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30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby stupidname2013 » Thu Apr 12, 2022 6:08 pm

How's everyone doing? Exam now over thank god, back on the wagon tomorrow, probably up 2lbs but not too bad. Debating cleaning this evening but am all of a sudden very tired!!

Micls - very jealous of you - was in SEA for 3 months a few years ago...amazing!!

Mini Wolly
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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby ShoeCrazyBride » Thu Apr 12, 2022 8:02 pm

Micls, super jealous of you, and well done, you haven't been too bad at all considering you were away :)

SN2013 how did the exam go, say you are delighted to be finished.

Coco the motivation will perk back up when you start really seeing the results. I am terrible for saying I will do stuff and then not following through with it. I am always sorry after, so stay strong and like you say picture your end goal. We are on a marathon not a sprint Whoop Whoop ladies.

Sorry I had no post yesterday, had some 24 bug thing but still managed not to eat too badly. back in the gym today (OH wasn't too happy as I was probably not 100% yet but if I stop at all I will never get started again). I'm not going to keep track of my calories I think, I did that before and I got totally obsessed with it. It worked the wrong way for me, instead of being glad I stayed under a certain amount I was fixating on what was in what foods and it just wasn't working for me.

I'm starting to feel much better now, you know when you don't feel as bloated and you are just 'running' better :) Ladies we are all doing very well and thank you all for the support on this, it really makes it easier when you know you aren't on your own :action31 :action31

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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby stupidname2013 » Thu Apr 12, 2022 9:34 pm

Yeah delighted thanks!! Feeling fat this evening though - not impressed! Although I did clean the apartment from top to bottom, had to have burnt a few calories...OH won't know what hit the place when he comes in from football!!

Looking forward to getting back to the gym actually - something I never thought I'd say!!

Fair play to ya for going to the gym despite being sick - be careful! :)

No work for another three days - my first free weekend in months - as in no study...very excited!! :o)ll

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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby micls » Fri Apr 13, 2022 7:25 am

stupidname2013 wrote:Yeah delighted thanks!! Feeling fat this evening though - not impressed! Although I did clean the apartment from top to bottom, had to have burnt a few calories...OH won't know what hit the place when he comes in from football!!

Looking forward to getting back to the gym actually - something I never thought I'd say!!

Fair play to ya for going to the gym despite being sick - be careful! :)

No work for another three days - my first free weekend in months - as in no study...very excited!! :o)ll

Housework definitely counts!

I'm not exactly looking forward to heading back to the gym, but I will be happy to feel less guilty about not going! Everythings closed here for the weekend, for the water festival so it's out of my hands :D Might try to do a workout DVD later.

Yesterday didn't go as well as planned. Got some really nice bread (a luxury here), and scoffed half the loaf! Definitely didn't hit my protein and didn't drink enough water. Oops.

Anyway, another day!
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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby Cocobelles » Sun Apr 15, 2022 9:22 am

Hi Ladies!!

Sorry for the delay, have been out of the house most of the week!!

Micls - I'm jealous, Laos was one of my fave holidays ever, the people are so friendly and tubing/treking was amazing!! Well done on all your activity!! Funny you mention exercise dvd's - one of my fave ways to exercise when i'm tight on time!

SN2013 - Well done on the exam!!!! Fair play!! Hope you're back in the gym and enjoying it!! Forget any weight set back - onwards & downwards (scale wise)

SCB - hope you're 100% better - you must be motivated, wanting to go to the gym when you're ill!!

Day 12

Diet:1250kcal - incl eggs! YAY eggs!
Water: 2 Ltr
Exercise: Bikram & 20min stair climb

Day 13

Diet:1210kcal - lots of veg & lean protein...would like more days like this.
Water: 2.5 Ltr
Exercise: Bikram

Day 14

Diet:1650 maybe more :( Ate well all day and then blew my good work on a cocktail filled night out!
Water: 2 Ltr
Exercise: 4hour hill walk with OH - delighted with that.

Again ups & downs but the scales are still looking okay so fingers crossed for a good day today and a happy weigh in on monday!

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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby stupidname2013 » Sun Apr 15, 2022 5:44 pm

Hey cocobelles, no gym unfortunately, I found the Hunger Games!! But all packed for the morning before work so I'll go every morning this week to get back into it...been good enough eating wise though so hopefully not too much damage done!!

You're doing fab - good luck for weigh-in tomorrow!

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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby Cocobelles » Sun Apr 15, 2022 11:25 pm

SN2013 - Haha hunger games is worth skipping :) I hadn't read the books and don't think I will now but enjoyed the movie! Good luck getting back into the gym this week!!

Day 15

Diet: 1690 - including pizza :-8 !! Was invited for dinner & served pizza so didn't want to refuse...hope the rest of the week means tomorrow morn is okay weigh-in.
Water: 2 Ltr
Exercise: 20km cycle with friends -leisurely pace but still happy with that.

SCB & Micls - hope this week goes well for you guys too!

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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby ShoeCrazyBride » Mon Apr 16, 2022 11:06 am

Good morning ladies,

Well i was terrible the rest of my weekend 3in1 on saturday and dinner out yesterday (no desert tho ) :-8
today is a new day tho, i am on overtime all this week so I got up this morning and went to the gym before work. Porridge for brekkie and salad for lunch.

I weighed in a bit ago and I'm still at 77kg so I'm not too unhappy with that considering the weekend I had. Aiming for 76 next monday all going well.

coco 20k cycle at any pace is amazing. I'd most likely fall off the bike and never be able to walk again!!! And thanks, 100% again now, fat lot of good it did me over the weekend ha

SN2013, did you enjoy the hunger games??? It must have been nice to have a few days to yourself. I'd say you didn't what to be doing come sunday? :)

Micls I can never stick to the workout dvd's I always just end up wanting to punch the skinny person telling me to 'push it' in the face!!! :yelrotflmaosmilie:

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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby Cocobelles » Mon Apr 16, 2022 8:06 pm

ShoeCrazyBride wrote:Micls I can never stick to the workout dvd's I always just end up wanting to punch the skinny person telling me to 'push it' in the face!!! :yelrotflmaosmilie:

:o0 Know the feeling!!


Start weight April 1st: 151 pounds (10st 11 pd)
Current weight: 147 pounds (10st 7pounds)
Total loss:4 pounds!! - 1.5 this week!

Delighted with this, I reckon the extra exercise compensated for the cocktail night and pizza but for the next two weeks i'm really concentrating on having a clean diet!! I would be over the moon with another 4 pounds by the end of April but it will require an extra push!

Day 16

Diet: 1292kcal
Water: 2 Ltr
Exercise: 6km jog

Due to go dress shopping again next week...eek!

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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby stupidname2013 » Mon Apr 16, 2022 8:49 pm

Good going cocobelles - need some of your inspiration - I was so good yesterday and then got up and went to the gym this morning...was halfway through my couch 2 5k run/walk and I felt like I was going to vomit, kept going for another couple of minutes but had to go sit in the changing rooms...I'm think coz I haven't been there for two weeks and didn't take my inhaler (don't tend to need it to be honest)...will try again tomorrow!!

To add insult to injury my Easter egg from work was sitting on my desk when I got in! It was huge (and from Butlers!)...I put it out for everyone to eat to be fair but I still had a few pieces, brought the rest home for not too bad but wasn't happy with the egg - although it was delicious! Ate well other than that...won't be down this week in WW but hopefully have only put on a lb. Back to the gym in the morning!!

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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby Cocobelles » Mon Apr 16, 2022 9:37 pm

SN2013 - you poor thing!! Fair play for going to the gym. The last few pounds are always the toughest but once you're back in gym they'll pop off! I had choc for easter too - no point on making a martyr of ourselves and then giving up because it's too hard, you did really well to share aswell - I had a little egg and I wasn't inclined to give any away :o0

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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby stupidname2013 » Tue Apr 17, 2022 7:58 am

Went to the gym this morning - all fine. Have since realised though my bottom braces are going on this evening (a torture I'm putting myself through for this stupid wedding :o0 ) so I'll be no mood for the gym in the morning - although to be fair, I'll be no mood for eating either :o0

Have a good day!

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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby ShoeCrazyBride » Tue Apr 17, 2022 4:45 pm

Hey SN2013, I got braces for the wedding, recently got them off. It is sore to have them but so worth it. I am so happy now with my teeth, i'll be beaming in my photos :hyper:

Well done coco on the loss this week :) I think you will absolutely hit the 4 pound loss by the end of April.

Ladies I have had 5 biscuits today, 5 and now resisting the urge to have more. Don't know what is wrong with me. Intended to go to the gym this morning before work (well done to you SN2013 for going by the way) and decided to stay in bed. :(

Oh I always do this, once I notice a little weight coming off (or more importantly people start saying it to me) I slip right off of the wagon O:| O:| O:| . I'm so annoyed at myself. I need help or advice, something to get me back on that horse.

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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby stupidname2013 » Tue Apr 17, 2022 8:19 pm

Ugh they are really sore already - just waiting to before I head to bed to pop the aul nurofen plus!! He put on the bottom ones and tightened the top, I was flinching when he tighted around my crooked tooth (my teeth aren't actually too bad - pure vanity!!)...anyway there'll be no gym tomorrow morning that's for sure! Hopefully Thursday!

SCB, I'm the same, once I feel it coming off I think I can relax...but I can't!! I've put my dress shopping in for June/July so I want to have lost most of it by then. So that's my aim...also going on my hen in August (not getting married until March next year but wanted to go surfing so want to go while it's nice!!), so that's another you have any milestones you can put in for yourself? Can you up the exercise? My overall aim is to get to the point where I can eat more or less what I want coz I'm exercising!!

I think Cocobelles is motivating us all - so good!!

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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby Cocobelles » Wed Apr 18, 2022 1:25 am

Hey ladies!!

Gosh I had train-tracks back in the day....I remember getting coloured bands and thinking they looked cool...can you imagine!! It's well worth it & great point about the chomping on double deckers when you're in pain/have to pick out the sticky bits when you're done!! My teeth are grand but not great...will defo be getting whitened for the day!

SCB - that has been my life story!!! Lose a few pounds, get a few compliments and they fly back on!! I think that's why this time i'm ignoring outside opinions a bit...we all know what weight we have felt best at in the past if people say 'wow you look great' say thanks :) and instead of over congratulating yourself think that's nice to hear but i'll look even better at x weight ;) (assuming the goal is a healthy one of course!!).

SN2013 - love your milestones!! Great idea with the surfing too!! Must start thinking about my hen...hmmm....I'm motivated by you guys having lost so much already - i';m on catch up!!! ;)

Day 17

Diet: 1320kcal (incl 2 glasses of wine :-8 )
Water: 2 Ltr
Exercise: Bikram yoga and 4km walk

I'm seeing a trend that my bad days all involve alcohol.... to be honest I really could have done without the wine but I cave so easily when friends do the Mrs Doyle on me!!! Next time (thursday night we are going to a show) I will try my hardest to stay strong!!!

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