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IUI 2012 ThreadRe: IUI 2012 Thread
Button you poor poor love, words are never enough to convey sorrow for the loss of your dad. I hope he wasn't in any pain.
![]() TTC Since Nov 2009. Me 36. PCOS & Large Fibroid 8cm & Endometriosis. Clomid 50mg X 6 Cycles, Clomid 100mg/Scans/Trigger Shots X 2 Cycle. BFN X 8. HSG January 2011 (one tube blocked) Lap & Dye Dec 2011.Both tubes open/ovarian drilling/slight Endo removed/Lge Fibroid Feb-May ’12:IUI 4 Attempts all cancelled (poor response) Cycle changed TSI. BFN X 4 All treatment suspended till Endo sorted! May 2012. 21st July:Surgery with Hugh O'Connor for Fibroid & Endo Removal. Fingers crossed for 2012. Re: IUI 2012 Thread
Thanks Mrs2babridesoon.
How you getting on, what dpo are you? I'm 8dpo today and the days are starting to drag. I'm praying we get good news next week. Re: IUI 2012 Thread
Hi Buttons
![]() I'm only CD4 must get my day 21 bloods done next Wednesday, I don't feel the 2ww these days just been here too long I think, at least you have some thing to focus on at this very emotional time. Sorry didn't answer your question re my cancelled IUI didn't feel it was appropriate after hearing your news. In my clinic (I am also of the same opinion) If you only have one follie they don't go ahead with IUI, the reasoning given my the nurse is that even thou there is a follie there at the perfect size it actually may not have an egg inside it so that is why they prefer at least two follicles adding with the very low odds of IUI I think its fair enough logic, so the last two times we have only 1 dominant follie so both times were changed to TSI. Next cycle they're changing my meds, I think they will just add an second injection daily 'Puregon' but will just have to wait and see. TTC Since Nov 2009. Me 36. PCOS & Large Fibroid 8cm & Endometriosis. Clomid 50mg X 6 Cycles, Clomid 100mg/Scans/Trigger Shots X 2 Cycle. BFN X 8. HSG January 2011 (one tube blocked) Lap & Dye Dec 2011.Both tubes open/ovarian drilling/slight Endo removed/Lge Fibroid Feb-May ’12:IUI 4 Attempts all cancelled (poor response) Cycle changed TSI. BFN X 4 All treatment suspended till Endo sorted! May 2012. 21st July:Surgery with Hugh O'Connor for Fibroid & Endo Removal. Fingers crossed for 2012. Re: IUI 2012 Thread
Hi mrsbabridesoon, we seem to be the only 2 left on this thread.
Which clinic are you going to? Make sense that they would want 2 follicle, must be frustrating thoughwent your iui is cancelled. I'm attending Hari and they are happy to go ahead with 1. Is there any way they can tell if there is an egg in the follicle? I just presumed there would be..another think to worry about!! Afm I'm out, Af arrived this morning, I started spotting yesterday so had a fealing it was on the way. Am pretty pissed off to be honest, despite the frustration of not being pregnant yet again (and no chance of a baby this year ![]() Hope you have more luck this cycle ![]() Re: IUI 2012 Thread
Hi Ladies, I had been over on the IUI 2011 thread, had 4 fails there. I know some of the ladies from that thread are on here as well so I just wanted to let them know that I got my BFP a few days, thrilled to bits and still in shock as we got there on our own, it's an Easter Miracle
![]() I just want to wish all of you the very best of luck. I hope it all works out for ye ![]() ![]() ![]()
Re: IUI 2012 Thread
babywish thrilled for you, congrats!
![]() Hey Buttons hope your holding up pk, Easter must have been tough especially with the Af arriving so sorry. I am with a clinic in Tralee. I think the only way to guarantee there is an egg in a follicle is when you have IVF and they suck out the fluid and hopefully an egg from each follicle. They also say Progesterone levels are good indication but not a given either. Normally 36 hours after trigger is the optimum time for IUI, but I always like to cover all bases doing the BD just before we take the trigger, they also say to try doing the baby dance after IUI at some stage too. IUI has such a low success rate anyways. Our clinic is €850 an IUI cycle. Whats your next move. TTC Since Nov 2009. Me 36. PCOS & Large Fibroid 8cm & Endometriosis. Clomid 50mg X 6 Cycles, Clomid 100mg/Scans/Trigger Shots X 2 Cycle. BFN X 8. HSG January 2011 (one tube blocked) Lap & Dye Dec 2011.Both tubes open/ovarian drilling/slight Endo removed/Lge Fibroid Feb-May ’12:IUI 4 Attempts all cancelled (poor response) Cycle changed TSI. BFN X 4 All treatment suspended till Endo sorted! May 2012. 21st July:Surgery with Hugh O'Connor for Fibroid & Endo Removal. Fingers crossed for 2012. Re: IUI 2012 Thread
Congrats babywish, thats brill news
![]() ![]() Mrs2babridesoon, I'm doing ok but i've a chest infection on top of everything else so feeling a bit sorry for myself. I was back at the clinic yesterday and started my injections last night.Going to give iui another shot but not sure what we'll do if unsucessful. Will prob take a break for a few months before considering ivf. Hope many goes of iui are you going to do ? Hopefully you'll only need one ![]() ![]() How you getting on? Re: IUI 2012 Thread
Hey Buttons, you poor old pet, the shock of your loss must have been such a strain on your whole being added to the pressure of wanting your IUI cycle to succeed no wonder you wouldn't be feeling 100%, take care of yourself and be super gentle with yourself, I'm sure your dad is working away in Heaven on your behalf and it won't be long till he has a word in some one's ear re your baby
![]() I'm grand, only on CD6 must get bloods done tomorrow, Ate for Ireland over the long weekend have acid reflux which I always suffer from when I don't eat properly, have upset tummy from over eating, it always happens when I am dieting like mad and have a blow out, I feel like I am getting my period with bloated dodgy tummy. My IUI for €850 includes all scans, when they cancelled my first two tries they changed the cycle from an IUI to a ''follicle tracking cycle'' only charging me €150 (for about 3/4 scans) I think this is responsible enough, I think we will only ever try one IUI and then straight on to IVF. I must organise getting a load for my half of the IVF, hubby has savings, I know we're weird but we mostly have our money separate paying 50/50 for every thing, works for us other wise I'd have all his money spent ![]() TTC Since Nov 2009. Me 36. PCOS & Large Fibroid 8cm & Endometriosis. Clomid 50mg X 6 Cycles, Clomid 100mg/Scans/Trigger Shots X 2 Cycle. BFN X 8. HSG January 2011 (one tube blocked) Lap & Dye Dec 2011.Both tubes open/ovarian drilling/slight Endo removed/Lge Fibroid Feb-May ’12:IUI 4 Attempts all cancelled (poor response) Cycle changed TSI. BFN X 4 All treatment suspended till Endo sorted! May 2012. 21st July:Surgery with Hugh O'Connor for Fibroid & Endo Removal. Fingers crossed for 2012. Re: IUI 2012 Thread
I hope your right Mrs2babridesoon and dad sends me a baby from heaven. Am trying to take it easy but think I am overdoing it. I'm still off work, am due back monday. Am half considering asking the gp for a cert for another week as am back in the clinic monday for cd9 scan and will pob have iui thur/fri going by last cycles timeline. Would that be really bad, don't want to take the p*ss...
Poor you with your acid reflux, those easter eggs are just to tempting! Hope you are on the mend. 150 for all your scans is very reasonable. How much is ivf in your clinic? I rang today to put our names down for an open meeting in June incase we need to go. The nurse said you have to attend a meeting before starting. Are you going to the credit union for your loan? I have money saved but was hoping to use it for an obstertician rather than treatment. I'm going to acupunture tonight, hopefully that will put me back on track. Need some PMA Re: IUI 2012 Thread
Get the cert and take as much time as you need guilt free, the death of a parent is possibly one of the biggest losses you'll ever suffer, right now its so new, try try to slow down and just be, I know easier said than done.
With my Clinic same pricing as SIMS all scans done with my clinic EC and ET down in Sims in Dublin so it'll be bloody expensive. I normally stick with the bank for loans cause its all done over the phone normally not a bother, I have account with credit Union with saving and always try to give them the business but they'd nearly ask you what you ate for breakfast when asking for a loan, I also find them very rude to deal with, the bank are so more welcoming and appreciative of the my business, the only reason I save with the Cr Union is that I can't touch the money with out having to go into there to get it, so it stays there longer, hope I won't offend anyone re Cr Union but that is my experience of the place.
TTC Since Nov 2009. Me 36. PCOS & Large Fibroid 8cm & Endometriosis. Clomid 50mg X 6 Cycles, Clomid 100mg/Scans/Trigger Shots X 2 Cycle. BFN X 8. HSG January 2011 (one tube blocked) Lap & Dye Dec 2011.Both tubes open/ovarian drilling/slight Endo removed/Lge Fibroid Feb-May ’12:IUI 4 Attempts all cancelled (poor response) Cycle changed TSI. BFN X 4 All treatment suspended till Endo sorted! May 2012. 21st July:Surgery with Hugh O'Connor for Fibroid & Endo Removal. Fingers crossed for 2012. Re: IUI 2012 Thread
Well I took your advice and went to the doc for the cert. I feel very wound up so need some time to relax and get my head around everything. I went to acupuncture last night and thought that would help but to honest she just annoyed me. I know I am being highly sensitive at the moment!! Met up with a friend afterwards and had a good chat about everything so feeling a bit better for it.
How are you doing, did you get your day21 bloods done yesterday? I've been having weird pains still yesterday, feels like ovulation pains but obviously it can't be as am only cd5 today. I'm wondering have my ovaries gone into overdrive or something...yikes! Hoping tsi/iui works out for you. Having to travel up to Dublin for ec and et would be a right pain I'm sure! I've never got a loan from the credit union so not sure how helpful/not helpful they are. I do agree though that saving in the cu do last longer than in the bank cos it's an effort to access them ![]() Re: IUI 2012 Thread
Well ladies,
This is my first post on this thread, and I'm nervous as heck. First round of IUI is tomorrow, have done 10 menopur injections and one trigger shot. have a lining of 10mm and left ovary has one follicle of 18mm and one of 13 that was on cd12. Am hoping so so much it all works out and it works. I know I shouldn't be putting all my hope on round one and should be realistic that it might not work. but if I let myself doubt even a little I'll lose all hope. I'm dreading the tww. I know I have to wait for the blood test in the clinic to get a definite answer but how on earth will I stop myself from buying fr!!! best of luck to anyone else getting knocked up this week ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Re: IUI 2012 Thread
Hi Purdy, welcome to the thread
![]() How did your iui procedure go? The tww is the hard bit now!! I had mine yesterday (cd12), all fine. I had a 18mm follicle too. When the nurse scanned me just before the procedure my follicle was still there, so taking that as a good sign as last month it was gone and I was afraid the timing of the iui was too late. Had pains yesterday afternoon so think I ovulated then. Hopefully one of the 20m swimmers got to the egg!! Re: IUI 2012 Thread
Buttons & Purdy, just wanted to wish you all the best. We're probably going to have IUI in June or July (clinic recommends two or three cycles seeing if Eltroxin by itself will work but if not IUI is our next step) so have been popping into this thread every now and again.
Just wanted to wish you both the very, very best of luck.
Re: IUI 2012 Thread
Well it all went swimmingly (no pun intended)
![]() was quite crampy for the first 3-4 days and very bloated. but other than that the procedure itself was fine, except the room was really cold. Am really nervous about taking it easy no heavy lifting, just a gentle stroll etc for walking, in case i forget. although that's not going to happen any time soon. this tww is really going to kill me, and i think i wont buy any fr to pee on. if i get a positive on one of them and then for the bloods to say neg. i'd be devasted. I'm bouncing from thinking. oh this has worked i know it. to, i dunno if it has or not. but not point in guessing, just have to sit tight and relax. best of luck to you too buttons, hopefully next week we'll get our bfp! lsl best of luck to you and all the other ladies too ![]() ![]() ![]()
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