by SandyClaws » Sat Mar 31, 2022 6:19 pm
Blingy wrote:I don't think aldi/lidl are as cheap as people think. I do shop in aldi for bits but I find great bargains in tesco that aldi don't do
Sweetheart wedding dresses are not flattering on most people
I believe in what Kate moss once said. "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"
Men are better cooks.
Women are B i t c h y
Dogs are better than cats
All above IMO of course!
I agree. Unfortunately it's about 8 years since I was skinny. So I forget what it feels like.
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by uisce » Sat Mar 31, 2022 6:33 pm
aoife07 wrote:People who start off with "Im not racist but...." then rant on about the Nigerian womean who left her pushchair at the bus stop, taxi rank ..... Irish have been emigrating for years- we did not build the whole of America (we assisted with other nationalities) and there are plenty who went to the UK in the 60's and 70's and availed of their social welfare system.
+ infinity! Thank you for putting this out there. Whenever I hear "sure we buillt America ...", I always think if we were that good, why isn't Ireland a superpower? Commercial music from singers that can't write songs or play instruments is fun and generally makes people happy. It's ok to like music that isn't produced by "real" musicians. Likewise for Jedward - what harm are they doing to people? The Government have the country's best interests at heart. (I am not affiliated to any political party).
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by JustJess » Sat Mar 31, 2022 6:56 pm
Some more..... While I'm happy to be Irish I don't understand the "proud" to be Irish part of most people. I also don't understand why other nationalities love the Irish. I do think we are seen as a drunk nation
Gel nails are rank
Tattoos are ugly
While I dislike bad grammar on posts I detest the grammar police even more.

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by gleeky » Sat Mar 31, 2022 7:10 pm
Ok I have tried to do as many say about a post or thread you don't like to ignore it but I can't. I cannot not stop thinking about this thread and how wrong it is on so many levels. Ok your unpopular opinion maybe harmless on sausages or icecream but the hatefilled bigoted racists ones like mamalou's are just plain wrong and indeed bordering on criminal. We have laws against this, there is the incitement to hatred act... Have people not heard of this? Yes some opinions are unpopular they are unpopular for a reason. And don't give me that rubbish of we are all grown women here we can take it. Clearly not. Grown women would have the cop on not to post such drivel and I for one am not taking it. Some of these opinions need to tackled, need people to be offended by them, need people to horrified by and to say they are because they are WRONG. You are NOT annyomous when you post racist or hatefilled comments. IP addresses can be found. What about that student in England who tweeted racist comments about Muamba and was jailed for them? WOL needs to delete this thread, I and many others are offended. There was a lovely wollie on here a while ago who was a member of the travelling community, how would she feel reading this? I am a teacher and work with lads from the travelling community and you would not meet sweeter lads with more supportive parents which is more than I can say for others in my class. I have worked with students from the Congo, Rwanda, Poland, Lativia, Georgia, pakistan and afganistan and let me tell you they worked their asses of to get a good education to better their lives more than they would have had at home. (Like the Irish did and are doing now) Some are in third level, some are working paying taxes shock horror and believe it or not the majority did or are doing voluntary work. As I said wol needs to delete this asap It leaves a bad taste and bad impression. Is this what WOL wants to be known as? No wonder it is like a ghost town now. And that ladies is my unpopular opinion.
- New Wolly
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by mammy2011 » Sat Mar 31, 2022 7:17 pm
BusyDee wrote:Bunnybun wrote: Would it not be hard on vegetarian raised child to turn against the family values and start eating meat?
When they are old enough to know exactly where those yummy chicken dippers come from chances are they will not want to eat meat anyway. I actually feel sick to my stomach to think I ate animals when I was a child, would have loved if I was not given it and let to make up my own mind. Don't think I'll be giving dd meat, tbh the thought of her eating meat makes me sick. You don't need to eat meat you can still get all your vitimins etc from non meat. Regards the child at the party tbh I have a HUGE problem with all the sh!te that does be at those, there is usually never one healthy thing for them to eat - why do some parents think kids need such an amount of sweet things or else they wont have a good time? Was watching a programme River Cottage one night and the guy did lovely healthy treats for the kids - chopped veg into fun sticks, made fruit kebabs etc and had no sweets on display, he also got the adults to eat the same stuff (oh btw these were kids who wouldnt eat fruit or veg) and low and behold when the kids saw the parents eating it of course they wanted it then and they quite happily ate everything that was on offer - not one of them asked for sweets! So I think people's attidutes need to change - tbh I feel more sad for the kids loading themselves up on sugar (sorry went slightly off topic there)
There is a happy medium though! Not everyone who allows their children sweet treats is loading them up on sugar all the time. A treat is just that, a treat - the odd time.

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by ShadowHaven » Sat Mar 31, 2022 7:20 pm
Well said gleeky.

- New Wolly
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by SandyClaws » Sat Mar 31, 2022 7:34 pm
My unpopular opinion is jegoruss was a hoot!!
url=]  [/url] Baby #1 due September 2011 mummy and daddy can't wait to meet Baby Claws xx

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by happieout » Sat Mar 31, 2022 7:53 pm
I completely agree gleeky.
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by hestia » Sat Mar 31, 2022 10:29 pm
mommalou wrote:IAnd not surprised that nobody address my statement "to know me, come live with me"
I'll address it for you: Recruitment Office BNP Headquarters Main Street Xenophobia
Formerly known as Prince
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by micls » Sun Apr 01, 2022 3:45 am
Confused by the person who dislikes asthma collectors but likes cancer/ms ones. Are you serious? What exactly is the difference? Over 100 people die every year as a direct result of their asthma. Ireland also has the 4th highest asthma prevalence in the world. While MS Ireland is a fantastic cause I completely support, asthma kills more people and affects more lives in Ireland. If you want to know what they do, a breakdown of where the money Asthma Ireland collects goes is here, this post sounded more like blatant ignorance (a sure asthma is just a bit of a cough, type thing) than an unpopular opinion. But I guess a lot of posts in this thread come under that bracket.
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by kittycatt24 » Sun Apr 01, 2022 9:06 am
micls wrote:Confused by the person who dislikes asthma collectors but likes cancer/ms ones. Are you serious? What exactly is the difference? Over 100 people die every year as a direct result of their asthma. Ireland also has the 4th highest asthma prevalence in the world. While MS Ireland is a fantastic cause I completely support, asthma kills more people and affects more lives in Ireland. If you want to know what they do, a breakdown of where the money Asthma Ireland collects goes is here
Annoyed by the fact that the Asthma Society are nearly always collecting at major sporting events and are very frequently outside local shops collecting!! Yes the society does some research and education! I would much rather charities like MS/MND/cancer getting that amount of oppurtunities for collecting as I have professionally witnessed first hand the excellent work they do supporting families and patients, providing counciling, services, peer support, respite and equipment among many other great things. Thus I think there is no comparing the asthma soc to any of those and I wish the other charities seized the oppurtunities that the asthma soc had to collect!!
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by Jacqueline Hyde » Sun Apr 01, 2022 9:34 am
mommalou wrote:I'll delete this post soon....................... Just make sure your unpopular opinions are not TOO unpopular Trial by simpletons on WOL...... Don't you just love it .... And not surprised that nobody address my statement "to know me, come live with me" Ahh well.... now, lets go back to the sausages .... 
It's not funny mommalou
 MMc - Jan 2012

Jacqueline Hyde
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by Jacqueline Hyde » Sun Apr 01, 2022 9:38 am
kittycatt24 wrote:Annoyed by the fact that the Asthma Society are nearly always collecting at major sporting events and are very frequently outside local shops collecting!!
I wish the other charities seized the oppurtunities that the asthma soc had to collect!!
This makes no sense. You don't want the Asthma Society to collect at major sporting events etc but you want the other charities to? You said it wasn't about the charity itself but it clearly is.
 MMc - Jan 2012

Jacqueline Hyde
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by kittycatt24 » Sun Apr 01, 2022 9:52 am
Jacqueline Hyde wrote:kittycatt24 wrote:Annoyed by the fact that the Asthma Society are nearly always collecting at major sporting events and are very frequently outside local shops collecting!!
I wish the other charities seized the oppurtunities that the asthma soc had to collect!!
This makes no sense. You don't want the Asthma Society to collect at major sporting events etc but you want the other charities to? You said it wasn't about the charity itself but it clearly is.
I think u took me up wrong. I ddnt say charities shouldn't collect at those things, wish different charities had availed of those oppurtunities more. I'm just vouching for the charities close to my heart I'm sure others would want other types of charities. But when we go to matches it sometimes seem asthma has the monopoly, but fair play to their organisers they r quick off the mark!
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by belcra » Sun Apr 01, 2022 10:32 am
The Asthma society annoy me too - now it's not what they are collecting for at all - it's the way they do it and I'm a bit suspicious of them. It's the same people day in day out collecting and they are standing right outside shops and banks. I will give to most charities when they have a collection day and that's usually one or two a week as well then as the clubs packing your bags in supermarkets but I can't remember the last time I gave to Asthma as they are there every single day. One day the usual guy was outside Debenhams in Cork, then I came out of a bank a while later and he was there too. What annoyed me was that somebody collecting for another charity was outside the bank too and this Asthma guy came along and stood in front of them even closer to the door. I gave to the other crowd out of sheer annoyance. It's the same with the Concern type guys. Bouncing around the streets and not letting you so past them so they can sign you up. Those jobs are currently being advertised on Active Link (charity website) at €18 per hour - can't understand that.
So from my point of view it's not the cause that these people are collecting for - it's the pushy way they go about doing it.
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