by pollydolly » Fri Mar 09, 2022 12:21 pm
yummymummy2b I haven't gotten any of your pms. mrs blacky what area of Canada are you hoping to move to? I've been reading up on Saskatchewan and have to say I'm not really sold on it. Winters there seem to be the worst in the whole of Canada. Seems to be quite an isolated area, not sure if it would be what we are after. Also it wouldn't be mine work OH is after. I wouldn't be keen on him saying on site 10 days and only coming back to me and the child for 4 nights in the city or town or wherever we are based. I think that would be a very lonely existence for me especially as I don't plan on working at the start until we are well settled and I'm comfortable with childcare etc. We've heard nothing back on his CVs yet but don't think we have sent enough of them out. This weekend we will be sending more and I have the police check form printed off so well be sending that of to get that sorted. Think OH will apply for the international canada experience (working hol visa) as its only 100euro or so and I think companies would be keener on him if he's able to say I have a visa sorted and I'm ready to go lol. Me and baby will just go over on visitor visa which is 6months anyway and free. I was so excited last night kept checking OH emails to see if anyone got back to us. I think if someone actually does I will have a heart attack lol I want to go but at same time I am so scared about it as we will know no one and I will miss family so much and will feel awful about taking the baby out of their lives.
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by DublinGirl » Fri Mar 09, 2022 3:35 pm
Good grief, it's mad reading all these posts. We are in the exact same position. DH is an electrician and is unemployed 3 years next month. Absolutely nothing out there and is applying for X, Y and Z and getting no where. He has had a few bits of work here and there and his confidence had plumetted to an all time low. I don't think we could take another year of cuts, charges and social welfare appointments. He takes home EUR124 (a married man with 2 children may I add whom was never in his life on social welfare prior to this). I work 3 days per week and am earning enough to barely keep us afloat. Having said that we bought a bigish house in the peak 2006 and have a sizeable mortgage which we have been unable to pay for in full. We have a capital payment holiday option which is renewed and reviewed every 6 mths. We are paying our interest and part of the capital basically but it worries me now end going forward and just cannot see any way out. I am terrified at the prospect of emigration but hubby is sooooo keen he is like a new man. I am blowing hot and cold on the poor fellow about it all but it's only cause I am terrified about the whole thing and worry about the girls and uprooting them. I am worried about safety of the area, schooling, afterschool (if i decide to work), getting a car, driving around, where to live, down to buying a new mobile phone, and shipping our personal head is just mush. Hubby is telling me not to be jumping the gun and that will all come in time but that's a mammy thing and it's normal right? I am a real home bird and hate being away from family but something is telling me that this is the way to go. I even went to a medium the other day and the first thing she said is I see a map of America and you will cross the water within 18months and the move will last about 3-4 years. Hubby and I went up to Dublin last Saturday to the working abroad expo, got the kids minded for the day. We travelled from the southeast. We got no where near the place and were very very disappointed to say the least. I felt for hubby cause he went up armed with cv's and his certificates etc etc. We just don't know where to start. We both did up his letter of application and his resume  and have scanned all his certs and that. So it's just who do we send them through. What channels or websites would ye recomend? I wouldn't have even considered this a year ago but need must!!!!! We mentioned it to our older DD and she is sooo excited at the idea of going to a high school Just also reading Saskatoon seems to be the place that most people are talking about but someone posted here that it is a quite isolated place with harsh winters????? I don't think I would like isolation but wouldn't mind a more rural town setting as opposed to a huge city....a sense of community really for the kids I guess!!!!'s too much to know where to start!! Also what do we do with our house????? Sorry I'm waffling here and have to say Yummymummy well done for starting the thread...WOL should definately make this a sticky and we can all help each other along the way and share experiences!! it's too scary to go it alone!

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by starzzzz » Fri Mar 09, 2022 6:40 pm
shootingstar wrote:Hi girls, ! As you can see from my ticker I'm currently 9 weeks pregnant and have a 3 year old daughter, so we plan that h2 b heads out on his own and me and dd will follow out when I reach 32 weeks
Hi shooting star just on this every provinces health care is different and all bar alberta have a waiting period when you first move over so I would look into this as you cant get maternity care on travel insurance and I don't think you would be covered here at that short notice. It would be very expensive to have the baby without it as they really discourage it due to birth tourism as if baby is born here it gets automatic citizenship. I would check here. can see about if you are a perm resident but dont see anything about a work permit at first glance. for everyone looking at the mining town I dont know about the life in that one in Saskatchewan but the majority have a very hard work life and have a lot of addiction problems. The work is very hard thats why they get immigrants in cause to be honest few of the Canadians want to work in the mines. For those who were just going to come over on iec or u35 visa, in alberta there is a big shortage of welders, roofers and electricians from what I have heard and read, so there would be no difficulty getting a job. The holidays while crap are negotiable. I got an extra 5 days, hubby got 5 personal days which he can take as sick or vacation and his friend actually got 2 weeks extra. Mrs Blacky Im in banking over here having left Bank Of Ireland so if you have any questions pm me. Any questions about maternity leave/ care you can pm me as it is the same in all provinces I can try and help.

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by msarG » Fri Mar 09, 2022 11:13 pm
hello girlies, another excited/ scared wol. H2B has experience on cranes so that's the area he'd be looking at! At the mo he has a full time job, self employed in delivery sector, he has some good weeks some bad. We 're okay now but we're both worried about the next few years, diesel is rumoured to rise to €2 by next year, this will impact his wage alot, he also works 6 days a week roughly 9/10 hrs a day and by the time he gets home he's wrecked so we barely see each other and there's days he doesn't get t see the kids I know most of us are only at the beginning of this journey and some only contemplating it but I was wondering does anyone know which would be better...... applying for a skilled labour visa or applying for a working visa and re apply for the second year and then citizenship?? so confusing. we have 2 kids age 4 and 18mths, im very wary of moving them esp 4 year old as shes due to start school in sept.... so much to think about And im absolutely petrified to tell my family that we're considering moving
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by mrsblacky » Mon Mar 12, 2022 6:25 pm
Evening all! Hope everyone had a lovely weekend! I've no update on our progress but I found this website that you might like to look at! Some little bits of reading!
- Mini Wolly
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by YummyMummy2b » Mon Mar 12, 2022 8:47 pm
Hey Girlies, No updates our end either... I'm like Walter Mitty at work can't stop day dreaming!! Watched Dumb & Dumber last night(shot in U.S Aspen btw) but spent all day imagining I was going to be the next Mary Swanson(Samsonite!!)  Apparently the companies take a while to reply so we aren't getting too worried yet.. Thanks for the link blacky will take a look now-any word on the redundancies yet? I am glad you are feeling away more positive too-I was so stuborn & reluctant when hubby first suggested it due to my baby-itis but the more I thought about it the more it occured to me how much more we could offer a baby in Canada.. You are thinking about no 3-hopefully it will be a little Canadian bubba! x Polly dolly not sure why my pm didnt hit down its gone out of my outbox.. I know what your saying about Satskatchewan it seems fairly remote & winters are meant to be very severe. At the moment we are open to all options-if hubby gets an offer of a lifetime we will go & make it work come hell or highwater!!! Mine work would be the last resort though as we have no contacts I don't want to be completely isolated. As I mentioned above we have had no replies either but same as you we haven't sent out that many & hubby just assumes that he will get replies & just needs to bide his time  Like you I am constantly checking his email atm....How old is you LO? I know I am such a mommy/daddy girl I am dreading the thoughts of the move but tbh they understand its a black & white decision at this stage & are sick of seeing oh so disappointed time & time again when jobs fall through/contracts end... Dublin girl how are you /.getting on? You poor thing that is awful-so disgraceful to hear of someone who works hard/pays his taxes etc get treated so poorly in return esp with a family to raise. I know what you mean about hubby being a new man my oh is so motivated keeps talking about what he will do/buy etc when we make the move & I love seeing him so motivated & inspired! Lol re buying the new mobile phone-I thought the exact same & would our laptop work etc, how to set up bank account! I just kept thinking about the immigrants who are in Ireland now who can barely speak english & who manage just fine-I must admit I have a new found respect for them!! That is mad re the medium!! I will pm you the addresses from the expo but being honest I wouldnt hold my breath as no-one seems to have heard back from them. At the moment we are just googling construction companies Alberta, British Columbia, Satskatchewan etc & emailing directly. A good company for roofers, glaziers, carpenters is Flynns Construction a friend of hubbys just got an offer in Calgary from them. Any other links please share girlies-hopefully we will all have good news soon! And remember - good things come to those who wait
- New Wolly
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by YummyMummy2b » Thu Mar 15, 2022 8:10 pm
Hey Girls just bumping this up to see if anyone has any updates? Hubby has sent off about 10 cvs no replies yet...
- New Wolly
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by plainsconesonly » Fri Mar 16, 2022 11:27 am
No updates here either Im afraid. DH has sent lots of CV's too. Seemingly this is normal though and it can take some time for companys to get back to you.
url=]  [/url]

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by LittleLily » Fri Mar 16, 2022 1:41 pm
plainsconesonly wrote:Seemingly this is normal though and it can take some time for companys to get back to you.
Definitely normal. Lots of companys will have automatic emails that bounce back to you once you submit an application to let you know that they will ONLY contact you if they want to arrange an interview. You may be a little over ambitious with the 10 C.V.s YM. So sorry Hubby would have sent out about 1000 C.V.s (no exaggeration) over a 5 month period and he may have gotten about 30 replies altogether and about 5 interviews. I sent a good 150 myself and had about 5 interviews too. The difference was that he was looking for a specific job but I was just looking for A job so it was easier for me. Keep at it. Its gonna be much harder to get a job offer with not being in the country so hit the jobs websites hard.

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by starzzzz » Fri Mar 16, 2022 6:27 pm
also remember a canadian resume is formatted differently than a cv. It really does make a difference so have a google and check the formatting, also any jobs with closing dates wont contact you until after the date. this is a good site to check for jobs as if a company wants to hire a foreign worker they must advertise it here to prove no canadian wants it

- Princess Wolly
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by RainbowNinja » Fri Mar 16, 2022 6:38 pm
We are considering moving over early next year.. Want to get our loans paid off, have few close friends weddings this year, have to look into getting house rented etc
We both have jobs here but neither of us are happy in our jobs and we feel we will have a better quality of life..
Where do you think we should start applying for jobs over there?

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by wedjul05 » Fri Mar 16, 2022 10:00 pm
Hi girls, Mind if I hop on the emigrating bandwagon? been reading this thread with a mixture of excitement and pure sadness that we are all coming to this. Myself and my DH are both extremely fortunate in that we both have jobs and well-ish paid jobs at that. For couples where I person has been unemployed/prospect of being unemployed....well I don't know how people cope. Hats off. But we are thinking of moving countries. My DH is french so moving somewhere other than Ireland was always on the cards. 1st it was france/switzerland but I think that's been shelved. Now we are talking/looking at Dubai. My DH mentioned it to me about 6months ago and I shot him down like a hot snot but now.......THe creche fees are killing us, taxes etc. Our house is rented out in meath, we moved to Dublin (where I am from) as my DH got a new job. THankfully his job are keen for them to mvoe to another site and therefore he may well be able to move internally. Dubai is tax free, IF we get jobs, we are more than likely to get a good each month towards rent, school fees (even primary private school fees are like 10 grand a year), healthy insurance and a few other things. I know it's mad hot come may-sep, we were there in May years ago and it was HOT. But we would leave and go to Ireland/France on hols then like alot of people do. I feel terribly guilty about moving the kids away from my parents though  My dad has parkinsons and my poor mam is quite tied with him. She loves having us close by and seeing the kids. It would kill her to see us leave, haven't mentioned anything to them. But we told them that we were looking at France/Switzerland a while back but shelved it. Anyway...I'm rambling on. I think those thinking to move with kids will adjust. I feel it's harder on the parents than the kids. I want our 2 to experience life in other countries. Imagine them saying when they were older that they lived in X country for X years...they would be cool! Sure I;m scared of moving and settling in somewhere foreign but once you have your OH/Kids and they are all're you own family and you have to do what's best for them. End of. I wish all of us luck ladies, I really do!

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by YummyMummy2b » Wed Mar 21, 2022 10:17 pm
Hi Girls Still no word on our end yet!! Hehe Little Lily-I know dh really went the extra mile with the 10 c.vs  !!!! Send out lots more over the weekend-trying not to get too disheartened we were led to believe at the expo that there were literally thousands of electrical jobs in Canada & had expected to hear something back by now... I am like you Little Lily, dh needs to get settled first & when we know the exact location we will be headed I will start my search then-thanks for all the advice Starzz his latest batch of cvs all in Canadian format thanks for the link-any sign of Baby Starzz yet-keep us updated!!! Rainbow Ninja its all about the qualitly of life...Look at those robbers A.I.B today again targeting the normal public worker who kept them afloat, this country is going to be impossible to survive in not to mind have a basic standard of living which everyone is entitled to... Welcome to the 'Relocation Thread' Wed05! I don't know too much about Dubai but myself & DH have a few friends who moved there a couple of years ago & you can tell through FB they have a serious lifestyle now-holidays in Sri Lanka, Maldives, Seychelles plus looking tanned, relaxed & most importantly very happy! The main pull with Dubai is that it is tax free & you could make a hell of alot of money very quickly. Plus Emirates are now flying directly from Dublin as well as Eithead. Totally agree with you on the kids growing up experiencing different cultures, schooling & way of life its a great gift to offer them. God knows what way this country will be like next year-the news about A.I.B today really angered me, what is next is anyones guess.... I think you are right re family, yes it will be tough on your immediate family especially as your dad needs alot of care but if you can & will do more for your children by relocating then your family will just have to support your decision & be happy you were in a position to offer your family such an amazing life-changing opportunity!! Keep us posted! For me & hubby we have decided that we are going to ttc & whatever happens we will cross that bridge when we come to it. The way things are going with the cv's we figured we could be waiting a while before any move is finalised & I don't want to waste time. If needs be I could always follow hubby over?
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by mrsblacky » Thu Mar 22, 2022 8:05 am
Morning all emmigraters/potential emmigraters!!
My SIL got married on Friday and I'm only back to work today so our search came to a standstill last week! We were chatting at wedding in friday and it turns out my BIL is flying over to Canada in two weeks to look into setting up on his own over there (he has very successful businesses in Australia and Poland!) and he said he'd put feelers out for us where ever possible (he is in a different industry to DH so can't help us with work but he will help in any other way he can)!
We were going to keep things quiet about this big move but unfortunately by DH can't hold his sh!t do now both of our family's know! I hope it all works out now and that this doesn't just end up being one of those "hair brained ideas" that DH has been known to get! I must say though that he's putting slot more effort into this search than into anything else and is a lot more upbeat than he has been in ages! It's nice to see the light in his eyes again!
I agree with you yummymummy that it is the quality of life that is the big appeal to us!
Starzz, hubby was wondering about the income tax, ie, the job vacancies are advertising certain salaries but how much if that do you really take home? Hope the end of the pregnancy is comfortable for you!!
Will let you all know if any progress!!
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by starzzzz » Thu Mar 22, 2022 3:15 pm the tax info you have federal taxes and each province has their own tax as well. This is also adjusted depending on kids etc There is a tax calculator on that site aswell but its a bit complicated from what i remember. You also have to file your own taxes every year which is more for if you need a refund/ have a second job but everyone has to do it. Just finished mine yesterday Most people here do get paid by cheque unless you work for a big company then you will get automatic payment, just something to keep in mind. Most banks only hold the first 2 pay cheques though the rest would be available straight away. I know a few Irish people who have been shocked by this when they got over so said I would mention it.

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