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October 2011 wives!

October 2011 wives!

Postby wifeyttc » Sun Nov 13, 2021 11:06 pm

Well ladies I am sitting here in work feeling very sorry for myself :o( as it is my first day back since the wedding and I just cant believe its all over! I dont know what to be doing with myself. We had a brillent day and had a ball on honeymoon. :xox I wouldnt change a thing...well maybe the weather if i could!

It is hard to believe 2 yrs of planning and it is over in a flash. :eek I hope you all had a ball and would love to hear your stories. I have changed my username to wifeyttc, i used to be sweetpie11. We have decided to ttc straight away so i have joined the girls over in the ttc section. My god there is a lot to learn I am clueless with a lot of the lingo!

chat soon x

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Re: October 2011 wives!

Postby missussunshine » Sun Nov 13, 2021 11:45 pm

hiya wifeyttc :wv, a fellow October 2011 bride here, I'm also sitting in work thinking about this time last month when we were on Honeymoon (instead of doing everything thats piled up!!) Can't believe it all went so fast. I also changed my name from Sunshine79 in honour of the occasion :)
We decided too not to waste time and start ttc straight away cos genuinely thought it may take years and lo and behold i got my bfp last week. :o)ll :o)ll talking about clueless, i havent a clue either, hoping ill learn from the ladies here. Its made settling back into work even more difficult cos i just wanna shout it from the rooftops :innocent:
Best of luck and hope you get your bfp very very soon :babydust: :babydust:
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Re: October 2011 wives!

Postby wifeyttc » Mon Nov 14, 2021 1:57 pm

Oh WOWSERS missussunshine!! :babydust: Huge congrats to you and your hubby O-O Id say you cant quite believe it, I hope we are blessed like you and dont have to wait too long but I know I have to be patient! What a lovely surprise for your first xmas together as a married couple :xox

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Re: October 2011 wives!

Postby bailey2b » Mon Nov 14, 2021 3:09 pm

Hello fellow October wives!!

I am feeling so sorry for myself! We only had a minimoon honeymoon not til next year so didn't even have that to cheer me up....

so many tears :o(
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Re: October 2011 wives!

Postby plainsconesonly » Mon Nov 14, 2021 3:54 pm


Oh doesnt it feel like an age ago already!! Id do it again tomorrow!
Finding it hard not planning and organising I really miss that. At the moment im writing my thank you cards that will be the last wedding related thing to do :o(

Did ye get your photographer pictures or dvd yet? I havent must ring them this week, cant wait to see them!

Well done on bfp!!! And good luck ttc!!!

We are going to wait for a while ttc I started a new job and Im not permanent yet, so I dont really have the security hopefully next year ill be permanent and we will be able to ttc!!
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Re: October 2011 wives!

Postby Mrsdosser » Fri Nov 18, 2021 8:00 pm

Missussunshine - CONGRATS!!! That's fab news!! O-O O-O O-O

Yes, I too am suffering from the post wedding blues!!! I just feel lost with nothing to plan and organise. We still have our honeymoon to do (Dec) but it's all booked, paid for and it's all inclusive - so can't even plan/google stuff for it!! Everyone says to just enjoy the relaxing time- but I seriously can't!!! No wonder newlyweds start TTC!!!

We've decided to let nature take it's course and see what happens. Haven't started on the tracking, ovulating and cervical checks.... just seeing what Mother Nature decides for us..... Am afraid if I start checking it out now I'll get too anal about it ( which is TOTALLY in my own nature!!!) ha ha!! :innocent:

Seriously girls - I need a hobby!!! :action34
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Re: October 2011 wives!

Postby Kevsfatso » Fri Nov 18, 2021 8:34 pm

hello oct 2011 wifeys!!!!

Big post wedding blues here too - just back from an amazing honeymoon and due back in work on monday - my god - cant believe my month off is over!!!!!!! Just put up my wedding report yesterday and sent thank you mails to suppliers and now waiting (impatiently) i might add for our photos and vid - hopefully be hear for xmas - fingers and toes crossed.

CONGRATS on your exciting news misssunshine and best of luck with TTC to all those who are. O:o) We already have a 17 month old little dote and we always said once the wedding was over we would get back to TTC on number 2 so next weekend will be test time... Last time happened within 2 months so fingers crossed happens as easily this time and sending O-O to thoses enjoying new married life without TTC and :babydust: to all TTC. Either way looking forward to first xmas as a MRS xxxx. Happy new year to you and all your hubbies. :wv

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Re: October 2011 wives!

Postby missussunshine » Sun Nov 20, 2021 5:04 pm

Thanks for all the good wishes ladies, still feels very surreal and until is see some sort of scan i wont think its fully real if ye know what i mean.. I totally agree MrsDosser about letting nature take its course, i think myself id have got totally caught up in days and numbers if id have had to start calculating, i like the idea of still having your Honeymoon to look forward to after the wedding excitement dies down cos i found it very hard to get excited about ours with all the wedding hype at the same time.
Ive found settling into Married life lovely and its nice to have evenings that arent caught up in mass booklets and guest lists. Im enjoying the shopping with the vouchers we got too :compress
Really best of luck to everyone ttc and those settling into married life.
O-O xxx :wv :wv
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Re: October 2011 wives!

Postby vulgarpicture » Sun Nov 20, 2021 6:28 pm

Hello everyone,

My husband and i both have post wedding blues, we loved the planning and it turned into a bit of a hobby for us. We are avoiding our thank you cards cause when they are done we will have nothing weddingy left to do, except the photos and dvd. Cant wait to see them!

On a more positive note, im loving being married. Been with OH 10 years and didnt think it could get better, but it has, it just feels different!

Best look to those of you pregnant ladies and those ttc, we are waiting a little while. We just want to enjoy being married at the minute!
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Re: October 2011 wives!

Postby mrs autumn2011 » Mon Nov 21, 2021 9:29 pm

Hey Ladies,
How quickly time flies when you're having fun. We had the most amazing day and thankfully the rain stayed away. I'm not really missing the planning side of things. I quite like having my normal life back again.
Married life has been amazing. Just like you Vulgarpicture we've been together over 10 years and I can't believe that things have got even better :lvs
Would love to have the honeymoon to look forward to again, it came so quickly after the wedding that you don't have any time to build up to it so Mrs dosser I am totally jealous.
Congrats mrssunshine and i hope that all goes well for you, to all those ttc best of luck with it. :babydust:
We're going to leave it for a bit, just want to enjoy being married first. Am in dread of the thought of counting days etc.
Got my wedding photos last week, was just so happy with them. I reckon it will be January or February before the video comes but I'm sure it'll be worth the wait.
Chin up ladies :o0
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Re: October 2011 wives!

Postby mrsdamo » Tue Dec 06, 2021 2:48 pm

Hiya wifeys!!! I used to be mrsdamo2b and so I changed to mrsdamo (not very original I know). Had an absolutely amazing wedding down in Killarney, the sun shone all day for us and we got some amazing photos taken. Ian Cronin our photographer sent us up the preview book of all the photos' and we have to choose 50 for our proper album...but it's so bloody hard!!! Don't know how we're going to do it. But I tell you something, if I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't have been so stupidly worried about stuff that I have absolutely no control over....or stuff that really at the end of the day makes no difference to the overall day. Anyhoo, I'm so happy these days and can't quite believe that our day has come and gone. It was fantastic.

Congratulations :o)ll :o)ll to all those BFP's and ttc'ers I'm one of ye too!!! :babydust: to everyone that is hoping for a BFP for Christmas....I'm hoping I'll get one.

chat you all soon :wv

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Re: October 2011 wives!

Postby wifeyttc » Mon Dec 12, 2021 5:15 pm

Well ladies hope all is well and all set for xmas! Well we got a bit of exciting news last friday i got my BFP :o)ll Cant quite believe it only trying since the HM and it happened on my 2nd cycle. :eek I was expecting it to take a lot longer. its a nice suprise for xmas. :xox

Good luck to everyone ttc :babydust: :o)ll :babydust:

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Re: October 2011 wives!

Postby mrsdamo » Tue Dec 13, 2021 9:43 am

Hey wifeyttc, I just got mine this morning (my BFP that is) :o)ll :o)ll such a fantastic christmas present. like you I thought it would take me longer as I'm 37 now, but we nailed it on our 2nd cycle!! DH thinks he has super sperm now :yelrotflmaosmilie: :yelrotflmaosmilie: God help him!!

On a different note our photographer has sent us up a preview book of our photo's they are amazing, so we have to pick 50 out of them :duh: :duh: I don't know how we're going to do it.

Hope all the ladies are keeping well and enjoying married life. :wv

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Re: October 2011 wives!

Postby wifeyttc » Tue Dec 13, 2021 10:41 am

WOW congrats mrsdamo that is just super news! :o)ll :o)ll Its a great feeling isnt it. I will be seeing you over on the August baby thread so! :babydust:

Did you make an appointment yet to see the doc i am going this thursday to get it all confirmed.

mrsdamo wrote:DH thinks he has super sperm now :yelrotflmaosmilie: :yelrotflmaosmilie:

Ha Ha exactly what my Dh said too he is well chuffed with himself!! :xxx

I know we got our photos back and have to choose there are so many lovely shots it will be hard! going to leave it until the new year when my head hopefully will be a bit less all over the place.....

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Postby mrsdamo » Wed Dec 14, 2021 11:23 am

Ah thanks a mill wifeyttc, its still quite surreal as I truly didn't think it would happen so quick again! We're so bloody lucky. I'm not joining the August thread just yet as its still early days, but maybe I will....
wifeyttc wrote:Did you make an appointment yet to see the doc i am going this thursday to get it all confirmed.

Yep I've made an appointment for Monday morning 9.30-am!! So once I get confirmation I'll be happier. I only did one test (that was yest morning) and my AF wouldn't be due till Sat, so I'm thinking its soooo early yet and it may not be real.

sorry for going on, :-8 hope I haven't annoyed anyone...truly don't mean to! I'll join the Aug thread wifeyttc, I can air my concerns over there :wv

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