for everything and deciding whether to do another IVF or try IUI...
- New Wolly
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by hannah h » Mon Jan 10, 2022 6:10 pm
Goodluck Jibble. Wishing you lots of luck and hopefully 2011 will be your year.
"O good St Gerard, powerful intercessor before God and wonder worker of our day, confidently I call upon you and seek your aid. On Earth you always fulfilled God's designs, help me now to do the holy will of God. Implore the Master of Life, from whom all paternity proceeds, to render me fruitful in offspring, that I may raise up children to God in this life, and in the world to come, heirs to the Kingdom of His Glory". Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask for one special one (mention here). Take it dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken Heart where your father sees it. Then, in His merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. AmenIts easier to go down a hill than up, but the view from the top is so much better Faith is taking the first step even if you cant see the rest of the staircase ...Martin Luther King TTC since Feb 09, got my glorious bfp on 23.07.11 
hannah h
- Mini Wolly
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by jibble » Mon Jan 10, 2022 6:30 pm
Thanks hannah h. Its the start of another long journey but at least this one will have a definite happy ending I just wish it didnt take so long...
How u getting on with Clomid?
Started TTC Nov 2008 Omifin for 3months in August 2009 Hospitalised on side effects from Omifin with overstimulation of ovaries Diagnosed with OHSS and PCOS June/July 2010 1st ICSI...OHSS and 10days the ICU. BFP and then a m/c...:( Nov 2010: FET 3 perfect embryos...BFN Jan 2011. Starting adoption process. Nearly there!! June 2011: Getting retested for everything and deciding whether to do another IVF or try IUI...
- New Wolly
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by twinbambinos » Mon Jan 10, 2022 7:07 pm

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by bananabread » Mon Jan 10, 2022 7:12 pm
Hi there, Best of luck on the start of this leg of your journey Jibble. I wonder if it might be possible for you to post any links with info on the adoption front? I have previously done a search for it on WOL and there really isn't anything. It would be great for anyone interested in it.
- Major Wolly
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by babyhopesanddreams12 » Mon Jan 10, 2022 7:16 pm
hi there best of luck to you on this journey. Hopefully it wont be long until you have a positive outcome..
[url=]  [/url] TTC Since Sept 2010 Dh S.A Jan 2012 - all ok Day 3 bloods Dec 2011- ok Day 21 bloods Dec 2011 - ok Pelvic ultrasound - March 2012 - have a small cyst on both left and right ovary - both are very small!! Another ultrasound booked for July 31st??

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by 2012baby » Mon Jan 10, 2022 8:09 pm
Best of luck Jibble with your appt and meeting. I too would be interested in finding out more about adoption. Is contacting the HSE the first step? Also do you know is there something about not being able to apply whilst having fertility treatment? I hope I'm wrong in saying this??
- Mini Wolly
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by Kiri » Mon Jan 10, 2022 8:51 pm
Hi jibble, best of luck for your preparation meeting, very exciting and scary too I imagine. As you know I too have started looking into adoption but finding it hard to juggle both that and IVF but I spoke with dh and he has agreed to try to take on more of the adoption stuff - he is just not the best with paperwork so it's a bit of a challenge for him. Happymissus, I always find that the citizens information website is a good source of info for these things ... child.htmlfocus2010, yes contacting your local hse office is the first step. You will then be invited to an open meeting which gives you some general info on the process and then if you are still interested you can request an application pack. The hse prefer you to have finished all fertility treatment before embarking on the adoption journey but they acknowledge that due to the waiting times for adoption this is not always possible so at the very least they ask that you have finished treatment before you start the preparation course. In Dublin there is currently a wait of 12-18 months between and applying and starting the prep course. HTH
Kiri TTC since April 09 Very low AMH (March 2010 - 1.1, Jan 2011 - 2.12) IVF # 1 Aug/Sept 2010 - cancelled due to poor response IVF # 2 - October/November 2010 - 2 embies transferred on 5/11 - BFN IVF # 3 - May/June 2011 - 5 eggs collected but no ET Applying for Adoption 
- Royal Wolly
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by jibble » Mon Jan 10, 2022 9:38 pm
Thanks a million for all the best wishes. Happymissus, focus2010 and Kiri- its actually kinda hard to find info for Ireland and theres very little on this webpage as well. The link that Kiri has left is probably the best one. I found this article in the independent so things might be getting better: ... 842062.htm Im not doing adoption through ireland as Im not a resident there, but its pretty similar in all European countries so i know the drill more or less. Once you have permission to be an adoptive parent, you go on the waiting list for the country..and thats where you need reserach a bit as its so different in every country. However the HSE will give you a list of countries that Ireland has an agreement with for adoption. I read somewhere that you should keep quiet about doing fertility treatments for as long as you can. But Im hazy on those details. Kiri, it'll make such a difference if you DH can do that for you.  We have enough to be thinking about besides doing all the paperwork as well!! I spoke to a Mum who has adopted and she said it actually helps the man feel more useful in teh process and he's basiclaly a bystander with IVF. However I said this to my DH and he thought it was there you go! All depends on teh man, Id say!
Started TTC Nov 2008 Omifin for 3months in August 2009 Hospitalised on side effects from Omifin with overstimulation of ovaries Diagnosed with OHSS and PCOS June/July 2010 1st ICSI...OHSS and 10days the ICU. BFP and then a m/c...:( Nov 2010: FET 3 perfect embryos...BFN Jan 2011. Starting adoption process. Nearly there!! June 2011: Getting retested for everything and deciding whether to do another IVF or try IUI...
- New Wolly
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by hross » Mon Jan 10, 2022 10:06 pm
Hi Jibble,
Best of luck to you and your hubby as you head off on this new journey. I am an adoptive Mum and adopted outside of Ireland and if you need any help, advice, support or even a shoulder to lean on or an ear to bend as you take on this journey then please feel free to pm me. I love my adopted to son to bits and now almost 3 years down the line I don't even think of him as being adopted as to me he is mine and I would lay my life down for him which I am sure is the same as any other birth Mum. I won't say it's an easy process but the end result is the most powerful and so rewarding.
Good luck.x
- New Wolly
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by hannah h » Mon Jan 10, 2022 10:53 pm
hross wrote:Hi Jibble,
Best of luck to you and your hubby as you head off on this new journey. I am an adoptive Mum and adopted outside of Ireland and if you need any help, advice, support or even a shoulder to lean on or an ear to bend as you take on this journey then please feel free to pm me. I love my adopted to son to bits and now almost 3 years down the line I don't even think of him as being adopted as to me he is mine and I would lay my life down for him which I am sure is the same as any other birth Mum. I won't say it's an easy process but the end result is the most powerful and so rewarding.
Good luck.x
So beautiful. This is why I love this forum. The suport s fantastic x
"O good St Gerard, powerful intercessor before God and wonder worker of our day, confidently I call upon you and seek your aid. On Earth you always fulfilled God's designs, help me now to do the holy will of God. Implore the Master of Life, from whom all paternity proceeds, to render me fruitful in offspring, that I may raise up children to God in this life, and in the world to come, heirs to the Kingdom of His Glory". Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask for one special one (mention here). Take it dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken Heart where your father sees it. Then, in His merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. AmenIts easier to go down a hill than up, but the view from the top is so much better Faith is taking the first step even if you cant see the rest of the staircase ...Martin Luther King TTC since Feb 09, got my glorious bfp on 23.07.11 
hannah h
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by bananabread » Mon Jan 10, 2022 11:03 pm
Thanks for the advice girls. I have looked at the citizens info website alright, although I suppose I have been browsing these topics and not really delved too deeply. I am delighted that ye have started a thread on it girls
- Major Wolly
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by Kiri » Tue Jan 11, 2022 9:50 am
hross, such a beautiful post Happymissus, here are a few more links: Contact details for local HSE offices dealing with Adoption Authority website which gives some details on the process ... ction.htmlThey used to have a series of booklets on the process on their website but these seem to have disappeared, probably because a new Adoption bill came into force last November and they are updating them. If I can be of any more help just let me know, however I am still at the very start of the process so my knowledge is limited.
Kiri TTC since April 09 Very low AMH (March 2010 - 1.1, Jan 2011 - 2.12) IVF # 1 Aug/Sept 2010 - cancelled due to poor response IVF # 2 - October/November 2010 - 2 embies transferred on 5/11 - BFN IVF # 3 - May/June 2011 - 5 eggs collected but no ET Applying for Adoption 
- Royal Wolly
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by jibble » Tue Jan 11, 2022 5:18 pm
hross, thank you so much for the support. Just out of interest, do you mind me asking where you adopted from? How was your experience? Weve decided on Colombia as China was just too long a waiting list...It took us a ng time to decide though...
Girls, Im so delighted theres a few more joining this...there really isnt alot of info out there if your not from the USA, so if we can help eachother, it'll be great.
I work with a few adopted children, and they are a pleasure and their parents are just wonderful. They are so utteraly delighted to have their child with them.
Started TTC Nov 2008 Omifin for 3months in August 2009 Hospitalised on side effects from Omifin with overstimulation of ovaries Diagnosed with OHSS and PCOS June/July 2010 1st ICSI...OHSS and 10days the ICU. BFP and then a m/c...:( Nov 2010: FET 3 perfect embryos...BFN Jan 2011. Starting adoption process. Nearly there!! June 2011: Getting retested for everything and deciding whether to do another IVF or try IUI...
- New Wolly
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by hross » Tue Jan 11, 2022 9:47 pm
Hi Jibble, Don't mind at all you asking any questions,,,,,more than happy to help. We adopted in UK,,I'm Irish and hubby is English and our little one is English. We were living there at the time so there were no issues with residency etc. There are so many children waiting to be adopted in UK, it's heart breaking. We used to get a montly mazagine called Be my Parent and it was like a catalogue for IKEA or similar. I only wish we had had the money and time to have some more.Would you think about looking in to the UK for adoption. Be prepared for every aspect of your life to be invaded during the process and at times it may seem like it's never ending and that the outcome will never be the one you want but stick with it and the reward will just be the most amazing thing ever.
Bog hugsxxxxx
- New Wolly
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