H2B has a ventral gastric hernia. Although the symptoms have been going on for past 11 or 12 months, he never actually went to the doctor until August. H2B on my policy since 1st August this year. Doctor "didn't know" what it was and said it was highly unlikely it was a hernia. Roll on a few more months to Christmas and 2 more visits to doctor who still couldn't identify the problem. As symptoms came and went it was constantly there. Then In March it got quite bad so return visit to the doctor (idiot doctor IMO but H2B didn't want to hear it at the time) said he better get it checked out by gastroenterologist so arranged for a consultation. H2B told him we had VHI but he still put him through public and 4 weeks later still no letter for appointment. Symptoms returned and much worse so I brought H2B to Swiftcare clinic where lovely doctor diagnosed the hernia in about 3 minutes flat. A letter for consultation appointment came out 2 weeks later and we went to surgeon on Tues.
It was pretty serious and H2B needs to be operated on this coming Tues. All was fine until hospital rang and said "oh because your symptoms are going on 12 months, VHI won't cover you. You'll have to ring and find out the story.
VHI had the nerve to tell him that if the doctor noted that symptoms began 12 months ago even though he didn't go to the doctor until August, and wasn't diagnosed until about 3 weeks ago, that VHI won't cover him.

I am RAGING! All the money we spend on health insurance- to be told we can't use it.

Any wollies know if we are correct in saying he should be covered as his first doctors visit wasn't until middle of August and he wasn't actually diagnosed until Swiftcare clinic?
Need to know before I ring them back and have the battle.