are ye drinking tea, or will ye on 2ww. ive been drinking lots of water and eating well just feel a bit crap today!!!

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drinking tea on ivf 2ww?? are you??Like this topic?
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drinking tea on ivf 2ww?? are you??
just a quick question on drinking tea, coming up to my ivf i was managing grand just having one cup of tea in the morning and was not finding it to hard, at that i used to make the tea and pour out that water so i was throwing a good bit of the caffeen off, and then i would make the tea with the used bag. today one day past transfer and i have a stinking headache and all i want is tea, yummy 1 sugar barry's tea mmmmmmmmmmmmmm its all i can think of!!! i feel so weak and watery but i think its from couch rest, my acu told me rest for 3 days and then start doing things like normal but just take it easy.
are ye drinking tea, or will ye on 2ww. ive been drinking lots of water and eating well just feel a bit crap today!!! ![]() ![]() Re: drinking tea on ivf 2ww?? are you??
Hi jewelb, best of luck with your ivf
![]() My acupunturist told me to cut out all caffine when I was doing iui, so I got barry's decaf tea instead.It's not bad actually ! My iui failed so who knows if it made any different or not. Re: drinking tea on ivf 2ww?? are you??
JB: On my last FET cycle I gave up tea/coffee and alcohol until I got my result.
I was drinking herbal teas and a chicory drink to replace my coffee. I had my last cuppa on bank holiday Monday and am now back on herbal teas for the next few weeks. To be honest i don't think there are any issues with having a cuppa (as long as you keep the caffeine intake down!) Me:37 OH:40
TTC 5 years Discovered I had PCOS in early 2011 even though I had undergone several tests and a lap an dye in the public system since 2007 1st IVF cycle with Sims Oct 2011 11/20 fertilized eggs reached blasto, couldn't transfer due to mild OHSS #1st FET Cycle Jan 2012 two 5 day blastos transferred. Chemical BFP finally resulting in a BFN :-( #2nd FET cycle April/May 2012 BFN 6 snowbabies in storage. “Chase your dreams until you catch them...and then dream, catch, and dream again! ” “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” – Dale Carnegie Re: drinking tea on ivf 2ww?? are you??
I text my acupuncturist to ask her and she said 1-2 cups max a day!! In the end I had half a cup about 4 sips!! I think it's trauma of break in just hit me!! I was bawling and wanted a cup of tea hopefully I will feel better tomorrow a so called friend told me that robbers always come back a 2nd time so bang goes a good nights sleep!!!
Thanks guys!!! Buttons I have the Barry decaf it's not half bad but I worry what they do to make it decaf? I must email narrys and ask them?? ![]() ![]() Re: drinking tea on ivf 2ww?? are you??
Hi JB:
My acu said the same, 1-2 cups is fine, just not a litre a day. Also for anybody who gets cysts my acu actually said that 1 cup of coffee (black + small bit milk) a day is a good for you as it has a drying effect in the body. I was reading your posts in the other thread, so sorry about the break-in, what rubbish timing. Hope you got some sleep last night! Interesting that your acu recommends 3 days rest after TF - I am going to do that next time too as I usually just carry on as normal, doing grocery shopping/washing on day of TF etc... Wishing lots of ![]() IVF#1 Feb 2012 - BFN
IVF#2 Apr 2012 - BFN Hoping for FET in June 2012
Re: drinking tea on ivf 2ww?? are you??
thanks saphire, good to hear from you!!!! do you know when you are cycling again?
![]() well when i went to bed last night my head was banging couldnt get to sleep at all, was up with the trots and all with the headache so after looking on internet even though i was told blue panadol is fine i wanted to check, so i took 2 panadol and thank god i slept and have no headache today. then i was back on google today does stress affect chance of ivf working and came across a study that should it had no affect but it did make getting bad news worse!!! so im going to be zen from now on, i had a very weak 1/2 cup of tea this morning with my brown bread and 2 organic boiled eggs, i also emailed barrys tea and asked them what process they use to remove the caffeine from there tea!!! i think im going slowly nuts!!!! ![]() will be sure to let ye know what they say!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Re: drinking tea on ivf 2ww?? are you??
thanks saphire, good to hear from you!!!! do you know when you are cycling again?
![]() well when i went to bed last night my head was banging couldnt get to sleep at all, was up with the trots and all with the headache so after looking on internet even though i was told blue panadol is fine i wanted to check, so i took 2 panadol and thank god i slept and have no headache today. then i was back on google today does stress affect chance of ivf working and came across a study that should it had no affect but it did make getting bad news worse!!! so im going to be zen from now on, i had a very weak 1/2 cup of tea this morning with my brown bread and 2 organic boiled eggs, i also emailed barrys tea and asked them what process they use to remove the caffeine from there tea!!! i think im going slowly nuts!!!! ![]() will be sure to let ye know what they say!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Re: drinking tea on ivf 2ww?? are you??
JB - you are hilarious!!
![]() The 2ww does send you nuts, does to me anyway... On stress, I don't think it makes any difference as babies are conceived under all kinds of stressful situations around the world (so my acu reminded me...) but us hard-core TTCers do everything possible for our BFP, so cutting stress to min would be ideal, but not always realistic. Just do your best to relax and distract yourself with lots of nice things to do. IVF#1 Feb 2012 - BFN
IVF#2 Apr 2012 - BFN Hoping for FET in June 2012
Re: drinking tea on ivf 2ww?? are you??
1-2 cups a day should be fine (and I like my builders mugs of tea a day too - Lyons all the way for me though ;)
Drink plenty of water and keep the stress levels down as best you can. Let me know what Barrys say about their Decaf Tea. I have heard pros and cons from drinking Decaf and never sure what is the right thing to do. Best of luck over the coming weeks x Re: drinking tea on ivf 2ww?? are you??
will do lizzie!!! they havent got back to me yet !!
![]() can i ask did you give up or cut down on tea i am managing ok on the one cup in the morning but i just don't feel normal. tea solves everything!!! ![]() ![]() Re: drinking tea on ivf 2ww?? are you??
jewelb, I did cut down on tea as some days I would drink about 10 (shock) mugs of builders tea a day and I knew that was too much so I brought it down to 2-3 cups of regular tea a day and drank lots more water.
I am drinking decaf tea at the moment with the odd mug of Lyons Tea thrown in. Hope you are keeping well x Re: drinking tea on ivf 2ww?? are you??
Jewellb, best of luck with the 2WW hon, know the pain of it all too well
![]() ![]() ![]() My acu had recommended what you did, making a cup of tea, throwing it out and re-using the teabag. Which I always found fine. Not that it made a pick of difference to my IVF working. I'd say have your 2 cups of tea a day. It's not going to make any difference, and from the sounds of it, you well deserve them! Everything in moderation. If you do want to buy decaf tea, Clipper brand don't use chemicals to decaffeinate their products, I bought the Clipper decaf coffee and it's not half bad. (you can get it in health shops). These days I don't bother my Arse not having a cup of tea if i want one, although I recently tested dairy intolerant so am trying to reduce my consumption of milk. Anyway am off on a tangent now, best of luck x Hx Me 38, DH 38
AMH 4.8 Feb 2010 IVF No. 1 Sims, Dublin: BFN 13th March 2010 IVF No. 2 Sims, Dublin: BFP 26th July, m/c 14th August 2010 Sept 2010: Chicago bloods results show elevated TNF Alpha cytokines need Humira injections. Started Humira evening 30th Sept... Chicago retest 26th October. 3.11.10: Got retest results, have only dropped to 39.4 from 42.9 (needs to be under 30) two more Humira injections taken. IVF No. 3 January/February 2011 Gennet, Prague: OTD 5th Feb. BFN... IVF No. 4, ARGC London. Monitored cycle Chicago bloods showed very elevated cytokines - 64! On Humira. HSG 13th May 11 shows left tube open yay! 20.6.11: Hysteroscopy, all fine. 24.6.11: Chicago retest shows cytokines down to 44. Another 2 humira prescribed. 28.7.11: Started fourth IVF cycle. Two blasts transferred 13.8.11. 23.8.11: BFN Oct' 11: Consult with ZW clinic. Started Napro charting. 18.1.12: Appt with Dr. B. Have my Napro plan of action, come on my BFP!!! Dec bloods: Prog: 42 Oestradiol: 606 Jan bloods: Prog: 55 Oestradiol: 386 Feb bloods (first month on napro meds): Prog:59.8 Oestradiol: 956 (cholesterol: 4.86 yay!) March bloods: Prog: 164.4 Oestradiol: 1701 (?!) (Cholesterol 5.92 boo) April bloods: Prog: 18.5; Oestradiol: 410. May bloods: Prog: 90; Oestradiol: 1495; TSH: 2.1; Testosterone: 1.9; Dhea 10.
Re: drinking tea on ivf 2ww?? are you??
hopeful i am sitting here happily drinking a cup of the clipper decaf and its really nice, thanks a mill for letting me know about it!!!
![]() ![]() Re: drinking tea on ivf 2ww?? are you??
Hey jewellb,
Great - glad you like it! Try the decaf coffee as well if you like coffee - it's like Gold Blend I thought... ![]() Hx Me 38, DH 38
AMH 4.8 Feb 2010 IVF No. 1 Sims, Dublin: BFN 13th March 2010 IVF No. 2 Sims, Dublin: BFP 26th July, m/c 14th August 2010 Sept 2010: Chicago bloods results show elevated TNF Alpha cytokines need Humira injections. Started Humira evening 30th Sept... Chicago retest 26th October. 3.11.10: Got retest results, have only dropped to 39.4 from 42.9 (needs to be under 30) two more Humira injections taken. IVF No. 3 January/February 2011 Gennet, Prague: OTD 5th Feb. BFN... IVF No. 4, ARGC London. Monitored cycle Chicago bloods showed very elevated cytokines - 64! On Humira. HSG 13th May 11 shows left tube open yay! 20.6.11: Hysteroscopy, all fine. 24.6.11: Chicago retest shows cytokines down to 44. Another 2 humira prescribed. 28.7.11: Started fourth IVF cycle. Two blasts transferred 13.8.11. 23.8.11: BFN Oct' 11: Consult with ZW clinic. Started Napro charting. 18.1.12: Appt with Dr. B. Have my Napro plan of action, come on my BFP!!! Dec bloods: Prog: 42 Oestradiol: 606 Jan bloods: Prog: 55 Oestradiol: 386 Feb bloods (first month on napro meds): Prog:59.8 Oestradiol: 956 (cholesterol: 4.86 yay!) March bloods: Prog: 164.4 Oestradiol: 1701 (?!) (Cholesterol 5.92 boo) April bloods: Prog: 18.5; Oestradiol: 410. May bloods: Prog: 90; Oestradiol: 1495; TSH: 2.1; Testosterone: 1.9; Dhea 10.
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