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WATCH THIS SPACE - Motivation weight loss Clinic

Re: WATCH THIS SPACE - Motivation weight loss Clinic

Postby Mrs2babridesoon » Wed May 02, 2022 4:37 pm

Just read all this thread, thanks for all the advice and motivation every one. I am starting weight motivation clinic this evening, would love to hear how all the people from 2009 are doing, did ye keep the weight off? I have done it all, diet wise and I'm so afraid I am ''all diet'ed out'' if you know what I mean. I am trying to conceive for the past two and a half years and feel my weight is holding me back hugely, literally. I would be happy to lose any weight but 2.8st would bring me to just under a BMI of 30. Which would be acceptable for going ahead with IVF, which is possible our next step. Really hope old timrs of weight motivation come on and give their feed back good & warts and all. I feel for the mo its the best option for me as I am so stuck!

TTC Since Nov 2009. Me 36. PCOS & Large Fibroid 8cm & Endometriosis.
Clomid 50mg X 6 Cycles, Clomid 100mg/Scans/Trigger Shots X 2 Cycle. BFN X 8.
HSG January 2011 (one tube blocked)
Lap & Dye Dec 2011.Both tubes open/ovarian drilling/slight Endo removed/Lge Fibroid
Feb-May ’12:IUI 4 Attempts all cancelled (poor response) Cycle changed TSI. BFN X 4
All treatment suspended till Endo sorted! May 2012.
21st July:Surgery with Hugh O'Connor for Fibroid & Endo Removal.

Fingers crossed for 2012.
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Re: WATCH THIS SPACE - Motivation weight loss Clinic

Postby Slim2win » Fri May 04, 2022 11:18 am

Mrs2babridesoon wrote:Just read all this thread, thanks for all the advice and motivation every one. I am starting weight motivation clinic this evening, would love to hear how all the people from 2009 are doing, did ye keep the weight off?

Hi there, how are you getting on?

I am a regular user here but a few people know my login & I want to keep my Motivation journey a secret for a while.

I had my assessment last night & have 1st consultation on Tuesday; would prefer sooner but am going away this afternoon till Monday.

My consultant was really nice, he himself lost loads of weight & has kept it off for 4yrs. He also gave me a lower weight loss amount than I gave myself, given my build & height, 50lbs to lose @ 1st & he said after 1st wks I should aim for 2-2.5lbs a wk loss.
I feel very positive about it & given my complete & utter lack of willpower this really is my only hope.
New Wolly
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Re: WATCH THIS SPACE - Motivation weight loss Clinic

Postby Mrs2babridesoon » Fri May 04, 2022 12:01 pm

I was super eager to start also but had to wait from Saturday to Wednesday to start. I am on day two and its okay so far, I'm defo not hungry and I really like the Protein Bars, I got the chocolate & peanut bar and the Malteasers type. I think planning every thing you eat is the key the night before, it does take a good bit of preparing because with work I'm out of the house all day but I guess it'll be worth it. I think while motivation is high it's a super diet to lose weight fast (well I really hope so) but I really wonder about the long term prospects of keeping the weight off. Even thou not hungry I seem to be eating very little, I'm only day or two into it so I will see how it goes and stay positive.

Personally I feel they super rush the consult so I am not quiet sure on a every thing. The girl was speaking so fast explaining the Info pack I couldn't really understand her, I had to keep stopping her to explain again. Had to call yesterday to clarify some thing and I also I'm not sure on another issue but don't think I'll call again just wait for my maintenance call tomorrow. Its a bit of a cattle mart in the clinic I go too, I can't understand why they don't space people out better, I guess there just crazy busy. There was a woman very vocally complaining across a crowded waiting room how she had been waiting over 30 for her appointment.

I know this diet may be a bit controversial but I am so miserable with my weight at the mo and I have tried load of different things to lose weight, WW/ Personal Trainer etc. I killed myself with personal trainer but the weight wasn't coming off fast enough for me and this was soul destroying at the time. I know for me losing a good bit in the early stages really keeps me motivated!

I could go on and on, Please stay in touch! Maybe we can give each other hints and best of luck for Tuesday, enjoy you're last weekend before you start into a new way of eating!

TTC Since Nov 2009. Me 36. PCOS & Large Fibroid 8cm & Endometriosis.
Clomid 50mg X 6 Cycles, Clomid 100mg/Scans/Trigger Shots X 2 Cycle. BFN X 8.
HSG January 2011 (one tube blocked)
Lap & Dye Dec 2011.Both tubes open/ovarian drilling/slight Endo removed/Lge Fibroid
Feb-May ’12:IUI 4 Attempts all cancelled (poor response) Cycle changed TSI. BFN X 4
All treatment suspended till Endo sorted! May 2012.
21st July:Surgery with Hugh O'Connor for Fibroid & Endo Removal.

Fingers crossed for 2012.
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Re: WATCH THIS SPACE - Motivation weight loss Clinic

Postby Slim2win » Fri May 04, 2022 12:18 pm

Oh gosh it does sound mad, eek! Hopefully it'll settle down in a wk or so. I would however give them a ring if you aren't sure on something, sure it's what you paid all that money for!

The clinic I go to is fairly new and whilst it was busy last night everyone seemed to be in & out quick enough.

I'll be worried about breakfast as I'm terrible for having nothing to eat till 1pm some days & then night time so hope to get myself into a good routine for evenings etc.
New Wolly
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Re: WATCH THIS SPACE - Motivation weight loss Clinic

Postby Mrs2babridesoon » Fri May 04, 2022 12:26 pm

I'm similar, I'm okay for breakfast but I normally eat the most of my days food form 6pm onwards I guess if we want it to work we'll really try to change of habits. I really would prefer my carbs at lunch & evenings so I think my breakfast is going to be yogurts for the mo, with an apple. And if I'm not having Cereals I'm not using a lot of my milk quote (Skimmed 500ml) so I can have a few lattes during the day with decaf coffee and some splenda! Its my 4o'clock snack Chocolate &Peanut bar with lovely mug of latte!

TTC Since Nov 2009. Me 36. PCOS & Large Fibroid 8cm & Endometriosis.
Clomid 50mg X 6 Cycles, Clomid 100mg/Scans/Trigger Shots X 2 Cycle. BFN X 8.
HSG January 2011 (one tube blocked)
Lap & Dye Dec 2011.Both tubes open/ovarian drilling/slight Endo removed/Lge Fibroid
Feb-May ’12:IUI 4 Attempts all cancelled (poor response) Cycle changed TSI. BFN X 4
All treatment suspended till Endo sorted! May 2012.
21st July:Surgery with Hugh O'Connor for Fibroid & Endo Removal.

Fingers crossed for 2012.
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Re: WATCH THIS SPACE - Motivation weight loss Clinic

Postby Slim2win » Fri May 04, 2022 3:15 pm

Yeah I'm the same, once I sit down for the evening I just want to eat, that'll be my big habit to change.

Next Friday is big night out for work, drinks & a thai restaurant but I've already made up an excuse about not going. If I was doing WW I'd just starve all day & lose the run of myself that night.
New Wolly
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Re: WATCH THIS SPACE - Motivation weight loss Clinic

Postby Mrs2babridesoon » Fri May 04, 2022 3:39 pm

A friend of mine is on WM and she eats out and drinks most weekends she has lost 31lbs in 15wks, She has no starter or desert just a Caesar Salad.

TTC Since Nov 2009. Me 36. PCOS & Large Fibroid 8cm & Endometriosis.
Clomid 50mg X 6 Cycles, Clomid 100mg/Scans/Trigger Shots X 2 Cycle. BFN X 8.
HSG January 2011 (one tube blocked)
Lap & Dye Dec 2011.Both tubes open/ovarian drilling/slight Endo removed/Lge Fibroid
Feb-May ’12:IUI 4 Attempts all cancelled (poor response) Cycle changed TSI. BFN X 4
All treatment suspended till Endo sorted! May 2012.
21st July:Surgery with Hugh O'Connor for Fibroid & Endo Removal.

Fingers crossed for 2012.
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Re: WATCH THIS SPACE - Motivation weight loss Clinic

Postby Slim2win » Fri May 04, 2022 3:44 pm

I think I'd rather give myself a few wks to get used to program etc before I go out, just to be on the safe side!
New Wolly
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Re: WATCH THIS SPACE - Motivation weight loss Clinic

Postby Mrs2babridesoon » Fri May 04, 2022 4:40 pm

Jesus I am exactly the same, my post sent before I meant it too really, I would love a good run at it, but I have a few big family celebrations coming up! My cousin who has lost a lot of weight by walking and going to a dietitian she has also kept it off for year, ssays to lose weight you must be selfish! Saying no to invites, now she lives a normal life now all the weight is gone but while she is dieting she puts herself first.

TTC Since Nov 2009. Me 36. PCOS & Large Fibroid 8cm & Endometriosis.
Clomid 50mg X 6 Cycles, Clomid 100mg/Scans/Trigger Shots X 2 Cycle. BFN X 8.
HSG January 2011 (one tube blocked)
Lap & Dye Dec 2011.Both tubes open/ovarian drilling/slight Endo removed/Lge Fibroid
Feb-May ’12:IUI 4 Attempts all cancelled (poor response) Cycle changed TSI. BFN X 4
All treatment suspended till Endo sorted! May 2012.
21st July:Surgery with Hugh O'Connor for Fibroid & Endo Removal.

Fingers crossed for 2012.
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Re: WATCH THIS SPACE - Motivation weight loss Clinic

Postby Slim2win » Fri May 04, 2022 11:01 pm

My consultant last night said you need to put yourself 1st in all aspects of this. I have nothing on after this weekend for a few wks and even then I can avoid eating unless I've cooked it etc.
New Wolly
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Postby DelightedB2B2012 » Sun May 06, 2022 2:55 am

OMG!! 10 stone?! That;s amazing! I;m trying to lose 2 stone in the next 5 weeks, a bit too ambitious I think but I really need to try. Is Motivation good for short term weight loss??

mrspants wrote:Best of luck with it!! A woman i work with lost 10 stone with them and has kept if off last 6 months.
New Wolly
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Re: WATCH THIS SPACE - Motivation weight loss Clinic

Postby DelightedB2B2012 » Sun May 06, 2022 2:58 am

Wow, it seems rough saying no to invites. I appreciate the discipline but would be more of a 'lifes too short' person, which is probably why I have 2 stone to lose in the next 5 weeks...eek!! Fair play to your cousin though. I must be stricter with my diet and exercise.

Mrs2babridesoon wrote:Jesus I am exactly the same, my post sent before I meant it too really, I would love a good run at it, but I have a few big family celebrations coming up! My cousin who has lost a lot of weight by walking and going to a dietitian she has also kept it off for year, ssays to lose weight you must be selfish! Saying no to invites, now she lives a normal life now all the weight is gone but while she is dieting she puts herself first.
New Wolly
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Re: WATCH THIS SPACE - Motivation weight loss Clinic

Postby DelightedB2B2012 » Sun May 06, 2022 3:02 am

I'm the same. I'm such a comfort eater its ridiculous!! Bad day at work is followed by take out and bottle of wine, bad day in morning, full fat coffee, cookie, followed by large carb overdrive lunch...Would love to be able to control this without having to see a specialist. Any advice?

Slim2win wrote:Yeah I'm the same, once I sit down for the evening I just want to eat, that'll be my big habit to change.

Next Friday is big night out for work, drinks & a thai restaurant but I've already made up an excuse about not going. If I was doing WW I'd just starve all day & lose the run of myself that night.
New Wolly
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Re: WATCH THIS SPACE - Motivation weight loss Clinic

Postby Slim2win » Tue May 08, 2022 8:43 am

Oh today is the day eek! So nervous about 1st consultation but at the same time am really happy to be making this decision & moving forward. I am not spending the rest of my 30's worrying about my weight & thinking about food all day long.
New Wolly
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Re: WATCH THIS SPACE - Motivation weight loss Clinic

Postby Mrs2babridesoon » Wed May 16, 2022 2:48 pm

Sorry didn't get notification that there was activity on this thread, I am going to my second weigh in this evening so nervous really want to do well, I followed it to the letter, I'll let ye know how I get on!

Slim2win how you get on, on your first week?

DelightedB2B2012, not sure losing two stone in 5 weeks is healthy or doable, sorry.

TTC Since Nov 2009. Me 36. PCOS & Large Fibroid 8cm & Endometriosis.
Clomid 50mg X 6 Cycles, Clomid 100mg/Scans/Trigger Shots X 2 Cycle. BFN X 8.
HSG January 2011 (one tube blocked)
Lap & Dye Dec 2011.Both tubes open/ovarian drilling/slight Endo removed/Lge Fibroid
Feb-May ’12:IUI 4 Attempts all cancelled (poor response) Cycle changed TSI. BFN X 4
All treatment suspended till Endo sorted! May 2012.
21st July:Surgery with Hugh O'Connor for Fibroid & Endo Removal.

Fingers crossed for 2012.
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