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Help with low carb diet plan

Help with low carb diet plan

Postby McLisa » Tue Apr 24, 2022 11:22 am

Hi everyone, i'm hoping to start trying low carb diet plan but i just cant seem to find one online with help on recipes and set guidelines. My main concern is breakfasts, i usually just have a yogurt and cup of tea at work and maybe a scone, i just dont seem to have to time to cook or make anything at home and alot of breakfast suggests ive seen online all involve eggs?

Also how much protein and carbs should I be eating? I weight roughly 9 1/2 stone, 5.4, hoping to drop about 10 lbs, i usually do 2 hours cardio classes a week at gym (body combat and body attack) and hour of yoga/pilates but hope to up this a bit if i can fit it in.

feeling motivated to get back on the health and fitness track - fed up feeling tired, sluggish and bloated!
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Re: Help with low carb diet plan

Postby maydream » Tue Apr 24, 2022 5:23 pm


I have done low carb before and was advised for breakfast to stick with fruit esp. berries mixed with natural yogurt, I used to buy frozen berries and leave them defrost at night and make a smoothy with them. Kiwis, apples and oranges are also good and less expensive. You can also mix two tablespoons of low sugar granola in with the yogurt if you feel you need a carb boost in the morning.

At 11 o'clock I would eat a handful of raw nuts.

Also ok on low carb is good quality suausages (80% meat) L*dl and Al8di own brands are 80% and lovely.

Hope that helps.
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Re: Help with low carb diet plan

Postby mrssunflower » Wed Apr 25, 2022 6:58 am


I just came on here to see if anyone was looking for a low carb diet buddy. Would you be up for it?

I'm 9 7 and 5ft 1. I'm normally 9stone but keep putting on a stone when I'm not dieting right. I've just got 7lbs off in the last 2 weeks so I really would love to lose another 10lbs.

For breakfast I normally have the following.

Frozen berries, greek yogurt and if the berries are strong tasting I put a spoon of splenda in too and whisk it with the hand blender.

Or two boiled eggs mashed with butter (like a toddler!) I cook them while I'm in the shower so it only takes two mins to eat before I walk out the door.

I was eating 2 pieces of fruit up until last week so I'm struggling for ideas for snacks between meals. If i have eggs for breakfast I take in the frozen berries and yogurt in a tub to work and eat it about 3pm. But I need another snack any ideas?

I also do quite a bit of exercise - bootcamp twice a week and run/jog a min of 6k on the other days. I've an 8k, and 2 10k races in the next few weeks so really really want to get the weight down!!
Its the weekends thats a killer when I drink and make the wrong choices. :o(
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Re: Help with low carb diet plan

Postby McLisa » Wed Apr 25, 2022 1:57 pm

thats a brill idea mrssunflower! I need to get myself gathered, make meal plans and get a shopping list together and hit tescos. I'm like you, during the week i'm busy enough and can stick to diet but at weekends i'm at a loss, it also doesnt help that the H2B is a feeder and loves cooking and having treats but he can get away with it as hes 6'2 and quite a big built lad. I'm loving idea of being able to eat egg in a cup guilt free tho! just minus the soldiers >:o(

i'm googling meal ideas like mad, i think the biggest down fall is not being prepared and having to eat something for convenience, i just cant get my head around how its possible to ea all the things your generally told to avoid when your dieting and still lose weight but on the flip side i am going to find it very hard giving up my beloved bread :o(
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Re: Help with low carb diet plan

Postby Carriedaway » Wed Apr 25, 2022 4:26 pm


im doing a low carb plan at the moment , i started with a personal trainer 2 weeks ago, its amazing how quickly you feel the difference.
for brekkie ive been making either scrambled eggs or poached eggs in the microwave . or cooking turkey rashers at home and just heating them in the microwave. some days when i just cant face the eggs again I also put 30g protein powder into a blender to make a smoothie from water and loads of berries.
no carbs for lunch either just loads of chicken and salads or chicken and veg (left over dinner)
drinking loads of water and 2 cups of green tea a day. Avoiding sugar so no "diet" yoghurts or thick skinned fruit (oranges/pinapples etc) no fruit juices.
snacking on berries and unsalted nuts or almonds.
One other thing he told me to do was go gluten free, so any sauces for dinner i make from scratch or buy them in the jars in the gluten free section. if i have a bit of pasta for dinner i make sure its gluten free aswell.
I have never eaten so much in my life i find it hard to eat so much especially in the mornings.
Getting my 2 week weigh in and measurements on friday so im hoping good results cause i really miss chocolate !
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Re: Help with low carb diet plan

Postby mrssunflower » Thu Apr 26, 2022 12:29 am

Great to have some motivation!!
I lived on no carbs for ages then moved to Australia and haven't stopped having BBQs and drinks since! Time to get back on the straight and narrow

If you are missing chocolate then Aldi do a 80% dark chocolate. It even comes in small portion sizes and think its only 5g carbs per bar. Once you keep under 20g a day then you are low carb.

I've LOADS of receipies I'll post later too

Last night for dinner I had chicken wrapped in bacon done in the oven and I sauteed some mushrooms on the pan, when they were cooked I put a spoon of cream cheese into the pan and mixed. It was lovely.

Another dish thats really easy is fried bacon and cabbage with salmon. You can get bags of cabbage in aldi and bacon bits so its really handy if you are just in from work.

Also aldi do little snack sizes of almonds, they also do frozen berries and are the cheapest for their greek yogurt.

Also last night I noticed the laughing cow triangles only have 1g of carbs in them so I had one of them too.

Oh have to got out for drinks tomorrow night, whats the best thing to drink? I normally drink wine as spirts don't sit well with me at all :hic
Let me know how you all get on today!
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Re: Help with low carb diet plan

Postby McLisa » Fri Apr 27, 2022 1:41 pm

Right girls, i havent 'officially' started the diet yet, i have a busy weekend ahead, two functions to go to both including food and drink and our wedding course all day sat with lunch included but i have been cutting down on the carbs although i did have chicken salad wrap for lunch :-8 I just made shopping list to take with me to tescos in the morning for my weekly shop. Lots of vege, salad and chicken for lunches, few pieces of fish for dinners, frozen berries for snacks, we dont have aldi in the north so i'll have to check for the lowest carb yogurts they have. i just cant get my head around being able to eat my fav food like bacon and cabbage on a diet O-O

I think lunches is the big thing, we have a private canteen in work so no microwaves or anything but they do have a good salad bar if i'm stuck. What about soups? Any low carb ones? Would broccoli soup just made with onions, broccoli and vege stock and a little cream blended?

hope the weekend goes well girls, i'm off out after work, only gonna have a few drinks and none tomorrow night but i just dont know what to drink, normally i'd have a few magners then move onto either cocktails or bicardi and diet coke - all of which dont seem to sit too well with low carb diet. This may have to be my last night on the drink for awhile :o(

have a good weekend ladies :compress
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Re: Help with low carb diet plan

Postby Carriedaway » Fri Apr 27, 2022 2:19 pm

Best thing to drink is spirits with tonic water :) or wine if you can handle it :o0

I bought some dark chocolate the other night jasus i made love to the 2 squares i had it was amazing. :o0

i bought some lovely apple and pear green tea in tesco the other day its gorgeous, takes the bitterness out of the green tea.

McLisa if you make the soup yourself from scratch with fresh veggies thats ok, just no bread with it :o(

Good luck over the weekend girls :)
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Re: Help with low carb diet plan

Postby mrsbo » Sat Apr 28, 2022 5:03 pm

great inspiration ladies :o)ll
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Re: Help with low carb diet plan

Postby McLisa » Mon Apr 30, 2022 2:52 pm

I've started my low carb with great motivation today, even went and bought some new gym gear at lunch time and also bought the 30 day shred dvd for when i cant get to the gym. I have 4 months to the wedding...weighed myself this morning and i was 9 st 6 (i'm 5'4) and also took all my measurements. I dont mind so much about weight as i'd rather be toned but ideally i'd like to lose 10 lbs, I just have a weird body shape in that if i lose weight alot of it comes from my top half and not off my legs and hips where i need to lose it so i think i start to look out of proportion to i'm gonna try to do alot more weights and toning for upper body.

I was at a meeting this morning which i knew was gonna be loaded with scones and biscuits and i avoided them and had two boiled eggs in a cup with little bit butter and salt and pepper and i have to say it filled me until lunch time. For lunch i had salad (lettuce, cucumber, tomato, onion, peppers and plain chicken) with little bit mayo. Dinner i'm planning on omelette for handiness as i wont be back from gym until late.

hows it all going with you?
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Re: Help with low carb diet plan

Postby Carriedaway » Tue May 01, 2022 9:53 am

I was with the trainer on friday evening and got all my measurements done. I was down 4lbs which i was a little dissapointed with, that was over 2 weeks but my measurements were down aswell which kept me determined over the weekend.
I lost 2.5 cms off each upper thigh, 4cm of my middle abs, 2 off my top abs, and 1.5cms off my hips. Arms stayed the same :o( so this week he gave me a work out with a lot of arm work in it , i was drinking from a straw the weekend couldnt lift my arms :o0

Saturday was absolute torture we were at Oh's nephews communion and there were 8 large pizzas, and 8 combo meals with wedges and chicken strips. I was sitting there with my turkey salad :o( I was in foul humour! im still drooling thinking of those pizzas

Yesterday was ok I felt a little nauseous i couldn't face another salad. I made a smoothie for breakfast with raspberries, strawberries and water with a scoop of protein in it. For lunch I had spicy brocolli and spinach soup that i made myself it was yum. For my afternoon snack i had some strawberries and almonds. I went to the gym and did my workout and for dinner I had homemade lasagna (gluten free pasta sheets) with a salad. It was yum.

this morning so far i have eaten turkey rashers and im drinking green tea now to warm me up.

McLisa have you tried doing squats and lunches at a slow pace holding weights ? this should help your hips and legs.
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Re: Help with low carb diet plan

Postby McLisa » Tue May 01, 2022 10:48 am

i usually do body combat and attack so they have lots of leg work, i just hate that little bit of fat at top of legs, below bum - saddle bags i think they are called :o0 also do yoga/pilates, i just need to get back into it properly. Went and did two classes at gym last night - one cardi and one yoga, thought i was gonna die at the end of it and can barely move today but its all good.

CarriedAway well done on all your measurement loss!! thats great! I wouldnt worry too much about the weight loss, although i understand its a bit disappointing, its hard to see 2.5 cm off your thighs cause your looking at them all the time but its easy to see the lack of loss on the scales. I think if i'm working out and trying to lose weight i focus on how i feel in my clothes and how i look because your building muscle, also the more muscle you built the more calories your body will naturally burn.

I had a nice dinner last night, two large mushrooms stuffed with sauteed bacon, onion and mushroom topped with a little stilton and baked in the oven, with some spinach, i thought i was doing good on the carb front until i realised there is 7.8g in 100g of red onion :eek i'll be sticking to white onion next time! CarriedAway your broccoli soup sounds fab, i must make a pot of soup, your right salads can get so boring.

Speaking of salads can anyone recommend any low carb dressings? I love balsamic but it seems high in carbs, i bought the paul newman balsamic dressing last night, its 6.4g per 100g which i suppose isnt too bad if you just have a tablespoons worth - any recommendations?
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Re: Help with low carb diet plan

Postby Carriedaway » Tue May 01, 2022 2:09 pm

thats strange about the balsamic because my trainer told me thats the only dressing i should have...did you just pick up the balsamic vinegar or was it a balsamic vinaigrette where they add more stuff in?

I didnt know that about red onions I eat them with everything :eek :eek better change that. those mushrooms do sound devine tho.
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Re: Help with low carb diet plan

Postby Carriedaway » Tue May 01, 2022 2:09 pm

Just noticed your ticker mclisa you are getting married the day after me :)
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Re: Help with low carb diet plan

Postby McLisa » Tue May 01, 2022 2:46 pm

Carriedaway wrote:Just noticed your ticker mclisa you are getting married the day after me :)

awh brilliant! its getting sooooo close isnt it! Are you almost sorted? i have lots of little niggly jobs to do O:|

well with the balsamic, i checked the one i had at home which is just tescos plain balsamic vinegar and it was 4g carbs per tablespoon so then i bought the vinaigrette which has about 1g per tablespoon. However i did notice that his italian dressing is just 0.2g per 100mls so thats nothing...might try that instead, id rather have a dressing than coleslaw or mayo. The onions threw me too, i was trying to add up all the carbs id consumed and thought they'd be very little until i checked the label.

How many carbs are you all consuming on a daily basis? I think on big exercise days i might have more but keep it to a minimum on other days
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