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30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby stupidname2013 » Wed Apr 18, 2022 9:21 am

Very sore today and was awake quite early - started reading the 30 day shred thread and downloaded it - going to try start tonight to we'll see!

Have a good day!

Mini Wolly
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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby stupidname2013 » Thu Apr 19, 2022 1:58 pm

So did the first day of the 30 Day Shred last night - only going to do it on alternate days with the gym - and went to the gym this morning. I went to WW at lunch there and had put up 1.5 lbs but to be honest I was expecting it after not following the auld healthy eating last week with the exam and all. I think it might have been unfair though as I was really good this week and have exercised every day but sure next week is another weigh-in!! I'm definitely noticing the effect of the running, and hopefully the shredding now, so that's all that matters really - the weightloss on the scale is just an added bonus!!

Onwards and downwards (on the scales!)!! :yelrotflmaosmilie:

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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby Spider Baby » Fri Apr 20, 2022 11:01 am

Hi girls :wv

Hope you don't mind a latecomer to this thread but I'd like to join in too, it would be great to have others to keep me motivated :)

I'm getting married at the start of October and weighted 9 stone 10 at the start of this. If I could get to 9 stone for the wedding I'd be pleased but long term i'd like to be a few pounds under that and I'm 5ft 4.

I started going to the gym 3 times a week since about mid-March. I hadn't done exercise in a long time before that :-8 I do about 30 minutes on the threadmill (4.5km) - mixture of running and walking. I also try to do 10 minutes on the rowing machine. I wasn't losing any weight but gained a few pounds - I know this was probably down to muscle gain!!

I realised I will need to watch my diet if I intend to lose any weight so about 2 weeks ago I started tracking my calories using and trying to keep to 1200 calories per day although I'm not being very strict and allow myself to go over / under by 100 depending on the day! I've also decided that I am only allowed one takeaway per month :ooh I'm using dark chocolate (70% cocoa) as a treat and having a square or 2 squares in the evenings as my treat.

I'm going to mix up my exercise routine a bit now as I'm getting bored, so going to try some gym classes and maybe Bikram too as I've always been interested in trying it!

To date, I've lost 3 pounds, so 9 stone 7 at the moment :hyper:
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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby workinggal » Fri Apr 20, 2022 11:57 am

finished day 2 and my legs a in bits. can bearly walk. but im gonna work through the pain and do it again tonight. O-O O-O
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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby stupidname2013 » Fri Apr 20, 2022 12:20 pm

Welcome Spiderbaby!! You're more or less the same as me then - floating in and around the 9.5 stone (used to be 12!!) for the last three years - big push now to get to 8.13 coz I like the sound of the 8 (never been there!)...had an exam as I'm sure you've seen but now doing couch to 5 k and the 30 day shred on alternate days - maybe you could do something like that? I'm not 100% pushed on the scales, if I can see toning with no movement on the scales, I'll be delighted!!

Anyway keep up the good work!! :o)ll

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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby Spider Baby » Sat Apr 21, 2022 3:23 pm

Haha SN2013 I like the sound of the 8 too :o0 so secretly I really really want to be 8 stone something for the wedding. I used to be in and around 8 stone for years when I was younger. I remember being 7 stone something in secondary school :eek but looking back I was way too skinny. Over the years I've just allowed myself to eat rubbish and slowly piled the pounds on! Did you get a video for the 30 day shred? Are you finding it good?

I am not going to stress too much about numbers though and if I get to 9 for the wedding I'll be happy out :) My weight all goes on my stomach and thighs and already my stomach looks much flatter so delighted with that.

I tried Bikram yoga yesterday and oh my god, so tough. Thought I was going to faint at one stage. I've done yoga before so it wasn't the moves, it was just the heat :ooh Can really feel it in my arms and legs today though so I might try a few more classes to see if I can stick it out! Cocobelles, I see you like Bikram, please tell me the heat gets easier to handle? :action34
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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby Hollybelles » Mon Apr 23, 2022 1:18 am

Hi Ladies!

Spider Baby - welcome welcome!! More the merrier & your goals/means seem similar so that's great! Yup Bikram is no walk in the park - I love it though particularly on cold also gets much easier after a couple of classes once your body gets over the initial shock!

SN2013 - Good woman! I've also done 30 day shread and I reckon to get the most out of it you really need to use weights that tire you out, I think she reccommends 3pound weights but 3kg ones will make you feel the burn!! Or do one 30day set with a lower weight & then upgrade!

I had a mental weekend so haven't been online but sure let's access the damage!

Day 18

Diet: 1220kcal (Happy with this day - eggs & good stuff)
Water: 2 Ltr
Exercise: Bikram yoga

Day 19

Diet: 1285kcal
Water: 2.5 Ltr
Exercise: Bikram yoga

Day 20
Diet: 1480kcal (Pizza, wine the works - f*ed up grr)
Water: 2.5 Ltr
Exercise: 6.8km Run

Day 21
Diet: 1230kcal
Water: 2.5 Ltr
Exercise: 6.8km Run

Day 22
Diet: 1650+kcal (Can't even tell - big 5 course meal out with wine & shots...eek)
Water: 2.5 Ltr
Exercise: 4.5hour hill walk with H2B

Weigh in tomorrow.....totally annoyed with myself for 2 mess up days but delighted with my exercise...I Flip' need to stop socialising, apart from that i'm doing great!!

Hope you all had a great weekend!! :)

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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby stupidname2013 » Mon Apr 23, 2022 4:21 pm

Not a good weekend - was up 1.5 lbs on Thursday in WW but it was a combo of exam weight and TOTM. Anyway was all set to be good...gym Thursday, 30 Day Shred Friday and then sure didn't I have chips on Thursday AND Friday, sweets and crisps at the weekend...bold! I did climb Mt Errigal on Saturday so that probably helped a bit but not sure if it was enough!! Was good yesterday and have been good today (gym this morning...week 5 C25K) so hopefully will get rid of some of the weight by Thursday! Then have a bad weekend ahead of me - can't catch a break!!

CB - you're doing fab...even with the pizza and what not!!

Bikram sounds scary!! I'll stick to my two things for the moment - they're cheap!!

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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby Hollybelles » Wed Apr 25, 2022 6:22 am

SN2013 - With exams and everything going on only 1.5pounds is a job well done - I put on serious weight during my prof exams!! Draw a line under those bad days & get back on track!! Oh to be honest if I was to choose either running or bikram for weight loss i'd pick running so keep it up! As I said before i'll be back running properly in June when my knee is all sorted :) so i'll race ya then ;)

Micls, SCB, Spider baby - how are you getting on?!

WEIGH IN - taken on Monday

Start weight April 1st: 151 pounds (10st 11 pd)
Current weight: 146 pounds (10st 6pounds)
Total loss:5 pounds!! - 1 this week!

Only a pound but after a very bad sunday I'm thrilled with that! Extra push now...only a few days left!! I do already feel a bit of a change in my jeans and in my face - looking forward to seeing myself at goal!!

Day 23

Diet: 1290kcal
Water: 2.5 Ltr
Exercise: Shopping!

Day 24

Diet: 1240kcal
Water: 2.5 Ltr
Exercise: Bikram yoga

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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby micls » Wed Apr 25, 2022 8:24 am

Back from India and back to work! India was amazing but my healthy eating went out the window. We stayed with a friend and were literally filled to bursting with amazing home cooked Indian food at all times. I'd say I ate about 15,000 calories!

Haven't gotten on the scale yet but will try this afternoon.

Have to get back on track anyway so this thread will help! I haven't been to the gym this week as I'm shattered from the hols and back to work but I need to sort my food anyway. Nearly 2 months to go, ass in gear time!

SN, remember that there's a good chance that's just water weight. If you've been eating high sodium foods, snacking etc, you'll have retained it. A good week and it'l come straight back off.

Cocobelles, that's fab! Losing anything after a bad day (with water retention etc) is a great acheivement.
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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby stupidname2013 » Wed Apr 25, 2022 9:51 pm

Weigh in tomorrow, not sure how good I've been - Saturday was bad but sure nothing I can do about that now...been good this week but you just don't really know...been keeping up my exercise so that's the main thing really!!

Will let ya know how I get on!! Keep up the good work all!

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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby ShoeCrazyBride » Wed Apr 25, 2022 10:50 pm

Hey Girls, sorry I haven't been on here lately. Bit a drama - all sorted now. Anyway needless to say I haven't been great, no weight gain so starting all over again, ha :)

SN2013 best of luck for you weigh in tomorrow, don't be too down over WW I know that I defo put on 3-4lbs during my TOTM. How are the teeth now?

Coco well done on the weight loss, any about counts and once it's going down that is the main thing so congratulations, you should be proud. :o)ll

Spider Baby, welcome welcome. Defo mix up the routine, I have started doing that recently and noticing the diff in the clothes. Not the weight yet tho.

Girls full steam ahead for next monday, that is when I am doing my weigh-ins :) Weather is mental or what!!!

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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby stupidname2013 » Thu Apr 26, 2022 1:29 pm

This might well be one of the best days ever!! Went to WW and it came up that I had reached my goal weight (as per WW) :o)ll I just stood there is shock while she told me I had lost 3 lbs this week!! I did change my goal to 8' 13'' so now I only have another 4.5 lbs to go...but even to get that far, I was just ecstatic!! It's definitely the exercise!! That's 2 st 1 lb since November 2008....ahhhhh!!

Hope everything's ok SCB!!! Back on track hopefully for you!

Keep it up girls! :yelrotflmaosmilie:

Mini Wolly
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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby Hollybelles » Mon Apr 30, 2022 1:48 am

stupidname2013 wrote:This might well be one of the best days ever!! Went to WW and it came up that I had reached my goal weight (as per WW) :o)ll I just stood there is shock while she told me I had lost 3 lbs this week!! I did change my goal to 8' 13'' so now I only have another 4.5 lbs to go...but even to get that far, I was just ecstatic!! It's definitely the exercise!! That's 2 st 1 lb since November 2008....ahhhhh!!

Hope everything's ok SCB!!! Back on track hopefully for you!

Keep it up girls! :yelrotflmaosmilie:

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I haven't been around much this week so didn't see this but WOW!! Fantastic work!! O-O :thnk :thnk :thnk :thnk That must be a great feeling!!

I love hearing success stories like that - it's great to see hard work pay off!! 2st 1 pound is astounding!!

I have a long way to go still but took a final weigh in for 30 days (won't be at home tomorrow morn so took it Sunday) ....


Start weight April 1st: 151 pounds (10st 11 pd)
Weigh in April 29th : 145 pounds (10st 5pounds)
Total loss:6 pounds!!

My Goal for May (Weigh in date June 1) is to somehow reach the 130's (as in 139 would be perfect)!! I have a big holiday planned in May but as it happens it's an active one so hopefully the extra exercise will help!!

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Re: 30 Day Challenge! Feel free to join in :)

Postby micls » Mon Apr 30, 2022 6:08 am

Stupidname- congrats! That's fantastic!

Cocobelles, that's a great loss for one month. I'm around 145 myself (fluctuates a bit) and am finding it tough to get under it. My aim was 140 originally but struggling to lose anymore. My own fault mostly, need to focus again.

Starting tracking properly again, and May should be a far more settled month! Signed up for a challenge on myfitnesspal to do 240mins of exercise per week for May (you set a goal from 180-360+). If I get into that, and watch my food, hopefully I'll see a bit of movement this month.
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