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Easter 2012 motivation!!!

Re: Easter 2012 motivation!!!

Postby drummerswife2b » Tue Feb 28, 2022 7:40 am

Thanks lady gaga. I did nothing last night cos I'm dosed :o( piled up on meds at the mo and feeling very sorry for myself. I bought a maxi twist ice cream yesterday to help my throat ( ;o) but just couldn't be bothered eating it.

I run on the threadmill. In my house wearibg whatever the hell i feel like, it takes the effort out of getting ready. Gonna wait until I get my fitness up and then I'll try run outside. There is a running club near me which I joined before. So I think I will just rejoin that.

I'd love to try Zumba. It's meant to be great for you. Enjoy.
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Re: Easter 2012 motivation!!!

Postby chick2012 » Tue Feb 28, 2022 9:30 am

Girls yer all great for trying different things exercise wise! I only ever go walking..cant really afford much else...had a good day yestrday,went to the beach for a walk and was good food wise all day..hope today will b as good.. were registering our intent this wk ,we were gona go for dinner but think il just cook instead,something relativly healthy! :o)ll :o)ll Gonna do weigh in fri this wk although i have af coming so dont know how its gona work.. :eek
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Re: Easter 2012 motivation!!!

Postby drummerswife2b » Tue Feb 28, 2022 3:20 pm

That's one of the reasons I don't do Zumba chick. Can't afford to. We bought a 2nd hand treadmill for €50 (we got a very good deal) but try skipping, some exercise DVDs, maybe one of those trampolines (I picked one up in Argos for cheap enough, ages back though) or even set up a little circuit course around your house for a bit of fun.
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Re: Easter 2012 motivation!!!

Postby gaff » Wed Feb 29, 2022 10:17 pm

Hey ladies! Bit of a mental week - had a funeral on DH side so we were rushing around collecting family from airports and racing around there was very little time to eat healthily! A lot of scoffed sambo's on the run!!! very little planning - so I was delighted to be down that 1lb that I put on last week!! :o0 :o0

I'm right there with you Ladygaga on the nutella front - there is nothing I won't try and slather in Nutella!!!!! It's the work of the devil!!!! :-8

Sorry to hear ur not well Drummerswife - nothing worse than being under the weather- hope u feel better soon!!!! :thnk

Chick with regard to exercise being expensive - I'm right there with u - id love to do Zumba but its just too pricey for me - I joined the gym 2 yrs ago and bargained them down to €30 per month, they tried to increase it last yr and I nearly had a canary!!!!!!! went in and told them to cancel it They weren't long about backing down!!- I go 4 times a week and definitely get my money's worth!!!! lol!!! :o0
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Re: Easter 2012 motivation!!!

Postby LadyGaga2010 » Fri Mar 02, 2022 12:47 am

Gaff, well done on the 1lb loss! Sorry to hear about family funeral.

Hope you're feeling bit better Drummerswife. Very hard to be anyway motivated when sick and I always feel that when I am better I deserve a nice treat.

Chick on the exercise, I feel that I need to do something high impact as I just don't think the walking does enough for me as I have sort of always walked whether on a diet or not (the 2 doggies have to be walked every day). Trying to get myself a second hand treadmill so said I will do Zumba till then - €7 per week so not too bad and by God was I not sweaty betty after it :yelrotflmaosmilie:

Well girls had my WI today and I was down 1lb so that is my first stone gone. Moving onto the next one now. I walked Mon and Wed and did Zumba Tues so I think that is what got the pound down as I certainly was not disciplined enough on the food side of things. Here's for 2lb next week. Would love to shift another stone by mid to end April. We will have to rename this thread once Easter is over!!!

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Re: Easter 2012 motivation!!!

Postby drummerswife2b » Fri Mar 02, 2022 8:07 am

Well done on the weight losses Gaff and lady gaga. Esp on the stone lady gaga :o)ll :o)ll

Sorry to hear about your funeral gaff. :action32 I always find around times like that you feel like your eating loads but with all the rushing around and that you actually don't.

I agree lady gaga on the exercise front not even necessarily high impact just something new and different for your body. It really gives everything a kick start.

Well I'm still sick :o( my chest feels like it could collapse any second so exercise is def out. I've struggled being good too over the last few days. H2b was away and I was just to lazy to cook properly so it was ww ready meals and 2 takeaways for dinner. In saying that I still think I would have been down except I missed my class last night. O:| I was too late for the first WI and couldn't wait for the second one. So will have to wait until next Thurs.
Good luck everyone this week.
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Re: Easter 2012 motivation!!!

Postby gaff » Wed Mar 07, 2022 12:20 am

Well girls
very quiet here this week!! Got back from an amazing wedding in Harvey's point this weekend - had a super time - buffet starter and buffet dessert.. lost the run of myself and copious amounts of Captain Morgans did not help :o0 :o0 Sunday was spend nursing a very sore head!!!! :-8 Got up on the scales on Monday morning and all my DH could hear was me laughing... I was up 5 lbs - seriously 5 lbs!!!! DH was like 'what do you expect you were at a wedding all week end???' eh hello we have 8 weddings this year!!! Now it doesn't take a genuis to do the maths on that one!!!!! lol :o0

I was down 1lb this morning so I'm hoping its bloating :o0 Have opted to look on the bright side of life feck it!!!!!!
How everyone else getting on????
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Re: Easter 2012 motivation!!!

Postby LadyGaga2010 » Wed Mar 07, 2022 12:55 am

It will def just be bloating Gaff, bet it'll be down by end of week. Get loads and loads of water into yourself. And anyhow - was it worth it?? We all need to let off some steam and have a good old session every now and again, it's good for the soul.

I have not been great this week, not terribly bad but my routine has gone out the window a bit. I'm not eating enough during the day and longing for rubbish then at night. Went to Zumba tonight. WI is Thurs so fingers crossed!!

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Re: Easter 2012 motivation!!!

Postby drummerswife2b » Wed Mar 07, 2022 9:52 pm

Hey girls,

Gaff don't be to worried about that 5lbs a week of detox and it will be gone. Main thing is that you enjoyed it. :o0

Best of luck tomorrow lady gaga.

I have had a really bad week both mentally and exercise wise. We were out sat night and with a few drinks on everyone was "helping" me by giving me advice. One part was quite hurtful from my dad (even though he said it wasn't true) and its really made me feel like crap. I just feel like it would be easier if I never ate anything again at least then I'd lose weight. I haven't been able to exercise at all cos of my stupid chest infection. I also haven't been eating properly. Dreading tomorrow for my WI. :o(
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Re: Easter 2012 motivation!!!

Postby gaff » Thu Mar 08, 2022 1:11 am

It wasn't that bad girls - lashed the water into me and had the no point soup for three days - lovin the damage control!!!! :o0 I was only up +1/2lb which I was so relieved about!!! :-8

Drummerswife - people are great with their advice! Always meaning well!!!! and do you know sometimes you'd love to tell them to shove their advice where the sun doesn't shine!!! You need to do what is best for you and sometimes that means telling people that care about you to leave you be!!!!! Chin up chest out!!!! *)
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Re: Easter 2012 motivation!!!

Postby LadyGaga2010 » Thu Mar 08, 2022 10:14 pm

Well done Gaff, that's great going. And I always think you feel a bit revitalised after a good night/wkend away so motivation now for next week.

Drummerswife, there is nothing as bloomin disheartening and de-motivating as a family member trying to give you tips on weight loss. I can only accept tips from someone who's trying to lose weight themselves, not from someone who's a Flip stick. My logic might be bit warped there!! Chin up, forget about them and remember that you're doing this for yourself and not for anyone else. :action32

Was down 1lb at WI today girls, delighted with although this time last week I said I was aiming for 2 but I will take 1 and be happy with it.

Just realised - only 4 more WI's till Easter :eek :eek :eek

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Re: Easter 2012 motivation!!!

Postby drummerswife2b » Fri Mar 09, 2022 9:59 am

Well done Gaff that's a great comeback and very manageable. I agree with lady gaga sometimes you need a gain to get your head back in the game.

Well done lady gaga. Your losing very steadily fair play to you. Keep it going

I was up a half. Don't really know why but oh well just gotta try harder this week. My food plan is fruit and yoghurt for Brekkie and soup for lunch (if I'm starving I'll go back to weetabix for Brekkie with fruit and yoghurt for lunch) and then if I'm not doing anything I'll have a ww meal for dinner. Have a busy weekend so gonna try and curtail the week. Gonna try a little exercise but my chest is still not 100% so not sure how I will get on.
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Re: Easter 2012 motivation!!!

Postby chick2012 » Sun Mar 11, 2022 10:53 am

Hi girls, im sorry i havent been on in a while.. well i weighed myslef this morning and to say im dusgusted with myself is an understatement, im 14 flipping stone O:| O:| O:| O:| i was 13 9 late january , omg im raging with myself..flip flip flip.. >:o( getting married in 7months and now have 21 pounds to lose instead of 14 pounds..cant bloody believe i let myself go again...Back to it from right now, im gona walk the arse off myself today :ooh
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Re: Easter 2012 motivation!!!

Postby LadyGaga2010 » Thu Mar 15, 2022 6:39 pm

Just a quick check in girls, down 1lb this week. Slow and steady I suppose. I hope ye are all having a good week

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Re: Easter 2012 motivation!!!

Postby drummerswife2b » Thu Mar 15, 2022 11:13 pm

Hey ladies it has been very quiet here recently (not helped by me either - phone problems)

Hey chick. Hate when that happens I did that over xmas so fed up now because of that but you will get it off. Yoou were sick as well so its not as if you could really help it. How did you get on this week. I hope you walked the back legs of yourself.

Hey ladygaga well done on the pound. Your doing great work.

I was down 1.5lbs today. I was very happy. Had been going to morning wi's for the last month and changed back. They say it is generally a pound change so I was happy I lost. Ive settled into a good routine. Lots of tea. fills me up good oh. :o0

Have a good week everyone. :wv
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