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- Hi Barry, reading through the questions I had to defend photographers, we are professional photographers, and have encountered one or two extremely nasty brides in our time, we have been hampered from doing our job by lack of cooperation, it makes me wonder why people book photographers. One woman sent us away before cutting the cake, saying she would let us know before they did it, as she wanted to have a few drinks, we obliged, but they never called us back, even though instead of leaving we spent our time taking family portrait shots in the lobby. We had to take the shot minus one tier, she has since tried to tell everyone it was our fault, she never asked us to take family shots, she neglects to add that she said she would call us in when she was ready. The majority of clients as you know are lovely, but I would stress to brides to ask themselves- DO YOU ACTUALLY WANT A PHOTOGRAPHER AT YOUR WEDDING? If yes, then please help him/her do their job, discuss how long you are willing to do the photography, what your limitations are, do not treat the photographer like a hindrance, they are trying their best to stay out of your way, but we need to be a little bossy to make sure you are hapy with the finished result, after all you are paying us to do a job, please let us do it. We are all on the same team. Thanks Barry. [Fri, 3rd March, 2006]
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