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�And guest?

Should you allow your single guests to invite a plus one? The debate continues...

It can be the cause of rifts in weddings throughout the country - the infamous ‘plus one’. There are two sides of the story here and those who have picked their side have very much set up shop and aren’t budging. Here’s what the girls of the Forums had to say about adding ‘and guest’ to an invite.

  • We're not having 'plus guest' on our invites, the wedding is working out expensive enough already without having to worry about people we don't know turning up. None of our single friends are bothered by this, they are actually more bothered about being put together on a 'singles' table and would rather we spread them out!
  • Realistically most of your single friends, bachelor uncles or widowed aunts are going to reply that it is just them, but in the instance that they would have been more comfortable bringing a new friend/partner/daughter whatever, at least give them that option.
  • I'm being selective! If my guests know loads of people there and they don't have a girl/ boyfriend then they're not getting a ‘plus one’. If they have a boy/ girlfriend they will be invited. If they don't and they don't really know anybody at the wedding I'm giving them a ‘plus one’. This is only the case for one friend so far.
  • A friend of mine got married at Christmas and gave plus ones to our friends who didn’t have partners. One said she'd bring someone from work, in the end she didn’t go but it was too late to change the numbers so my friend ended up paying for two people who didn’t turn up!
  • Personally I think it's really insulting not to give someone the option of taking along a guest.
  • Definitely the right thing to do is invite "x and Guest"...
  • I was invited to a wedding where I knew absolutely no one and I was so upset. I ended up not going which upset me more as I really liked this girl. What annoyed me more was that I’d told her how upsetting it was to be single at a wedding when all around are in couples... she agreed and said how upset she was at going to weddings on her own when she was single!
  • I guess it depends on the type of wedding you are having. If you are having a big wedding and are able to invite as many people as you want then plus ones across the board may be fine. But I'm having a small wedding (80ish) and that means not inviting some people that we may have liked to, so plus ones for people who aren't in a relationship are out!

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