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Couch 2 5k

Couch 2 5k

Postby gingerwhinger » Wed Dec 28, 2021 3:45 pm

hi Girls
i started couch25k a few months ago but only got as far as week 4 before my knees decided to give in. i was running on the road and found it extremely hard going. but i've decided i'm going to give it another shot.
i'm off out tomorrow to buy a treadmill (heard from others it easier to run using one than on the road) and i'm determined to get to 5k this time round. so i'm starting again from sunday, its my resolution to get in shape for the wedding and lose 7-14lbs (fingers crossed!!)
just wondering if there's anyone out there that would like to atart with me or who is already doing it and we can motivate each other along.
i know there's another thread going but its 28 pages long and thought it could be good to start a new one.
anyone with me??

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Re: Couch 2 5k

Postby sweets78 » Wed Dec 28, 2021 4:10 pm

Hi Gingerwinger , Im also determined to shape up for the wedding and for my health.I dont have a treadmill but I am trowing plenty of hints {birthday coming up }.So if i get one i will be joining your tread.I have got a bike which intend to start cycling i heard this is a great way to tone and get in shape.Good Luck with your exercise :wv
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Re: Couch 2 5k

Postby Sallyk » Wed Dec 28, 2021 10:43 pm

Hi Gingerwhinger

I would love to join you, could do with the motivations too.. somthing simular happened me about a year ago, i was told to run on the grass or even better on the beach, its ment to be much better then the road or threadmill (though i heard threadmill is not as bad as road).

see if you can get some support for your knee too....

when are you getting married??

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Re: Couch 2 5k

Postby lezah252 » Wed Dec 28, 2021 10:51 pm

hi girlies id love to join also how do it work as im hopeless at running can walk fast but i start to run and im ready to collapse after a mintue (if i even last that long!) O:|
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Re: Couch 2 5k

Postby gingerwhinger » Thu Dec 29, 2021 9:21 am

thanks sweet best of luck to you too

lezah252 wrote:hi girlies id love to join also how do it work as im hopeless at running can walk fast but i start to run and im ready to collapse after a mintue (if i even last that long!) O:|
you should definitely start c25k, you start walking and running for 1min at a time and build it up each week until you get to 5k. my SIL started a couple of months ago and she's up to 6k at the mo.

Sallyk wrote:see if you can get some support for your knee too....

when are you getting married??


hi sally, must definitely get support for them, the pounding on the road just didnt help. tried running on grass before but gave up (at the time i hadnt heard of c25k so was just out running myself which didnt turn out too good, after about a week)

getting married in june so i've 5months to get myself into shape and lose some of this weight. now it's the new year i'm more determined to do something and the countdown is now on so there's no point putting it off any longer! are yo getting married this year??

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Re: Couch 2 5k

Postby Sallyk » Thu Dec 29, 2021 5:25 pm

Hi Gingerwhinger

Yeah im the same wanted to enjoy Christmas now really have to get the finger out. Im getting married in May, 18 weeks left :hyper: i want to lose at least three stone!!!

but im hoping to keep motivation up, first dress fitting is in 10 weeks.... hoping to join gym and go in the morning b4 work, otherwise i wont go in the evening....

where are you getting married??

the couch 2 5k is there a method or do you just aim to get there as soon as possible??

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Re: Couch 2 5k

Postby Steph2 » Thu Dec 29, 2021 8:21 pm

Hi ladies,

I'm not quite a beginner, but will be going back running next week after an absence of around 3 months. Running on a treadmill is definitely a bit easier on the joints. I too find running on the road can be a lot less forgiving.

You might surprise yourself - I never thought I would able to run on a treadmill and one night a couple of years ago, the gym was really quiet and I pretty much had the place to myself - so I thought I'd give it a bash. It was my first time to ever run and I made 1k without stopping - I couldn't believe it. Now I love running and can run up to 10k on a good day. If you keep it up you'll be running 5k before you know it!!

One little piece of advice I would give if you're going to start running, is to invest in a heart rate monitor. Most treadmills won't allow you to use the heart rate monitoring plates while running, and getting your heart rate to the right spot is an absolute necessity. It will also help you to be able to tell when you need to start pushing yourself a little bit more. Oh another thing - a good sports bra!! :-8
Steph xxx

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Re: Couch 2 5k

Postby gingerwhinger » Fri Dec 30, 2021 12:51 pm

thanks for the advice steph, the treadmill i got doesnt have a heart monitor (its a cheap one from argos!!), can you buy one in the shops? must have a look in elvery's for them. and yes i must invest in a sports bra, i could end up with a black eye if i dont ;o(
Sallyk wrote:the couch 2 5k is there a method or do you just aim to get there as soon as possible??

c25k is a 9 week program where you alternate between walking and running until you're able to run 5k. each week it ups the length of time you run for so you're building it up gradually. week 1 you run for 60s walk for 90s for 20 mins. then week 2 its 90s running 120s walking and each week the running gets longer and walking gets shorter!
i did find it good the last time but only got to 4 weeks before my knees gave in!!

Sallyk wrote:where are you getting married??

getting married in Offaly, only 23 weeks to go, getting very nervous and excited at the mo!!

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Re: Couch 2 5k

Postby belcra » Sun Jan 01, 2022 5:18 pm

Hello all. Thanks for starting this Gingerwhinger - just came online to do it myself.

I did the Couch to 5k program last year, then Bridge to 10k and was up to running for 1.5 hrs and then injured myself. I've put on over a stone and lost all the fitness so went back out today starting on week 3 of the program - the 3 mins was tough but doable!

For those of you who don't know what the program is you can download apps on iPhone, iPod touch, androids etc that have the program and talk you through your run. The best I think is called Get Running. Lovely motivational voice telling you when to run or walk and how well you are doing - haha!

Anyway, polishing off the remainder of the rubbish in the house today and diet starts when I 'm back to work Tuesday but at least the running started today. To really motivate myself I filled out an application for the half cork city marathon and posted it off!!

Edited to correct spelling!
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Re: Couch 2 5k

Postby Mismatch » Sun Jan 01, 2022 9:13 pm

Hey Ladies,

God thats freaky, I was just talking to Oh today about doing this & I'm boring my sisters Ipad to bring along to the gym tomorrow to start it off.

I used to run in the gym a good bit before my wedding, but since I got pregnant & had my baby 2 months ago I am soo unfit & have a stone & a half to lose. Joined back in the gym last week & have gone about 4 times to try & build up my fitness level again & gonna start the C25K challenge tomorrow, so delighted there is a new thread started to support me.

Best of luck ladies & wish me luck for tomorrow.
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Re: Couch 2 5k

Postby belcra » Sun Jan 01, 2022 10:35 pm

Good luck Mismatch :)
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Re: Couch 2 5k

Postby gingerwhinger » Mon Jan 02, 2022 8:30 am

good luck Mismatch

Belcra i was gonna start on week 2or3 just to push myself a little but i tried running for a few mins on Friday but it didnt work out the way i wanted so i'm starting off on week 1 today. Diet also starts tomorrow. Was supposed to start yesterday but i got a little side tracked by some cake and alot of food at a party yesterday :-8
Best of luck girls

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Re: Couch 2 5k

Postby belcra » Mon Jan 02, 2022 4:03 pm

Hi Gingerwhinger,

You are better off starting at whatever suits you and not overdoing it. I went back out and did week 3 again today. Figured it could be bad weather when I get home tomorrow night from work so might as well make use of daylight and dry weather today. It wasn't too bad - I'm getting out of breath very quickly but taking it very slowly.

Sitting making out food plans and shopping lists for myself and OH now. We're going to limit carbs to 1-2 a day so choosing recipes that iwi,l use over the next few weeks. I love cooking so it's hard to limit myself so my new challenge is tasty but healthy! I'm going through all my cookbooks and choosing recipes for lunches to rake to work and dinners for home!

Anybody got any ideas what to have with stews / curries besides rice or potatoes? Gets boring just eating meat and veg all the time.

Best of luck everybody!!
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Re: Couch 2 5k

Postby gingerwhinger » Mon Jan 02, 2022 7:15 pm

did week 1 day 1 today, said i might as well start from beginning. found the 1st 10mins hard but once i got over that it didnt feel too bad. definitely easier running on the treadmill than on the road although i the incline i had set was a little high and could feel it in my calves as i was running!
has anyone any tips on breathing while running. remember the last time i found it hard to control my breaths and found i had to stop to get things back to normal.
healthy eating went out the window today, i was attacked by some chocolate fudge cake while we were out for dinner today :-8
belcra wrote:Anybody got any ideas what to have with stews / curries besides rice or potatoes? Gets boring just eating meat and veg all the time

sorry belcra we live on potatoes and rice here so i'm not much help on that front. although i was gonna suggest sweet potato. dont know if that's an option but its slightly healthier!!

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Re: Couch 2 5k

Postby belcra » Mon Jan 02, 2022 7:54 pm

gingerwhinger wrote:has anyone any tips on breathing while running. remember the last time i found it hard to control my breaths and found i had to stop to get things back to normal.

I run outside so I just slow down to a a crawl to get my breath back. I'm not exactly jogging much faster anyway - a fast walker would nearly pass me out :-8

I know I don't breathe properly but I think you are supposed to keep it as regular as possible breathing in for say 2-3 steps and breathing out for the same so that you are getting air right into your lungs and not just shallow breaths. I'd say do a bit of googling or find a demo on YouTube. What about not setting an online for a while as well? Or just putting it at max 1?

Sweet potato is good - I try it sometimes. Discover lentils earlier on so purchased while I was shopping. I like them in soup - will have to see what they are like instead of rice or potatoes.
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